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Faith restored at least until uncle gravcannon visits you

Indeed, no storm shields, sadly. Lots of guns, though!


Small minds have Less clutter :smile.:. TITH put the finishing touches on my Deathwatch boys . The only thing about the kit I did not like was the lack of grenades. But since I always buy xtras from my bitz dealer I took care of that problem.

Clutter is a big disadvantage when it comes to smiting the enemies of the Imperium.


Do you add melta-bombs? That's the biggest pain for me.

I forgot those but I have plenty. I ordered some grenade sprues from Anvil Industries and they have a melta-bomb look alike . It is smaller plus trim off the handle and they fit nicely . Plus some of the other grenades make nice new grenade types . flash bang ,concussion, smoke and such,



Blazing my way through the terminators, plus doing some auspexes for DW sergeants, and upgrading three more to carrying stalker bolt guns.


My poor Damocles is going to be waiting even longer (but I'll hopefully be back onto it by Tuesday, when I might be taking the DW for their first carnage).

Today I did this; the best thing I've ever done:

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Fully magnetised and featuring fibre optics, the ETL does bring out the best in people :wink:

edit: dark enough for a decent light shot:


Edited by WarriorFish

Today in the hobby I finally caught up with the rest of the world and read I am Slaughter. I thought it was good, if a little short- it would have functioned much better as a longer book. The Fists thing was handled quite well in my opinion, although I thought the wall names were a little silly, and I enjoyed reading of the political machinations of the High Lords, which, again, would have benefited greatly from additional content in the book. Aside from that, though, it was a enjoyable read. Not sure yet if I'm going to read the rest of the series, but I might.

TITHI Received death masque and codex deathwatch in the post, Played an 1850 pts game against necrons (A first for me, none of my local opponents use them) with my Grey knights (win for the GK by turn 4) was a fun game against a really nicely painted army and a good opponent


High points of the game were my knight crusader vaporizing a monolith in one shot and draigo (Ok the seven tooled up paladins and my librarian helped out a little) killing the nightbringer in h-2-h without using force (I forgot to cast it in the psychic phase:blush.:


I am starting to feel a little evil (:devil: ) though, Using my techmarine to bolster the defenses of whatever terrain my knight crusader sits in, that 3+ cover save is just filthy


All for the loss of ten troops terminators (A few to rapid fire gauss shots, the rest fell to ctan random shooting shenanigans plus getting charged by the nightbringer that squad had a bad day:wink: )


Next week my sicaran takes the field against some tyranids another first for this edition, time to mow down some flyrants methinks


But tomorrow I shall be spraying things black en mass  :cool.:

TITHI wrestled with the legs of two Skitarii Dragoons to breathe some life into the poses. Glue is drying but I think it will work. A little hip twist, some very fiddly cutting of legs, and I should have a couple slightly varied poses so they don't look so samey. I bought the, secondhand and preassembled. Would have been 100 times easier if I just had the kits on the sprue.

TITHI realised I needed to man up and improve the quality of my Death Guard Rhinos; I made 3 in something of a hurry as 'quick and dirty' rides for my Death Guard for a game a few years back, and never really finished them. Doing work to get a rescued-from-eBay Rhino looking how I want it (pics in my WIP thread) woke me up to the fact that I can and therefore must do better.


So instead of doing up one Nurgle Rhino, now I'm doing 4 of the buggers :biggrin.:

Edited by Svartmetall

TITHI Sprayed all of the Deathwatch from the masque box black (The filthy alien scum xenos can wait), Assembled (just with blu tak until I finish their paint jobs) the vanguards, the watch captain and the venerable dread


Also dug out some of my older Deathwatch stuff meaning I now have thirty veterans plus Eight or so bikes fully painted (I'll definitely need to do some weapon swaps on the bikes) and a lot of playing around with army lists to do before I decide how many corvus blackstars and termies I'll be adding to the mix:biggrin.:


But I can now field the tripartite forces of the Inquisition.

Grey knights. Sisters of battle and Deathwatch oh my


Pity the Daemon, The Heretic and the Xenos they know not what comes for them:wink:

Edited by treadhead


Upgraded another squad leader with an auspex.

Worked on another storm shield for a character upgrade.

Continued working on heavy flamer terminators.


Found another assault cannon terminator (ho ho ho, now I have even more giant multi-barrelled machine guns).

TITHI....had a very sad day.


I have finally admitted defeat regarding my grey knights and have come to the realisation that I have more chance plaiting fog than seeing them again.  I have got in touch with my credit card provider who are being excellent and returning the money I paid for the painting, but I stand to lose circa £400 of models.  Police are still involved so I guess we shall have to wait and see. :-(

A Few Days Ago in the Hobby I got in two W&N brushes (0 and 1) and some colour shapers (firm 0s). The brushes are for painting, of course, and the colour shapers for Green Stuff work. I grew bored with my razor blade and old Citadel tool but I'm sure they'll still see use, especially in the beginning while I figure out these new tools. I just hope the W&Ns are what everyone makes them out to be :mellow.:.


I know I said a few months ago that I was back on the B&C but the 40k bug thankfully truly bit me Sunday. I always have Fantasy to fall back on but I feel my best when I'm working on 40k stuff - mentally, at least.

The last few weeks in all the hobbies I: Primed my 1/72 TIE Fighter, purchased more TIE Bombers to start my Imperial Grounds Support Wing flight, and have started firing up the braincells that allow me to coherently think of fluff things for my Chaos Warband.

As I've finally come to terms on what I'm actually going to be able to do or even play, I'm narrowing it down to Alpha Legion Possessed experimental cell, IW Plague Cult, Word Bearer survivors from Antecannis and etc vets, or something or other because I can't be bothered to care about Slaanesh NMs or Demonkin. 

Wish me luck so I don't forget and not liberally apply my (actual) war hammer in frustration to my models. 

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