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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Black Templars Strategium+++

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Here we are again!


Vow 3 Complete!


(They're a bit blurry, but I'll get some more detailed shots later!)


Captain Semper, would it be allowed to count TH/SS as Tactical Termies for this challenge? I happen to have 3 unpainted ones left, and I would like to add them to my 4 Tac Termies in the vow. For the basic 40pts a piece offcourse.



Either way:


I, Andhil, will once again answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to
complete :


-One (1) Vindicator with a Dozer Blade

-One (1) Predator Annihilator with Lascannon Sponsons and a pintle mounted Stormbolter.

-A Terminator squad numering 7 models with an Assault Cannon and a Chainfist.


for a total of 590pts  on or before August 31st. Success will bring eternal
glory to the Black Templars, and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Here's the before pic, TH/SS Termies included.


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I completely forgot about this thing, and just finished 2 dreadnoughts last week, any way I can add them into the vow? also if not here is what I pledge


1 Storm raven gunship

-hurricane sponsons



2 land speeder typhoons

70 140


1 Tech marine with full servo harness



Also I'm not sure how this works, because I'm a newer member.  So please let me know if I posted this wrong.



Link to my ETL



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You cannot pledge completed items. The items should be unpainted (or in very early stages of painting) when they are vowed... So the dreads cannot be pledged.


Your vow seems fine as is - I'll update soon. Good luck!



Aaaand, done! Welcome to the ETL! :)

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Honda, you may start on your penance vow and skip the formality of losing.


Those whom the Emperor would destroy, first become mad with power. Pride goeth before the fall, Angel of Darkness.

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And now our work begins Brothers.


The Calling produced a good return and now we know who will stand with us as we move forward. There will be challenges, conflict, and tests of faith. None of that matters.


The Emperor calls.


Our duty is clear.


All we have to do now is go out and take our victory!



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I just grabbed a commander box so i could participate solely for the etl2. Am i to late to vow a Marshall?

Closed to new entrants now so unfortunately, yeah :(
sorry, i directed this question toward the good Captain.


EDIT: after explaining the situation to the captain (posting in the basement of my lgs to make the deadline, which led to connectivity problems) he, in an act of tolerance and patience has agreed to accept my vow.


I, Brother Montressor, vow to paint and base a marshall equipped with: artificer armor, an adamantine mantle, master crafted chain fist, master crafted plasma pistol, frags, kraks, melta bombs, holy orb of antioch, auspex, bionics, teleport homer, terminator honors, combat shield and a jump pack for 275 points on or before August 15th M2.013 for the glory of the Black Templars. Should i shirk my duties to the Chapter and fail my vow, i will submit myself before the reclusiam to be branded an Oathbreaker in the eyes of the Emperor. In penance i will wear the banner of shame for no less than a Terran Standard solar cycle.


Templars, draw your brushes, thin your paint, and LAY WASTE TO THESE HERETICS, TRAITORS AND LESSER COMPETITORS!


good luck, and Emperor speed.

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Well, you could see the post which grandly declared: "ETL II DOORS ARE NOW CLOSED TO NEW ENTRANTS!"

Which was posted nearly 2 hours before your request. I do believe you can make it an Out-of-Competition vow. I believe the good Captain will say roughly the same thing. Sorry bro. confused.gif

Well, I'm not forgetting my minor penance vow. If we get more Pts completed than Chaos by the time I finish my 4th vow: I'll add a Talon to my 5th vow. Currently we're around 2K off. A couple of good vows completed within 2 weeks and then we're good. Now is the time to take the lead. We need to get some more completions in. But I have faith in you Brothers! thumbsup.gif TO VICTORY!


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Canticles of Sigismund, Chapter III - Campaign Logistics


v1 - It is the prepared Marshal who accomplishes his goals. Structure your tasks over the anticipated length of the crusade. A Templar does not sit idle during the early phases of a crusade, hoping to catch up to the Quartermaster's schedule with a burst of activity. The enemy does not wish to see you succeed, therefore it is critical for your efforts to be consistent, strong, and measured.


v2 - When new resources are to be acquired, a Templar leverages the Science of Phases, grouping like tasks so that efforts can be focused, thus adding sustained momentum to your crusade.


v3 - Not all tasks needed to mount a crusade are equal. There are times when a back swing while advancing can cause the opponent to stumble as they were unprepared for continued forward progress. Do what can be done now and let what cannot be addressed wait, remembering that before a castle keep's walls can be set, a foundation must be laid.


v4 - Wrath is the fuel that ignites the engine of Faith.


v5 - A crusade is a sustained effort over an extended length of time. Do not sprint out, attempting to take on more than your resources allow. A Templar keeps a reserve knowing that the unexpected will happen, unexpectedly.


v6 - Your Brothers are the greatest resource imaginable. When your sword arm is weary, a brother is there to shield you. A Templar is dependable, in fact it is the Emperor himself who uses the phrase, "...and undertake this task as if you were a Templar".


v7 - The enemy will always seek to impress their limits upon you. Zeal obliterates limits.

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Brothers, I have completed my first vow.





Capt. Semper, could you please add +3 points to this vow as there were smoke launchers on the LRC with the Blessed Armor. Better pictures later, there's work to be done.

And for my second, I vow to complete two rhinos (1 x SB/Smoke Launchers, 1 x Hunter Killer) and 1 Razorback with lascannons and smoke launchers before August 15th for the glory of our chapter, Sigismund, and Dorn, contributing 211 points to our crusade.



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This is blessed armour if there ever was one! I know some Word Bearers that would be jealous! :D


Congrats on completing those to fantastic LRs Honda. The 3 points added already. good luck with your follow up!






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