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TITH I tried a technique for making bricks on foam.  Basically I squished a rectangle out of a metal tube and then used that as a stamp to punch in each brick.


Primed (brushed on black gesso because sprays and foams rarely mix).



Heavy drybrush of grey and some brown and tan bricks



Brown wash



Green and black glazes concentrating on lower bricks and recesses.  And some gloss varnish on lowest bricks to make them look damp


Edited by chamberlainskeksil

Looks good


TITHI Continued painting the (feels like) vast acreage that is a macro cannon emplacement, I've done the tidying up on the upper floors, Started the gold on the Aquila's and the turret, Done the first coats on the reliquaries (or skulls if you prefer to keep it simple:wink: ) built into the walls and given the walls their first wash of nuln oil.


NITHI Plan on finishing up the detailing on it and taking a break until my Mortarion arrives

Edited by treadhead

TITH I decided to stick with my initial plan of using Wolf bits sparingly through my VIth Legion force as I prefer the idea of them prinarily in standard battle plate.


Then I went on to half assemble my second Grey Slayer pack, managing to mess up drilling a bunch of bolter barrels and the bolt pistol for the Slayer with power fist. Good news is I have spare bolters as a couple of guys per pack will be armed with Umbra Ferrox bolters.

TITH I finished painting this...



+++ All Praise the Omnissiah +++ Arcis Pattern Void Shield Generator ‧ Online +++ Containment Field ‧ Nominal +++ Plasma Reaction ‧ Stable +++


Sleep now. Yes, sleep good. Check Legion Rising for another update with some more images and random banter after sleep.

TITH I finished painting this...



+++ All Praise the Omnissiah +++ Arcis Pattern Void Shield Generator ‧ Online +++ Containment Field ‧ Nominal +++ Plasma Reaction ‧ Stable +++


Sleep now. Yes, sleep good. Check Legion Rising for another update with some more images and random banter after sleep.

Marvelous... Now I want to grab mine and finally finish it and give it some more details

Today in the hobby I took my brick technique and made a terrain piece for a friend's birthday.  Basically painted grey, glazed red, green and blue and then black washed and drybrushed off white.  Still need to paint some brown and flock and add tufts and things.  Then seal.  And the bottom few rows of bricks need gloss varnish to make them look wet.





Today In The Hobby, I got my Stynylrez red-brown primer in the mail (it's been too cold to leave it out in the mailbox all day before!)  Used it to prime a couple of Custodian Guards.

Cures quickly, has fantastic coverage and good tooth, and I only needed one thin coat of gold over it!  So much better for preserving detail and saving time, and even better than the Vallejo AV primer, even with a brush.

TITH I read Straken (good read) and found out I managed to get dry pneumonia. So I guess I got blessed by Nurgle?

Didn't want to just "like" the post about you getting sick.  Hopefully your Nurgle blessings don't intensify.


TITH I flocked my ruined brick structure.  I need to flock the light edges and add some tufts, but that'll be tomorrow.



Nurgle's Blessings are being handled by the Emperor's Mercy (antibiotics).

Emperor's Mercy???!! Whoa, for a second there I thought they were just gonna kill you! :) Glad the antibiotics are working.

TiTH I received another Scale 75 paint set. I have an unfinished Necrosphinx model that needs some gold paint so that should be fun. I've just got to put the finishing touches on a Deff Dread first. I just need to paint the base and glue the last pair of arms in place.

TITH I started testing out spray primer on a few intercessors. Hopefully I’ll get used to this new fangled way of painting. Also bought a primaris chaplain and apothecary and the 2016 imperial space marine.


Plus I also decided to ditch the white consuls in favour of my own chapter which I think I’m going to call the Sol Destroyers if that name isn’t taken.

TITH I played my first game of 40K.
I borrowed & played with a friend's SM army (1000 points) against him & his Tyranid army. It seemed a little one-sided (as he had twice the models than I had), but it was fun. I probably asked too many questions while playing. There were all sorts of "helpful" advice from other players at the shop. "Space Marines? You've lost already." "THAT'S what you chose to take?" "You should play (insert other army type here)."

Yea, it was fun.


Edited by Stark

Yesterday in the hobby, I bought a medium PP Drawer Unit from Muji to store my paints and proceeded to put them in it as soon as I got home. The height is perfect for GW washes and Vallejo's format as well.

As soon as I have the chance, I'll buy another one to store the rest of my hobby tools and stack it up with the one I already have.

TITH I played my first game of 40K.

I borrowed & played with a friend's SM army (1000 points) against him & his Tyranid army. It seemed a little one-sided (as he had twice the models than I had), but it was fun. I probably asked too many questions while playing. There were all sorts of "helpful" advice from other players at the shop. "Space Marines? You've lost already." "THAT'S what you chose to take?" "You should play (insert other army type here)."

Yea, it was fun.


Don't worry too much about the other people playing in the store, some people just hate SM because they are the poster boys of 40k.

TITH I finished painting the flesh and claws/teeth of three Tyranid Hormagaunts. This is the first model, which I finished the other day:



The next three just need to have their carapace, eyes, and tongues painted, plus any touch-up work required.

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