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The art of sisters


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yeah I know, I know.  Maybe when I get my new drawing tablet I can work on fixing her legs digitally.  I might go back and look and see if I can fix the legs on the original while I have to wait for it.   I think I was just settling to get it done, but now that everyone is pointing it out, its becoming glaring.    Also I was trying to keep her fully in the frame of the picture, because my instructors keep harping on me about not cutting off the legs, which honestly I don't understand.  They keep saying its composition, but so many artists these days do cut it off, and it honestly wouldn't have looked bad for me to cut them off a little, especially with one figure fully in the picture.   Needless to say, I haven't done anything artwise outside of class assignments due to time and motivation, but mostly due to time, so this piece was just enjoyable to be able to work on something that I have an interest in, and not just another assignment.  

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yeah i know she looks off, now that everyone is pointing it out, it almost makes me want to trash it.  ...

The internet is a cruel place for artists. It's why almost nothing I work on makes it's way online.

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That's why I only make amateur drawings, and make certain I mention it at least once or twice.

My only drawing in a decade or more.

And yes, I know its not SoBby.


Yeah, I guess I got potential to make better drawings, but I'd really need to get off my arse and actually do something about it if I want to.

Edited by Onisuzume
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Practice makes perfect, but a good knowledge of anatomy is also a must for drawing people. ^^; Sorry if I come off as critical, but my partner is an artist and I spent the best part of 5 years hanging around and attending lectures at an art college.

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Yeah sorry for that double post had issues trying to post didn't think either of them posted then board down for maintenance. Yes Antony knowledge is key for drawing people, and yes my first issue is he proportions then her legs. Part of that is simply blowing up sketches and thumbnails, part of it is my foundation work, as she was not based on an actual modeling pose but me trying my best to create the pose from memory of anatomy, while the kneeling sister was done from a real pose image, because I was having a hard time with the original pose idea for her. I also do not post my art online much due to the harshness of the Internet, but i really just wanted t share my 40k motivated image since it is part of my delay on painting the actual sister models I am having a hard time finding time to paint for my vow.
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yes, I am aware of them, some of the better ones tend to require some memberships if I recall, but I am aware of them.  It didn't cross my mind during this project.  To be honest I had gotten an image stuck in my mind and I was just being stubborn.  Anyways, back on topic, time to get more sister art in this thread.

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You mean you've had a typo for 15 years, and now I've shown you it, you'll never look at it the same way again?

Yeah I got what you were doing really :tongue.:  I've recently got hold of a huge stack of white dwarfs (from issue 47 onwards) and the old prices (amongst other things) are hilarious.


EDIT: Also, even £4 for the model feels like too much for me, lol

Edited by Naminé
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lol, no... actually, I got that off ebay, BNiB as they say, just this week. ^^;


On that note, there's a £150-£200 worth army up on there at the moment, current bid £56... :( but someone stole the original rhinos and immolators on ebay out from under my maximum bids. Damn you limited budget!

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lol, no... actually, I got that off ebay, BNiB as they say, just this week. ^^;


On that note, there's a £150-£200 worth army up on there at the moment, current bid £56... :sad.: but someone stole the original rhinos and immolators on ebay out from under my maximum bids. Damn you limited budget!

Ehhh... I see it.  I must be getting better.  2 squads of sisters and some extras and I said to myself 'I don't need it' :p

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  • 1 month later...

that's quite a nice piece you posted there last, Miko

Although I have to disagree with you to always work from a reference. It's certainly useful in the beginning, but over time it becomes restricting. Or at least, that's my view.


Anyway, I had my 2 cents to butt in. Enter, more sister art:



Edited by Brother Tyler
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ooh yea, that's a pretty one too. Though it does have a bit of the same problem a lot of sister artwork has (boobs at shoulder height). Just check, if you imagine where the neck would be, and then beneath that, instantly there's 2 armoured balloons... :S

I blame the minis, because somehow it works better there than in drawings...

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ooh yea, that's a pretty one too. Though it does have a bit of the same problem a lot of sister artwork has (boobs at shoulder height).

The general observation is that most men aren't all that familiar with the structure of breasts and are considerably more enamoured than experienced with the concept of breasts.


It's like that twiddly bit of early artist advice to note that the eyes are actually closer to the centre line than at the top, and not to draw them at the top of the head because you remember them at the top of the face and forgot there was a top of the head. I read a scholarly work on the dimensions of the torso once, and realised how little I'd noticed when I was younger until I had a frame of reference.


It's the trick with much of this, looking at something and perceiving what your actually seeing and not what you want to see. That, or actually applying quality science and knowing that your fire will turn out more life-like if you paint the brighter colours closer to the inside and the darker shades near the periphery.

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Indeed, an artist should be more than familiar with the body's proportions, musculature etc - though I'd argue that such things are fascinating enough in their own right! Sometimes Sister's power armour leans more to the power corset in more ways than one...


It's still a good piece of art and as I'm sure someone pithily quoted once nothing is ever perfect. My personal gripe is when people underestimate the length of human arms, it seems very common and I can't help but notice it. I think it's second on the list after where the eyes are on the head :P

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I just thought it was stylized and intentional. A feminine figure in a masculine role. Breasts instead of pectorals to bulk out the strong armored chest.


Either that a bad case of "I like boobies!"


Which I do.


But the who doesn't?

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My personal gripe is when people underestimate the length of human arms, it seems very common and I can't help but notice it. ... :tongue.:

It may be related. Fold your arms infront of you with your finger tips in the crooks of your elbows. Look in a mirror and notice how low down this is. If you shorten the arms you vertically compress the chest.

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I can't help but notice noone commented on the seraphim I posted... :ermm:

Any major gripes about that one? It's actually a dark heresy character, which is why she is carrying a bolter in addition to her dual hand flamers, in case the Emperor wishes to dish out some retribution from afar.

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The white seem a bit "flat" and the jump pack is too large plus there's a few other scale issues (the thumb looks too large, she could do with a being a bit wider for her height) but all in all it's pretty good and I like the colouring.


I'd much rather this stayed a topic to generally show and discuss pictures rather than derail it by going into too much detail on individual pieces though, I think that's the intention of the topic too. So if you're specifically looking for criticisms maybe you should create a separate topic for your art?

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