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TITH, I've been painting my Kharybdis for the ETL and have made some good progress: now for detailing, weathering, and washing! :smile.:

I've been wanting to scratchbuild a counts as, any chance you could list (or pm) me the dimensions of the thing?

2DAITH I completed my 1st ETL vow!


TITH I began to try and properly strip some models after soaking them in 1:2 SG:H2O dilute for five days. All the paint’s off but the primer is being surprisingly stubborn.

Well my weekend took a small downturn.


TITH I went to the local game store to pick up my knight only to find out all but one of the pre-orders never arrived. The owner of the store contacted GW and they said they're having issues getting their stuff into Canada so I'm assuming this is the US branch. All that arrived was that little metal ruler thing from the pre-orders.


So I ended getting Army painter strong tone ink and dark tone ink as well as a vehicle brush in prep for the knights arrival...whenever that is.

Edited by Kriegsmacht

Today in the hobby, I finally started work on something... Magical, after nearly a year of procrastinating and thinking about what I would do for it.




The next step is trying to work out how to make the 'topper' for a Force Scepter sort of thing, with Fenrisian Great Axe shaft as a base. Anyone got any ideas?

Well my weekend took a small downturn.


TITH I went to the local game store to pick up my knight only to find out all but one of the pre-orders never arrived...

Sorry to hear that, brother. Hope you have something to paint while you're waiting. BTW, like your signature line. Don't forget: the shelf life of Twinkies is determined by the life of the shelf.


And back on topic. TITH I finished 2 more Contemptors for my ETL vow. One more and I'm done with vow 2.


Edit stupid autocorrect

Edited by Semper Fortis

Started getting my plastic crack addiction in order by listing a load of stuff on ebay to cut down on it. Also tidied up my painting area and hoping that I get enough funds to buy an airbrush and start to learn that side of the hobby.

Good idea, Fr33Dom, I love the airbrush I picked up not too long ago. I won't lie that painting all the IF stuff I've got planned with it is going to be a pain in the backside and will take a while, but it's better than never being able to do it without using an airbrush!


TITHI painted up some more detail on the Deredeo, taking it slowly because I'm still trying to figure out where everything's going. I also did a fair bit of work on my Warsmith, to the point where I'd argue it's done. Also finished my daemon prince for the Infernal Carnival, pics to be uploaded tomorrow. Hopefully the colour scheme will go down better than I fear.

TITHI continued my adventures with simple green, and learned something.

Soak them long enough in simple green, and both Greenstuff (mixed) and Valhallan blizzard revert to their base states. The greenstuff becomes maellable and the Blizzard becomes soft. The blizzard isn't a surprise but the greenstuff is. Luckily it was something simple (an arm joint), and I didn't lose any major work, but I easily could have. Just a warning.

TITH/Last night I made reasonable progress on my ETL vow.


Armour is finished and highlighted (barring any mistakes that need touching up) most other colours are blocked out and washed ready for layering up. I may actually finish this one.


Also, a few days ago in the hobby, I tripped,... fell onto a tube train that carried me to south London and accidentally bought IK: Renegade and the Knight dex. Accidents do happen!

TITH I just about finished all the detail on my last dread for this 2nd ETL vow.


TITH actually did some painting. Did some Chapter Icons .

'Bout time you gold-bricking slacker. ;) Just kidding. Good to see you with brush in hand.

YITHI Sprayed my new knight castellan black, stripped the armour plates off the sprues and spayed the rest boltgun metal


TITHI I started work on the brass work on my knight castellan and worked out a four knight army list (castellan, pair of crusaders and a freeblade errant) for 1780 pts now to add some guard to it for backfield objective holding (ok and extra cp's) :whistling:

Using a QI annual, black spray paint, sticker paper and some stiff card I have created... Codex: Compendium.


Basically I store all my codices on a shelf, and the saddleback paperback versions look naff (and not very protected). I've since got some even thinner ones - Codex Army Lists, Battle for Armageddon Scenarios, etc - which are really flimsy, feels like they're printed on newspaper!


So I made essentially a flashy box to put them in, that looks like my other codices.


Basically I wanted to flout that old message you find in books that says this book shalt not be bound in any other form than that in which it came. I'm a rebel. Sue me*.


* please don't




- the QI annual is too narrow (both too thin as a book and too narrow in the page width)

- can you even spray paint books? We'll soon find out when it dries

- sticker paper is very, very fragile and the ink comes right off

- it rained


When I say it rained, I couldn't even feel it raining at first. It was spitting the slightest mist. But that's enough to ruin a whole cover of the book. I tried everything, in the end I ended up going back over it in black citadel paints!


Ever painted a book before, with a paintbrush?




I'll count this one as an experiment and a first draft. If it works, and comes out nicely, I will do some more, but with thicker books and less rain.


Cost is a poundshop annual, some sticker paper and some printer ink.


I'll post pictures only if it dries properly and isn't a complete and utter embarrassment.


* I do need to note that I do not intend to distribute this in any way and it is purely for my own personal use.


Edit: here you go.
















And how it looks with my collection:



Edited by DBadger

Today in the hobby I..... cursed silently to myself as I STILL can't decide whether to start a World Eaters army with awful Berserker models, or build an Angry Marines army and have all that fun painting yellow....


Why not both.... Make your own Angry Marine Berserkers in yellow using the awful berserker models :)

Second attempt and much happier with this one. Makes the 2nd edition rulebook bulkier and holds it and all its bits (Wargear, Codex Army Lists, etc)








Base for this is a page to day diary from WH Smiths that I bought for 10p as it was out of date, then did nothing with. I cut the pages out, stripped off the cover and was left with some stiff card. Stuck this back together using sticker paper, spray painted black and stuck stickers on. Lined with some stiff card to turn it into a box that the rulebooks slot into.


Sourced the cover and logos online. Tried to give it both a 2nd edition feel but also the feel of the later (but still early) rulebooks.

Edited by DBadger
My Aldi airbrush turned up today but I can’t get on with where the jar or cup go on it so I brought an expensive one on element games site that should be here Wednesday. I’m taking the Aldi one back Friday probably. Not done any painting or hobby related stuff due to the World Cup starting

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