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TITH I'm still recovering from Nurgle's Rot (aka the flu), so I mostly spent time asleep, listening to podcasts or peeking at codexes. I learned that Custodes are chosen from Terran noble houses as infants (and that THOUSANDS are rejected....so we can add "baby murder" to the list of things the Emperor really should have sorted out long before launching these sorts of programs (along with blood typing)), that the Glandhounds are a thing (so female space marines only wear spikes and I recall hearing something about peeing acid. WTH do they need THAT for Bile?) and apparently Yvrainne and Guilliman are being shipped for some reason.


I'll be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that my symptoms are mostly my body rejecting food right now and not massive fevers I'd be sure that I'm living a fever dream.

YITH had a 1k game against niddies and a list i was testing that i didnt expect to do any good. Pulled a narrow win and near tabled him and game ended on the dice end of turn 5. Not a bad effort considering there were almost 100 models in his force and i did not gear for horde. Fun.


TITH i finished the final painting touches on my Celestines wings.

TITH I finished building my Custodes Contemptor:


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I also assembled Trajann Valoris, as well as a Shield-Captain and Vexillus Praetor from the Wardens kit.  For the Praetor, I added a Shield-Captain's cape from the Guard box to make him even more impressive to behold.


Once the glue dries I can clean up a few seams.  I'll  probably assemble the Warden and Guard squads before I paint anything.  I want to prime them with Stynylrez Red-Brown, but it's really cold here and I'm afraid our idiot mail-carrier will leave it in the mailbox to freeze instead of bringing it into the building.  Hopefully by the time the remaining 13 models are assembled, the weather will be warm enough.

TITH worked some pigments into some terrain tiles and then sprayed them with varnish.  The tiles had previously been painted a medium grey and given black, green, blue and brown washes.  They're made from cork tiles from the dollar store.




Edited by chamberlainskeksil

TITH I scored a Space Marine Skyhammer Tactical Squad (only really seem to see the Space Wolf one round now) so that's a drop pod for my HH VIth Legion force and a Tactical Squad for most likely a 40K Raptors army.


I also caved the other day and bought a Dreadnought Drop Pod as the price was good, it looked in good nick and is already cleaned up and assembled. Plus it means I'm not waiting for the FW rerelease for my first dread which is a staple part of my list.


But when FW do bring theirs out they are going to make a killing off me with Dreadnoughts, arms and pods...

TIHI... I acquired 9 Vertus Praetor- lances privately via fb. I actually only needed one or two, want to use them on the au- primarch,

but this guy is so kind to offer me all of them - for the postal fee! :whistling: 

I almost can´t believe it...

Good night, folks, hope some of you are also lucky every now and then in this money-hungry monster of a hobby. ^^

Edited by Kyknos of Athena

TITH I got my first 8th edition win.  I'm now 1 in 5 :lol:


Turns out the easiest way to win with Space Marines is to fight other Space Marines.  At least we're balanced within the bounds of our own Codex.

TITH -  Logged into BnC for the first time this year to see what everyone is up to.  


Found thread on how to "balance" 8thed 40k  -  Is like seeing my shadow.  Going back into my Underhive and may resurface in 6 weeks.  :yes:

Seriously though  I'm glad to see everyone is still doing good hobby wise and plugging away at their personal piles of plastic.


I've been busy reading through the Eisenhorn books.  Just got a copy of Andy Hoare's Rogue Trader trilogy.  Keeping it old school!

Happy belated 2018 everyone.

TITH I started assembling a venerable dreadnought I bought that came in the start collecting box of space marines. I also started to put some layers on a test model and realised I’m :cusse at painting so not gonna paint any of my decent models till I’m confident enough with the test models.

YITHI Picked up the custodes codex and sorted out my 2k list (25 models in total and no tanks or dreads) also custodified a land raider from my ordo xenos army just in case i feel the need for some transport.


TITHI Started work on a macro cannon emplacement that I picked up for £30 and an old metal warboss I had laying around, so far it's had the black under coat and the first metals and greys added as well as the first wash of nuln oil on the metal areas (looks at medium layer brush, looks back at the acres of area still to do :wallbash::censored:) buying seemed like a good idea at the time now I just have to paint it :facepalm:

TITH I painted some more on my assault squad. Then I headed back to the cabin and slid the whole way. Freezing rain had the path glazed ice. That's what I get for not listening to the weather.

Watch it Sis us older People do not handle falling well:tongue.: .

TiTH I clogged my airbrush again. I managed about 1 1/2 Battlewagon chassis, now I just need to spray the Deff rollers, wheels and tracks and I think I can move to the next colour. I'm currently painting rust and will apply chipping medium. I should test this on a small part of a space model, so once my airbrush is clean I think I'll do that.

TITHI I built two BaC Cataphractii as the start of a full ten-man unit, also assembled the Aiolos launcher for my Deredeo, and found and glued in the head for said Deredeo. Now I'm cracking open a box of the new Goliath gang to start the basis of an Inquisimunda pit-fighting/smuggling gang. The promised Necromunda beasties should be helpful in the future.

Today in the hobby I got a pair of treasures in the mail -- Fantasy Miniatures, the Golden Demon winner compilation books, 1989 and 1990 editions. Paid more than I care to admit for them, but absolutely excited to have them in my possession. Some very interesting RT Land Raider conversions in the 1990, nearly tempted to replicate more than a couple using a modern Proteus.

Today in the hobby, I ordered a box of Blightlord Termies. Kinda annoyed that there's not enough bits to equip them with a full set of a particular combi-weapon, though. Ah well, I think I have enough spare combi-bits from my BaC boxes that I can cobble some more together.

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