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Today in the hobby I....


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Today i primed a bunch of metal Ultra Marines shoulder pads I had in my parts bin.   They look a little smaller than the plastic ones but I like the raised squad symbol, Ultra Marine symbol and the sargeant shoulder pad  I willl use them for the next batch of sargeants I have to do for my 4 Ultra Marine companies.    :yes::smile.::biggrin.:

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Today in the hobby, I went out and bought a can of Halfords white plastic primer (300ml for about £7) which is very good! I'll be sure to get the red, grey and black primers eventually. Also, I'm in the middle of trying out AD-B's recipe for a deep red and yellow for my eventual Flesh Tearers/Lamenters force. It's looking very good so far (thanks AD-B! :thumbsup: ) Just waiting for the base coats to dry :smile.:


I'm just waiting for the metal Captain Tycho (pre Death Company) model I got on ebay so I can get him and Seth painted up! :wub.:

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Actually posting on the day for a change!


Today First Maniple, Second Cohort, of the Third Cheme Legion greeted its assembled Command Squad. Also from First Maniple, First Decima received its finished commanding Corporal and Decima Medic.


It is both incredibly difficult but also very cathartic being able to assemble squads without worrying about the legality of their equipment!

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Last night in the hobby I had my first experience using magnets. Nothing went wrong and now I have the ability of switching back and forth between back packs and jump packs on my Sanguinary Priests.

Such a simple thing, but doesn't it give you an uplifting sense of freedom (and achievement in my case), in that you're no longer bound by one load out choice? Or is that just me? :sweat:

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Today in the Hobby...I sent my eldar army to be painted on commission! :D

In other news, I got more vanguard and landspeeder storms for my RG, which i will be painting and assembling myself.

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Today in the hobby, I gave blood for the Blood God when I cut my thumb. :dry.:


Finished prepping a Talos Pain Engine (ptoui, xenos!) and building its scenic base; finished building the scenic base for a Sentinel; cut the majority of a Land Raider Crusader/Redeemer off the sprue for prepping later.  Will probably try and magnetize the sponsons tonight and drill the muzzles of the hurricane bolters and assault cannon and multimelta tonight...ugh.


Oh yeah, and also cleaned up gap-filling and completed assembly on the statue from the Honored Imperium set (the aquila was primed the other day and is waiting on paint).


The other day I painted the interior of the aforementioned Sentinel (and it looks quite nice, methinks).  I'll assemble the cockpit in a few days and glue up the legs before painting the exterior and its base.

Edited by Ovidius Incertus
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Today I was tempted for the first time to buy a recast because I want an oop metal model gw probably will not release any time soon.


I also started working on another legitimate company master (the official gw one) B-) cause he's kinda neat

Edited by aura_enchanted
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Added a Grenade Launcher and Heavy Flamer to my First Decima - Heavy Flamers are awkward to align correctly when you have the manual dexterity of a chimp without any limbs.


Also, because I haven't taken a chance to write in ages, I took the time to begin a fictitious (obviously) AAR for my regiment.

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