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Today in the hobby I....


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TITH I realized that I haven't played a game since 2005.... and I think I can longer cal myself a player but instead a collector...


I've only every played three games of 40k: each with a completely different army and codex. Your record is probably better than mine in that regard :tongue.:


I can honestly only think of two games, one with stock Space Marines and one with BA. With the exception of a brief interest in Black Templars, I've stuck with BA ever since. If I get a game in within the next few months, I'll have played 3 games in about 20 years.




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TITH I'm thinking about how to paint Deathwatch dudes.


I don't much care for overly ornamented marines, and the DW models hardly look black with all that bling, so I'm thinking about trying some things out. First off, I like the way DW look when they're as black as possible, with just silver metal bits here and there. I don't like gold with it very much. Maybe sparingly here and there. 


I read a bunch of fluff about the Deathwatch from the RPG book. It's clear they keep their armor from their chapter and repaint it black, and their left arm is electroplated silver and brought to a high shine. I was thinking about using some paint chipping effects on my Deathwatch: Overkill marines to show where some of the black has been chipped, scratched or peeled away. I was even toying with the idea they'd sort of blast just everything black, including painting over most of the ornamentation. So, for example, the blood angel would still have ornate armor, but most of his decorative work would be covered over. I think it would make an impact, sort of like the practice of covering art with a black cloth to increase awareness for AIDS. I think it would be a challenge to hint at the colors beneath without spoiling the effect or looking chaotic. Said Blood Angel might have some chipped edges of red on his armor, and a bit of gold shining through where he took some small arms fire, maybe. 


I think, to achieve the effect, I could paint base colors on all of them in their original scheme (I could be pretty sloppy here) and then hit it with some chipping fluid and spray black over it. Maybe a zenithal highlight. Then I could do some highlighting and go at the chipping fluid to expose bits of the colors underneath. I'm not sure how well this will work, but I really like the idea of it. I'm thinking about trying some crackle or crazing medium on some areas as well. Not sure if I'll go that far. 

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JT:  I've never seen chipping fluid used on something as small as infantry.  Dunno how it will work out.  But I can say from experience that it would probably be an easier method than actually trying to hand paint battle damage (especially the effect you're talking about) by hand.  Small, fine detail battle damage on black tends to just look messy.  I do agree that the abundance of color on the DW models is somewhat overgenerous all the same.  

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TITH between school, work, and my assignments I put some more effort into my sisters killteams.  My Immolator conversion is finished bar some clear coat and final touch ups.  First squad is almost done just need to finish icons and their belt items.  That said I'm just a half-hour shy of being up for 24 so I'll wrap these up in the afternoon.

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TITHI put magnets in the bases of the unit I am working on. Tired of my spiky chaos dudes being completely incapable of fitting in anything ever, I figured if I could transport them in the same way I play them, I would be much better off. Drying now, but so far tests seem good. Now I just need a steel baking sheet to move them around on, (and eventually a box and spacers for that with multiple layers and such.).

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Today in the hobby I started and completed the Blood Ravens campaign in Dawn of War II: Retribution.

I've also contemplated a crusade against males after browsing eldar fanart on deviantART.

Ah, yes that can be dangerous to your mental health state...

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Today I built and rebuilt a few more character figures in my 23rd. I'm now starting to get a feeling for each character, which will make writing them into an upcoming campaign that much easier since it'll be story based with some ZM shenanigans thrown in.

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TITHI - Had a go at my Calth miniatures and assembled the Contemptor with Kheres.


Minimal conversion to do drill the exhaust stacks and barrels, just need to find my small drills for my pin vice.


Also the hips are just big enough to place the smallest cog from the Iron Hands Etched Brass, so the Ancient will be of Clan Vurgaan!

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TITHI got all the base colors done on the arms and weapons for my pack of Blood Claws, and realized that I've got WAY too much stuff to get done, and really need to quit buying kits after the Deathwatch game gets picked up.


Yeah right.


But I do need to keep on track, the Wolves are looking nice and I want to get the force I've planned out done. But I may have to intersperse some Angels Encarmine (never finished those Death Company), Xenos we don't talk about here, Extinction Angels, and of course, some more Stoneburners. Really wish I could make at least most of my salary from work just painting.

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