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TITH I put a Lugganath Orange thumb print over the turret of my carefully painted Leman Russ.

It happens to the best of us. Even GW has had thumb prints sneak into the official model images in the past.




TITH I put a Lugganath Orange thumb print over the turret of my carefully painted Leman Russ.

It happens to the best of us. Even GW has had thumb prints sneak into the official model images in the past.

What? When?
I recall a thumb print on a model in a codex but that was a 4th or 5th ed codex.


The Penitent Engine in the Sisters box has some interesting texture on the hip joint in one image. Either 3D print lines or a fingerprint.




TITH I put a Lugganath Orange thumb print over the turret of my carefully painted Leman Russ.

It happens to the best of us. Even GW has had thumb prints sneak into the official model images in the past.
What? When?
I recall a thumb print on a model in a codex but that was a 4th or 5th ed codex.


The Penitent Engine in the Sisters box has some interesting texture on the hip joint in one image. Either 3D print lines or a fingerprint.


Some of the recent CSM shoulder pads have had thumb prints as well. 



As for the Russ, its clearly ruined now and you cant have a ruined tank in your army so Ill have to take it off your hands... ;)





TITH I put a Lugganath Orange thumb print over the turret of my carefully painted Leman Russ.

It happens to the best of us. Even GW has had thumb prints sneak into the official model images in the past.
What? When?
I recall a thumb print on a model in a codex but that was a 4th or 5th ed codex.


The Penitent Engine in the Sisters box has some interesting texture on the hip joint in one image. Either 3D print lines or a fingerprint.


Some of the recent CSM shoulder pads have had thumb prints as well. 



As for the Russ, its clearly ruined now and you cant have a ruined tank in your army so Ill have to take it off your hands... :wink:


Hang on a minute, tradition dictates a full viking burial for the model, it's the only rational thing to do! :p


TiTHi will be working on my Lizardman Blood Bowl team. I only have two models left until I'm onto basing and decals. I've been missing out posting so even though I know the next few months are going to be Blood Bowl heavy I need some 40k projects to balance things out. Then yesterday they show off the new Mephiston model. That will do nicely. Apart from that I might break up painting teams with a few Ork vehicles because who doesn't like smearing rust and grime over models? :D






TITH I put a Lugganath Orange thumb print over the turret of my carefully painted Leman Russ.

It happens to the best of us. Even GW has had thumb prints sneak into the official model images in the past.
What? When?
I recall a thumb print on a model in a codex but that was a 4th or 5th ed codex.


The Penitent Engine in the Sisters box has some interesting texture on the hip joint in one image. Either 3D print lines or a fingerprint.


Some of the recent CSM shoulder pads have had thumb prints as well. 



As for the Russ, its clearly ruined now and you cant have a ruined tank in your army so Ill have to take it off your hands... :wink:


Hang on a minute, tradition dictates a full viking burial for the model, it's the only rational thing to do! :tongue.:



So your gonna set fire to it whilst playing some Wardruna in the background?

Guest MistaGav

TITH got my painting mojo back after a few weeks of staring at my models hoping they would paint themselves! Made some good progress on some Intercessors, Incursors and Eliminators and should be able to get them done by the end of the month.

My Whirlwind's turret is finished. Next subassembly to do will be the Repulsor turret, then after that, it'll be on to the bodies of each tank.


I'm really liking the old tracked tanks, so I'm strongly considering picking up a Crusader next year and broadening out the non-Primaris elements of my crusade (everything in the album in my sig is Primaris at present). I'll need to get something to go in it though, which will likely mean truescale Terminators... a conversion prospect I'm simultaneously very excited, and utterly terrified of.

Today in the hobby I spilled about 4/5ths of a pot of Black Templar Contrast Paint. :cry:


I was about to make a start on a whole squad of marines, and instead wound up giving half my t-shirt and my computer desk a new look. :wallbash:

Today in the hobby I spilled about 4/5ths of a pot of Black Templar Contrast Paint. :cry:


I was about to make a start on a whole squad of marines, and instead wound up giving half my t-shirt and my computer desk a new look. :wallbash:

That feel. I spilled three pots of Nuln Oil, a Black Templar and a Blood Angel.

In my haste I accidentally bought Khorne Daemonkin twice! I said I'd never do that. Anyone want a copy?


Also bought Imperial Agents which is cool. And 8ed Blood Angels. Almost got the limited edition 7ed Blood Angels but it went for 50p above my bid, which is annoying, as it looked fantastic :dry.:

TITH I found where my Land Raider Phobos, as well as my Vindicator and a pair of Predators were (though, sadly, one is done up in too much DA iconography to remove to use on my next project). The Vindicator is currently sitting in a bath of Green Mean to TRY and strip off the paint on it.

TITHI got bases for my Stalker rifle squad glued, primed, and ready to paint, and got two heads for the Marines base colored and shaded, then glued on their bodies. I also continued writing the squad histories.

Today in the hobby I started painting a plague marine, then came down with a headache that feels like something is trying to claw it's way out of my head from the inside.


Soooo…. Nurgle approves? :unsure.:

I can't tell if this is a huge success or not. :wacko.: :laugh.:

I painted Garadon's cape but the end result doesn't really please me so I'll repaint that in the future.


Been studying stuff on the 'eavier Metal painting group on Facebook and I have mote of an idea on how to handle Abbadon's gold bits, so I'm going to try tackling that tonight after work.

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