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TITH I had a beautiful surprise waiting for me with my mail.


Part of a bitz drop another frater sent me. Wasn't expecting any of this except a single head, so was incredibly surprised and grateful to find all this.

I've had a productive week.  Got and built my first 3 Razorbacks, found used copies of both the SM codex and Angels of Death supplement (and convinced the seller to throw in a new box of the SM datacards), and yesterday a friend surprised me with the marine half of Death Masque, which I'm currently deciding what to convert the kill team into.  

TITHI: finally worked out how I want to do the Possessed Rhino that's always been the ride for my lead Plague Marine squad, which had been languishing for ages with a conversion job that satisfied me less and less as time went by. I am now hacking and slashing :)


I may, at the same time and as part of the same brainfart, have worked out how I want to Nurglify the Knight that's sat in its box on the shelf...

TITH I felt tears in my eyes after I bumped my paint shelf a Maglite 3 cell flashlight fell off the top shelf and landed on my RG Dark Fury squad. I guess my Istvaan V theme is more realistic now.



Hello people,


I have just joined B&C so a quick hello.


TITH I am preparing my list for my first game at my local  "40k veterans night" this evening.


YITH I finished off 2 plasma gun marines and finished stripping down 14 assault marines I got second hand a while back. Now to paint them and magnetise a jump pack for my chaplain.

Hello people,


I have just joined B&C so a quick hello.


TITH I am preparing my list for my first game at my local  "40k veterans night" this evening.


YITH I finished off 2 plasma gun marines and finished stripping down 14 assault marines I got second hand a while back. Now to paint them and magnetise a jump pack for my chaplain.

@Pr3Mu5 - Hail and Well Met Brother, welcome to the Bolter and Chainsword. As you will see we are a load of helpful and informative personages.


Perhaps you would like to further introduce yourself:




Check out the important stuff and then all's good!



TITH I realized I have enough Marine bodies (both built and unbuilt) in my 30k army to put together a full 40k Battle Company and more. I'm about a quarter through gathering all the material I have in mind for my Storm Battalion right now... this is going to be a huge project. :P

TITH - I have finished off my second squad of Raptors and my first HQ fist claw lord.  That leaves me 35 Raptors to assemble and paint, 1 HQ to finish(only arms, weapons and shoulder pads to do) and 5 HQs.  Now I can finish of my Angels Revenant tactical squad, HQ and Razorback.  That being said  I've just started some black shields whilst waiting some Death Watch reinforcements to arrive from Watch Fortress Nottingham and work continues slowly on my word bearers kill team and I've just come up with a suitable grey for my space wolves in 30k and 40k so quite like to give that a test or do I build Archamus from Praetorians of Dorn (he might be my new favourite HH character) but that means yellow and if I'm doing an HQ I'm going to need something to go with him maybe an INQ28 kill team got some stuff assembled that could use for it.  Damn just seen the new pot of Elysian Green that I brought for my Imperial Guard and that first (of three) Leman Russ has been undercoated and ready since forever. 

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