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Today in the hobby I....


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Today I finally finished my first stormtalon - well done me.


Still working on magnetizing mine and waiting for my floor polish to come in so I can do the canopy. Pretty sweet model, huh? Also, let's see some pics. 

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I like it. Where does floor polish come in?


You can see mine over here - http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/290482-a-few-bits-of-armour/?do=findComment&comment=3730305


Beat the rush and be the first to comment!


Yeah, I looked before you even posted. :D Nice work! 


Floor polish? Scale modelers have been using it for ages to make clear plastic bits appear thinner/clearer. Just Google 'future floor polish model.' I'll post some pics when I finally get the stuff. I'll be adding some red dye to it as well to tint the cockpit. If it works. :P The stuff works really well as a gloss coat as well, and the Masterclass books from Forge World show them mixing it with paints for oil and grease effects. I haven't tried that yet, but needless to say I'm pretty jazzed about getting a bottle of floor polish in the mail. Sometimes this hobby is so strange. 

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Today I used a Citadel glaze for the first time (Lamenter Yellow) and was very please with the results. :) I wish I'd tried glazes sooner. My tip to others trying them for the first time would to be keep the coats thin, otherwise you risk "undoing" the highlights on your model. ;)

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...stared off into space wondering where I went wrong with my life after seeing a picture of an Apocalypse battle between My Little Pony marines and Hello Kitty marines.

The mind boggles at the thought...

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...stared off into space wondering where I went wrong with my life after seeing a picture of an Apocalypse battle between My Little Pony marines and Hello Kitty marines.

. Restore your sanity and imagine the battle was discovered by an inquisitor from orbit who promptly exterminatus'd the planet.
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Well a couple days ago, I had an exceptionally bad day at work-and tripped on my Box of Chaos Space Marines for The Last Time.  Disappointed and fed up, I took the box-all my Chaos miniatures, my paints, the containers the models were in and of course the codices-out to my parents' house, put them in the burn barrel, doused them with $10 in gasoline and set them ablaze.


The only thing I miss are my Raptor models.  If Blood Angels get a favorable update, I'll buy some more and make a small Jumper Army out of them, painted as the awesome Knights of Blood.


Phil Kelly can go deep-throat an Avatar's 'Wailing Doom'.  He's the M. Night Shamalan of GW Codex writers.


The only thing I feel bad about was that I didn't just give them away to someone who might have gotten some enjoyment out of them...but it was such a bad Night at work, and I'd been dwelling on how badly my Khorne Beserkers had been doing...and how the goddamn cultists had been doing better...than goddamn khorne beserkers, and I tripped over their container box...and yeah.




On to happier things...I've added another Terminator unit to my Grey Knights, the Space Marines whom were the only ones I used to like, but didn't get into as my first army as They Were All Metal at the time, and were also very expensive to collect at the time.  I love them-win lose or draw.  (Acting) Brother-Captain Alaric has been suitably heroic...and I'm playing a Loyalist dex so I won't likely get rules Derp'd.

I wouldn't classify my Grey Knights as "True Scaled" but I do have every model-from Interceptors to the Brother Captain with small plasticard spacers to make them ever-so slightly taller than normal Space Marines.


It's noticeable, but they aren't too big.


Also, all my tau are painted and based.  Except my vespids, I haven't finalized what I'm going to paint them like.

Edited by Trevak Dal
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Assembled a Sanguinary guard unit.


Washe a mk iv squad.


Sorted some bits and started snipping 1 death company set and 1 tactical squad of the sprues.


Started assembling a wraith knight. Carved some Phantom Titan esque warp fins from plastic card. Started shaving some of the bumps from the kit to smooth it out.

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...stared off into space wondering where I went wrong with my life after seeing a picture of an Apocalypse battle between My Little Pony marines and Hello Kitty marines.

Remember! Pictures or it didn't happen. It's a prominent rule of the electronic present and future. No picture means that you can sleep easy again as it was only a bad dream?:-)
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He's the M. Night Shamalan of GW Codex writers.

The Last Airbender points towards Ward being the Shyamalan of Games Workshop, not Kelly. Phil doesn't, ahem, improve the lore like Night did to the Avatar setting.


Remember! Pictures or it didn't happen. It's a prominent rule of the electronic present and future. No picture means that you can sleep easy again as it was only a bad dream?:-)


Edited by Knight of the Raven
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Remember! Pictures or it didn't happen. It's a prominent rule of the electronic present and future. No picture means that you can sleep easy again as it was only a bad dream?:-)




Now I know we all, from time to time, trot out that line about it being "your" hobby - or whoever - and people should do what they want to but no. Just no. With a capital "I'll burn you at the stake".

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Bronies' standard response to any criticism is "LOVE AND TOLERATE while I don't love and tolerate your criticism," so good luck with that.


For the record, if I played Fantasy, I'd totally commission an appropriately scaled Nightmare Moon to play as Morathi on Sulephet to lead my dark elves.

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Today in the hobby I finally finished my second ETL Vow, sans bases.:happy.:


Partly because I am missing some of those bases.:unsure.:

So I'm gonna wait it out and base them all at once when I get some replacements. Whenever that turns out to be.


Probably next year, with my current rate of getting stuff done. :sweat:

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