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Today I played a tournament battle against a Tau army of NINE Riptides and a Culexus. Not a very pleasant battle although I managed to survive until turn 7.

Holy :cuss man, did That Guy buy all those riptides or did he borrow them as a one off to see how it would go?


Are you sure you don't mean crisis suits? Nine riptides...how would you even transport that :cuss?


*sigh* I digress...


Tithi put the bronze base coat on 12 chaos terminators, 10 havocks...and one (and only...thank goodness) heldrake.


That dragon was a PAIN trying to get all the raised areas, so by the end of things i was listening to my Sam Kineson radio on Pandora and said "F this noise," and broke out the concealer brush and Got :cuss Done.


I'm going to have to go back and paint in black again...but the bronze is done.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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TITH, I've got a lot of things out... and I'm about to have a massive spray session - lovely weather!


Few bits to tidy up, but a very good session:




Got a bit cold to do the last bits, but well worth it. Had to use tape to keep them in place, too windy otherwise!

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TITHI Let my 4 yo nephew come along to a game at my local store where he preceded to be cuter than nermal (Garfields nauseatingly cute side kick) while simultaneously rolling so many good dice rolls (good for me that is) it had my opponent seething, That I just had to reward him with his choice of box much to my chagrin (and my wallets horror) he went straight for the knight titans after ten minutes I talked him down to a box of assault marines and a promise to help him assemble and paint them


Can just picture my sisters reaction (evil maniacal laughter ensues):wink: mwahahahahahahaha

And on a side note i started doing the next level of metallics on roboutte and finished an invinctius suzerain banner bearer conversions base coating

Edited by treadhead
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TITH I picked up a random rubber mold I found to test it out.  It does 3 different sizes of Fleur de lys.  Two small with one being "thinner" than the other and a large one.  That said the thicker small size can be produced 8 at a time with the others being single press.  I'm going to let the green stuff harden and decide whether or not I like the results.


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Today I played a tournament battle against a Tau army of NINE Riptides and a Culexus. Not a very pleasant battle although I managed to survive until turn 7.

Holy :censored: man, did That Guy buy all those riptides or did he borrow them as a one off to see how it would go?


Are you sure you don't mean crisis suits? Nine riptides...how would you even transport that :censored:?


*sigh* I digress...


He had borrowed four of them to give it a try. He came in 3rd in the tournament with that list. Funny thing is he killed most of my army with just Smart Missiles, glancing all my Rhinos, Razorbacks, Whirlwinds and Land Speeders to death.


I was playing a White Scars Battle Company with the Suppression Force auxiliary, three Whirlwinds and two Land Speeders as I knew there were several eldar players with plenty of Warp Spiders in the tournament. 

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Today I completed my collection of every model of servo-skull GW has produced. Not quite sure what to do with all of them...

Are you familiar with the concept of a rat king?
There are signs the end of a planet is near. Foremost among these is the oft-rumored servo-skull king that is said to be found in the depths of a planet mere hours before a full chaos incursion...
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I continued work upon my Emperor's Children. . . only thirty more to build, sculpt and base.


It's weird having an almost functional army that I'll be able to transport in one case instead of the multitude I'm used to since I enjoy horde like armies.

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