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The art of sisters


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As butt-and-boob poses go, I've seen much, much worse. It's still rather an unnatural twist, especially for aiming accurately.


The bolt pistol looks very strange.


The face is obviously traced from a photo, while the rest of the picture is not. That's where the detail level difference comes from and it is very uncanny valley.

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Oh, and while this is only kinda on topic, I don't see a better active thread to drop it in:


How long do you think a typical sister of battle lives, assuming they don't get killed by foul heretics? I was thinking that, with gene therapy that I would like to think they all have access to, they could easy break 100, with somewhere around/below 200 being the high end.


Also, I'm planning on painting all of my sisters' hair white. I guess this is just the image that got stuck in my head. Do you think this is unreasonable? I mean, it could certainly be dyed.

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Ephrael Stern had white hair in the comics because of the horrors she'd been through. Shortly thereafter, GW switched their signature Order from Ebon Chalice to Martyred Lady, and started painting all their Sisters with white hair, because Ephrael Stern had become the iconic Battle Sister character (despite being a really bad example of a Battle Sister).


While it bugs some players, far more expect Sisters to have white hair.

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I started with the white hair expectation because of the models on the GW site. I get that all sisters don't have white hair, in fact it makes sense that the majority of sisters have other colors of hair. Anyone with pure white hair probably died it (especially if you take gene therapy into account). I am making my own order, and white is one of their colors, so it would make some sense if I decided they all died their hair white.


As long as I'm not going to get crap for it . . . I think I'll stick with the white hair, with the caveat that it is not their natural hair color. The image is already stuck in my mind. Plus, it will make painting easier.


What about my question of lifespan?

Edited by Servant of Dante
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Varies wildly as with everything in 40k. Some places say 2 to 3 hundred, others list Sebastian Thor dying at 112 of old age.

Hmm. Well, I guess I'll stick with lower 100s, maybe 200, seeing as space marines can only expect to live a few centuries or a millennium on the high end depending on who you ask (of course, there is Dante, the oldest of a long lived chapter, he's been chapter master for 1500 years according to the codex).\


Thanks for the help!

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You shouldn't get flak for painting white hair on white-armored models, but they may be a little monochrome in addition to, I suspect, people expecting black hair with white armor. White robes and white hair though, since you didn't specify where the white went, shouldn't bother people as long as you don't paint their armor in pink and green leopard pattern. :tongue.:


(despite being a really bad example of a Battle Sister)

Now I'm picturing Miriya with an Ephrael Stern poster in her locker. :laugh.:

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Found another thing I hated about that book while trying to figure out how old Decima was in Hammer and Anvil.


"The Adepta Sororitas, as you know..." - from one Sister to another. Explaining who the Sisters are. Not just any Sister, but a Celestian. A veteran. Needing the concept of who the Sisters are explained to her.



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I rather glad I haven't read the books in question now...


SoF - I noticed that too.

The books in question do have some high points (cracking a moon in half for example) but they are definitely more inspiration for writing a better Sisters story instead.
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You shouldn't get flak for painting white hair on white-armored models, but they may be a little monochrome in addition to, I suspect, people expecting black hair with white armor. White robes and white hair though, since you didn't specify where the white went, shouldn't bother people as long as you don't paint their armor in pink and green leopard pattern. :tongue.:


(despite being a really bad example of a Battle Sister)

Now I'm picturing Miriya with an Ephrael Stern poster in her locker. :laugh.:

Their armour is black. Gold and silver detailing. It's the robes that are white.


Wow the idea of white armored sisters is cool.


But my order is descended from the order of our martyred lady, so the black makes sense, and it means my primer is also my base coat

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Sacred Rose is my white armored order of choice now that their robes are all red (thanks White Dwarf codex).


Other than that I have a strange desire for Sisters in gold armor. I think it fits the Ecclesiarchy pretty well and is just over the top enough to work.

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