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TITH I dragged myself off my quiet mountain and drove an hour to town. Picked up more materials to finish insulating over the lofts in my little studio. Tomorrow I shall wield my mighty stapler against the combative fiberglass batts whilst balancing on a ladder with the zeal of a true son of Dorn. Fortunately there is nobody else here to take pictures. :)

YITHI Started working on mortarion and three blight haulers, worked out a 2k smurf list for a game and almost finished the macro cannon strongpoint's turret


TITHI Continued working on mortarion, blight haulers and i'm almost done with the strongpoint

YITH made some real progress on my New Years resolution to finish my command tanks. No pic but painted the mid-layer of armor gold and I quite like the contrast it produces with the bronze and the dull spray-gold of the rest of the tank.

TITH I went to Warhammer World and had a great day. Had a meal at Bugmans Bar too which was the nicest mixed grill I think I've ever eaten. Also my W40K Imperial Space Marine for the 25th anniversary turned up in the post today. Great day all round :biggrin.: 

I started my conversion of the Cypher model I just got.

I want to have give it a helmet because I prefer my marine to have helmets on.

I also remove the sword piece from the back of the cloak, now I just need to choose what sword I want in his right hand and it painting time.



TITHI Painted pustulant boils and festering buboes on my blight haulers, Base coated, drybrushed and double washed Mortarion's wings (dark and slightly lighter green washes over an eshin grey base, dawnstone drybrush to match my plague drones wings) next up is his boils, clouds of fly infested smoke and other fiddly bits

Today in the hobby, I got the email stating that the Blightlord Termies I purchased are back in stock and ready to be shipped!


I also started working on my Word Bearers again, starting with a 10-man Legion Support Squad (Volkites, of course *laughs*) wherein I discovered that I actually have around fifty Mk.III Marines...and only twenty Mk.III WB pauldrons.... Better take stock of all my Mk.IV now and make sure I have enough matching pauldrons for them. :sweat:

YITH I finished the five bolter marines who complete the last of my six tactical squads. With two devastator squads and two assault squads already in the bag, that makes a full company of marines.


And it only took 25 years :)

TITH I bought battle for macragge on eBay just for the downed ship. Also bought some more paints and washes and a few sculpting tools and last but not least I brought the Redemptor Primaris Dreadnaught. Edited by Fr33Dom

Today in the hobby, I discovered just how much I hate resin cables that need to go from the weapon to the backpack. Thought I had it heated up and bendy enough, but nope! Snapped in half! Here's to hoping the repair holds when I try again with that particular piece. *grumbles*

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