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Today in the hobby I....


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Crazy busy for most of July and August, so today was the first time in a while that I could sit down and hobby for a few hours.  Worked on assembling a Devastator squad out of some intercessors and HH heavy weapons.

For those curious on the process, for the underslung weapons I'm finding it easiest to use the intercessor arms instead of the arms that come with the weapons.  The HH arms are smaller, I knew that going in.  Cutting the bolt rifle off the intercessor arms is the easiest way to approach making everything fit; some has to also be trimmed off the underside of the wrist of the right hand in order to get the wrist to meet up with the hand on the (in this case) volkite.  For the over-the-shoulder heavy weapons (lascannons) I think I will have to use the HH arms with spacers in them - probably cut up near the shoulder and lengthened there.  I haven't developed a full solution to that yet.

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Got that squad mostly assembled, though there's still a little more to do; hang the sergeant's helmet from his belt, pouches and pistol holsters, tack some purity seals here and there.  I may see about a different left arm for the sergeant for my second devastator squad.  Besides just not wanting to repeat exact poses as much as I can, this arm from the Assault Intercessor kit is quite awkward, and was a pain to position.  Works quite poorly with the pauldrons, had to gap fill and use superglue underneath this one.


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Got that squad mostly assembled, though there's still a little more to do; hang the sergeant's helmet from his belt, pouches and pistol holsters, tack some purity seals here and there.  I may see about a different left arm for the sergeant for my second devastator squad.  Besides just not wanting to repeat exact poses as much as I can, this arm from the Assault Intercessor kit is quite awkward, and was a pain to position.  Works quite poorly with the pauldrons, had to gap fill and use superglue underneath this one.


These look awesome! How will you be using them? Volkites aren’t a thing in 40K, so will these be a 30k proxy?

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Yesterday in the hobby I built the terminator captain from Combat patrol. Vanilla build for this as I have multiples between Leviathan and another copy of combat patrol . probably going to use him as a(nother) test model for paint Deathwing ahead of tackling the DW assault box at some point

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..and I followed up yesterday by building the Tyranid prime. I'm on a roll! 


I actually really enjoyed building these despite being basic/push fit. A lack of mould lines helps. Just satisfying how well they went together.

I might be inspired to actually build some other stuff (maybe not the Skitarii I have lurking - nightmare fuel right there given the lack of dexterity I currently have in my hands!)


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..and I followed up yesterday by building the Tyranid prime. I'm on a roll! 


I actually really enjoyed building these despite being basic/push fit. A lack of mould lines helps. Just satisfying how well they went together.

I might be inspired to actually build some other stuff (maybe not the Skitarii I have lurking - nightmare fuel right there given the lack of dexterity I currently have in my hands!)


I get what you mean about Skitarii. I love Admech and it's my primary army but I dread opening the Start Collecting box I bought a while back to refit my Skitarii Squads to bring them up to modern equipment limits. They are so fiddly to assemble and paint, and I'm scared of breaking them in transport or during gameplay. They are my shelf stars for sure, but I love the finished models so much.

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carried on my streak - day before yesterday I built a Necron royal warden I've had sitting a drawer for ages and last night I built 2/6 leapers


I am trying to make myself do a bit each day at the moment. I'm hoping I'll get a stockpile built up and have time to prime a load of stuff to tide me over winter before the weather properly changes and I cant so easily spray base everything. 

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TITH I assembled a Land Raider Proteus Explorator. My first ever Proteus and my first HH model. A wonderful kit that was a pleasure to work with. Brilliant. 






That's one model down, 1,499 to go. 


Looks good.  I've got an old land raider that I need to strip and repaint for my Moonstalkers.  I'm tempted to try modding it to look more like the 2b/Proteus using some 3rd party bits.

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Continuing your theme @The Praetorian of Inwit, today I assembled and primed my Kratos. When you look at the sprues for the tank it looks like it’s going to be hideous to assemble, but it’s actually pretty fast and surprisingly intuitive.




Definitely my new favourite tank and the best-looking one I’ve owned. Only thing I wasn’t that keen on was the bulldozer thingy so I left that off. Went for a balanced loadout with 3 autocannons and 2 lascannons plus the battle cannon (just looks the coolest out of the turret weapons in my view). I went for the havoc launcher on top because I like that it doesn’t need a gunner - always seems odd to me to have a heavily armoured tank with a gun that needs someone to hang out the top to fire …


Will be making sure it gets plenty of use both in HH and in 40K with the Legends datasheet. 

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I'm keeping at my attempts to do a little hobby each day - some nights more that others 
Since my last update I have built:

3rd leaper from the magazine

---breif pause as a I raided the loft for more sprues from Leviathan

Terminator Librarian

10 Neurogaunts

2 Barbgaunts


A few mould (mold?) small lines on the later and the odd annoying location for where the sprue was attached and needed clean up but otherwise these have been really pleasant to build 


I'm hoping I might be able to do the remaining 3 barb gaunts at lunch today so I can prime everything I've done so far after work. That should just leave the bigger gribblies left on sprue for the nids and give me a solid amount to paint for the next few months to make sure I am happy and practiced with the scheme ahead of the 'centre piece' models. I may also try and build a few of the marines from the set too but I do already have a variety of primaris and HH marines ready to go 


What I really need to do is sort out storage for all of these. I have the stuff to make a magnetic storage box but need to actually do it.


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So after getting an early leave from work (database maintenance), I was motivated to finish a model to complete my call to arms vow. Grabbed Titus from the Space Marine boardgame and went from sprue to battle ready in a few hours.



Already did the guants as part of the vow. So now I can chuck the box. Now have to figure out what to do with the second Titus my housemate grabbed for my last week. Also primed my tyrannofex and parasite for next project.

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3 remaing barbgaunts built

I didnt get a chance to prime anything so, having mentioned it, I spent some of the evening testing out different depth magnets to hold the models in the case I will make.
2mm deep work fine for the 25/28mm bases - I cante remember the diameter but one magents seems plenty to hold smaller models well

3mm are better for the 40mm and bigger  to get a good hold. one can hold but two is definately better for the chunkier (terminator captain) or taller 


Now I just need to liberate a/get another  4l really useful box and clear a suitable space to actually store this in for easy access.



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Not the greatest photo, but dug out a Deredeo I had for my Death Guard and built it.

Tried to pose it like it's monitoring the skies, given the Dread has an anti-air role.




Also magnetised for transport. Arms, belts and hoppers are one piece. Torso, legs attached to base, and boreas are all able to separate.

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Today (or yesterday really) I did yet another print. This time a Dreadnought for my Death Crusaders Space Marines! Technically the STL for the body was meant to be a Chaos Dreadnought but I think it works as a particularly brutal looking Loyalist. Here it is in a profoundly poorly shot picture next to the other two printed (Loyalist) Dreadnoughts; a Chaplain Dread and the primed Venerable Dread (the first one I printed, slightly overexposed as I was getting the hang of printing).


I realize a multi-melta and missile launcher is a rather odd loadout but I don't care, it looks cool. May add a few relics and other Imperial doohickeys to him but I don't want to go overboard as frankly the somewhat spartan sculpt is very appealing.

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Still no priming and the weather is due to get rainy later so consoling myself building other stuff. 
Over the last couple of days I've built 5 Infernus marines due to eventually be Dark Angels. Not as impressed with this kit for the mould lines. Not hideous but definitely a bit more work to tidy up than the nids have been.

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… turned an Infernus marine from Combat Patrol into a Space Wolf/successor. “Can’t be that hard,” I said… rather more knife work than it should have been later:





Nice work. I feel your pain on the knife work, I remove the Aquila from most of my Primaris. My method is slicing from the skull down.

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