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Well my pile of shame is getting slowly chipped at. Land Raider Crusader is mostly done (haven't decided if I want to attach upgrades to the tank just yet), and did some more kitbashing...Crusader Helms and Terminator Shoulder Pads to try and channel in the Black Templar feel a bit more.

Nice - I've done the same headswap on all my Gravis troops


I've seen people use Tactical Dreadnought heads, but I had some extra Grey Knight Terminator heads, and nothing says Templars like Crusader helms (well that and tabards, but I'm not holding my breath to get those anytime soon).

TiTHI finally got round to commissioning an artist to draw a heraldic crest for my Imperial Knight house. I'm looking forward to seeing what a fresh pair of eyes will do to improve my dodgy clipart mock up. I've been putting it off for ages now so it's nice to have got the ball rolling. Here's some pictures of my unfinished knights.


IMG 20200604 100653

IMG 20200604 100855


YITHI Finished assembling some more terrain (went old school turned a coffee tin into an oil silo) just needs some detailing work and a ladder, then it's off to my pile of unpainted terrain until i can resupply with paints


TITHI'm gonna finish of the construction on some plumbing gubbins to make a pipeline to feed the silo.


After that it's bacon sarnie time

Couldn't do any test painting thanks to it raining outside (going to use that Techmarine I found in a box in my storage rather recently since metal strips easily in a pinch), so I built a little more to go with the new army:


Apothecary with a helmet swap and a Templar shoulder pad to fit in better with the rest of the chapter.



And a Castellan, with back banner, tilt shield and an extra purity seal on his holster (all taken from Black Templar upgrade sprues). I was going to use a MkVII backpack from the set as well, but I'm actually out of them for some reason. I'm heavily considering getting more of the set for the bits to do a full army with. Primaris have small model counts so it stretches a bit further than you'd think it would. Plus more back banners seems like a fun addition to the army.


Yesterday ITH I used testors dullcote for the first time ever on a mini. I then dropped said mini on the floor in my garden where it fell off it’s base and lost an arm. I tried to stick it back on the base but it wasn’t having it so I got fed up and binned it. 

Weather finally let me prime so I got Colonel Dillon (the Catachan Colonel) primed up to paint, and did a test job with an old metal 2nd ed Tech Marine.


So while I like the Black Templar contrast a couple things I learned: 

1. I need to thin it with medium so I can control the color more so I don't end up with a flat black on the second coat

2. I think using Grey Seer with a Wraithbone zenithal will give me better results in terms of natural highlights

3. The color goes on a bit splotchy on the first coat, so multiple coats is a must on this one


In other news I think I'm going to finally get my blog rolling again, thanks to some inspiration to do a post about melee in 40k because I saw someone call it "unrealistic". I won't go into that one here, since it's good fodder, but between that and me getting my hobby going again I'm looking forward to getting back into the swing of things since work has slowed down to a more reasonable level.

All this talk of piles of shame - chipping away at mine too (and adding to it faster than this.....). My main concern is where to store any completed models. My pile of shame is hidden (well piles, some in garage, some in the loft, in cupboards, under the bed etc) but for anything I actually finish I will need to buy some new cases for and store those too.


Today in the hobby I played around with a different way of painting ork skin i'd seen posted on the board so 2 more AoBR orks done. Maybe 20 more ork models from this set to go plus the marines stuff from this set :S


I also based the poxwalkers I'd painted a few weeks ago and have been working on a deffkopta over the last week or so and slowly my son and I are building a repulsor each - pretty productive for me.


on going 'live' projects:

I've dug out space hulk (2009 version) from the loft with the aim to actually do something with this - 1 genestealer painted last month as a test before i got distracted with orks but i have primed half of them ready to go


10+ AoBR orks primed plus two multipart nobs. 


building / magnetizing the repulsor 

Yesterday ITH I used testors dullcote for the first time ever on a mini. I then dropped said mini on the floor in my garden where it fell off it’s base and lost an arm. I tried to stick it back on the base but it wasn’t having it so I got fed up and binned it.


It’s a scientifically proven fact that dullcote is an unlucky material, and that miniatures finished with it always roll ones in battle. Except when they need a one; then they roll sixes.

TitH my four year old jumped in. I didn't even have to coax her. She enthusiastically went through all the brightest colours I had available, and we even managed to share my wet pallet until she 'improved' my wraithbone glaze with a ton of evil sunz scarlet. When I put her to bed a while ago she recounted how "amazing" it looked.


Pretty cool times...




I think I'm gonna nick her approach and do a squad of noise marines like this...



TITH I started assembling my first squad of Infiltrators and Phobos Librarian.  Not sure how far I want to go in the assembly/how many bits I want to paint separate, so I'm going fairly slow.


As a returning player, there's some things I like and some things I don't like about the new kits.  On the Librarian, they did an excellent job of hiding mold lines, join lines (the split between front and back halves of the robe is obscured by flowing parchment), sprue attachments (one on the shoulderpad that might be visible would be hidden by the backpack) and it's a good, dynamic pose.  On the infiltrators, I'm not sure I really like how monopose the bodies are.  They've taken away the ability to pose the torso and legs separately from each other, leaving you with mostly just the arms and head to pose - assuming you don't want to cut the models at the waist.

TitH my four year old jumped in. I didn't even have to coax her. She enthusiastically went through all the brightest colours I had available, and we even managed to share my wet pallet until she 'improved' my wraithbone glaze with a ton of evil sunz scarlet. When I put her to bed a while ago she recounted how "amazing" it looked.


Pretty cool times...




I think I'm gonna nick her approach and do a squad of noise marines like this...



Jesus I’m barely better than that...

Today in the Hobby, I picked up the Corvus Blackstar model a friend paid me to paint/assemble some of his models for. I'm going to turn it into a Stormraven for my Dark Angels.


Now the hard part for me is figuring out where to put the Stormraven turret weapons on the Blackstar....


Edit: Got a picture of it so far (11:30 PM). Good LORD does removing the Deathwatch iconography suck :lol:




Edited by Gederas

It looks you're filling in the negative space though? I think that's the easiest way to do it, good luck!


I'm getting closer to finishing my Apothecary for the challenge over in the Ravenspire:



It looks you're filling in the negative space though? I think that's the easiest way to do it, good luck!

The negative space is the easy part.


The doors have raised iconography AND negative space. It took me over 30 minutes on one door.... I'm thinking I'm just going to make moulds of the doors so I can cast them and not have to do that again if/when I get any more :lol:

TITH, I played around with my brand-new resin printer, and... good lord, the CSM prints I found are utterly massive. Absolute units. That guy on the left is a Master of Executions, the lad in the middle is a regular Shadowspear CSM with a headswap and the lad on the right is definitely-not-Fulgrim who is also definitely a Daemon Prince.


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