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+++E Tenebrae Lux II - Ultramarines Strategium+++

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+Ultramarines Strategium+



Noble Ultramarines,

It’s time to show the Galaxy what it is to be the ultimate defenders of mankind, the epitome of purity and propose. You carry the highest traditions of XIII Legion forward, enlightening the Imperium in this darkest of times. Now it’s time to make a stand once more. Now all must hail you as Primus Inter Pares!

Last year the “Codex” faction managed 18.6k points of which 5.2k was completed by you – the Ultramarines! Unfortunately, this was only enough to give the Codex chapters the 6th position… Which begs the question: Can you beat your personal best, and drive your faction to even greater heights? Can you mobilize your resources to achieve the moment of greatness and become Primus Inter Pares?







Well, this is the return of the ETL. There is some streamlining of the rules compared to last year so please read them carefully, veterans and new entrants alike. The rules can be found here:



This thread is the “Chapter House” for this event. All vows of this sub-forum should be posted in this very thread in order to be valid. This is also the place to declare vow completions and/or vow renewals. Finally posting your WIP thread links in your “completion” post will be tremendously helpful! This is a big event guys, so making life easier for me, will help avoid confusion and backs ‘n forths…

You can also use this thread to gauge the progress of your forum (last year’s veterans know I’ll update often) and compare it with other forums in their respective threads. It will also be a good place to talk to each other as how to go about it, and organize your forum effort.

If you want to refresh your memory of what happened last year, see the ETL I - Final report

I’ll be glad to answer any questions as we go along and I will keep track of all forums’ efforts. So I’m the person you need to talk to for anything regarding the procedures of this competition but your forum Moderators still have full control of the Meltas and they will gladly use all of them given half a chance... So be aware of that!









Anaziel | Vow 1 [275]

Aquilanus | Vow 1 [445] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [465] COMPLETE | Vow 3 [890]

BackSplash | Vow 1 [530]

Bigger-than-Jesus | Vow 1 [650]

bjoluemblem | Vow 1 [380] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [547] COMPLETE

Diceman87 | Vow 1 [230] COMPLETE

emperors immortals | Vow 1 [2,245]

greatcrusade08 | Vow 1 [690]

karden00 | Vow 1 [875]

Player not found | Vow 1 [405]

Ramell | Vow 1 [130]

Sir Samuel Buca | Vow 1 [595]
Toxichobbit | Vow 1 [405]

TSgt Hivemind | Vow 1 [800]

Ultrarich | Vow 1 [300]

Zeuspro | Vow 1 [680] COMPLETE | Vow 2 [730]

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I had created this little piece to get everyone fired up for ETL. Hopefully it works happy.png

My vows went to the Liber last year, but as I'm vowing units from my Rainbow Warriors, it's more appropriate that I represent the Sons of Guilliman this time.

I also read that a Frater (The Yak?) is making an "encouragement" topic in the Index sub forum, so we can all pull together happy.png

Any body else in this year?

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I'm in! Just started painting all my Ultramarine stuff, so this is a great way to keep me motivated. smile.png

I know it's early days yet, but I thought for a moment that I'd be the only one representing the Ultras this year! :blink:


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I Sir Samuel Buca answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 1 Chaplain with jump pack, 5 assault marines, 5 devastator marines, 1 stormtalon and 1 Venerable Dreadnought from Codex: Space Marines of total value of 595pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ultramarines and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Link to blog: here, pictures of the assault and devastator squads in first post, pictures of everything else (barring the Chaplain) on page 1 somewhere, mostly just basecoated blue, two Sergeants have a touch of red. All updates located there.



24/05/2013: Fellow brothers of the Ultramarines, and the Codex chapters as a whole. It is with a weary heart that I say this, but due to recent injury I am unable to complete the vow and I am having to put down my brushes for quite possibly the rest of my life. I'll still be watching the ETL though, so keep going guys, I'm still rooting for you!


And Captain Semper, any idea when I'll be getting my Badge of Shame? 

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I Toxichobbit answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one Chaplain and one Sternguard Veteran Squad from Codex: Space Marines of total value 405pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ultramarines and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Points breakdown


Chaplain - 100pts

Crozius arcanum, bolt pistol, frag & krak grenades, rosarius, power armour.


Sternguard Veteran Squad - 305pts


Bolter, power fist, bolt pistol, freg & krak grenades, power armour.

9 Veterans

Bolters, bolt pistols, heavy flamer, combi-melta, combi-plasma, combi-flamer, meltagun, frag & krak grenades, power armour.


WIP Thread

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So if we all paint 4 calgars each thats 1000 points? or ultra-lysanders? i assume we are effectivly self regulating to stop that kind of thing? would seem kind of bad sport otherwise, or is that allowed?
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So if we all paint 4 calgars each thats 1000 points? or ultra-lysanders? i assume we are effectivly self regulating to stop that kind of thing? would seem kind of bad sport otherwise, or is that allowed?

Honestly - personal preference. There's nothing stopping you painting four Calgars. Last year I think someone painted multiple Captains - 10ish I think - who were all the Captain from Assault on Black Reach with slightly different weapons (different versions of the same character with weapons for different occasions I guess). This year, from my snooping around the Dark Angels forum, someone is painting 11 or 12 characters as their vows, including three copies of Interrogator-Chaplain Sarphedon. Given that it was accepted last year and it appears to be accepted this year as well, there is no reason why you or any of us wouldn't be allowed to paint four, five or even ten Calgars.

However, my personal opinion is that painting the same expensive model over and over smacks of playing the system. I believe it's not in the spirit of the event and any points earned by effectively painting multiple characters who are all identical or very similar, are points painted solely for the event, rather than stuff your painting for your collection/army that also happens to be entered into the event. The spirit of ETL is to encourage people to get their models painted and have fun with a friendly competitive community event, rather than something that's min/max win at all costs.

That's purely my own conscience though, it has no bearing on reality or the rules of the event. So, for me while I will be painting up a few characters, i'll also be painting full units alongside my characters, and if I can get an airbrush set up I like, doing some vehicles too. The characters will all be unique characters that I will be using in different situations, a mix of Chaplains, Librarians and Special Characters. I might even paint up a second Calgar, as I only own the Armour of Antilochus version at the moment and wanted his power armoured version for a while, so that I have the option of using him in either armour.

To give you some idea, my current (planned) total vows is something along the lines of

10 man Sternguard Veteran Squad.

10 man Legion of the Damned Squad.

5 man Scout Squad.


Calgar (Armour of Antilochus version).


Librarian in Terminator armour.

All expensive choices and getting me a decent return on points to time spent painting, but also stuff that I want to get painted for games and have in my collection. After (if) i've got all this done we'll probably be coming towards the end of the event, so at that point I might consider painting up some quick stuff, either small units or characters, in order to get a last minute vow in.

At the end of the day, points painted is points painted. Every participant must make his or her own decision as to what they want to contribute. Although I personally don't like the idea of painting multiples of the same expensive model to wrack up maximum points with minimum effort, it's completely within the rules of the event and I won't begrudge anyone for doing it. I simply won't be doing it myself smile.png.

Also, you have to ask yourself, is it worth getting hold of and painting up copies of one or two characters just for an online challenge? It's only a fun event and the "prize" is just a banner for your signature, so really, what's better, painting up multiple Calgars (guess you could ebay them afterwards) or painting up models that you need/want to get painted for your personal collection.

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Lol i certainly wont be doing it, just was wondering whats to stop others doing it, seems like something maybe to be addressed in next years rules, certainly as special characters are unique choices in armies so people have no use for more than one in each colour scheme. I will be pledging a calgar though as i only have the power armour version painted at the moment
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Regarding the 4 Calgars, the short answer is yes. UMs are not the only faction with expensive special characters, so in this sense every faction can pull the same trick. So balanxce is satisfied. The thing is why would you need 4 Calgars? Remeber, you have to live with them after the ETL is over... But if you want, go right ahead.

I know it does not look very nice but since it is not unbalancing the event (since all factions have similar options) and given that it's very difficult working out a fair rule to exclude it, let alone police it, I'm allowing it. If you can live with 4 Calgars so can we! biggrin.png


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I TSgt Hivemind answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete one 10 man Tactical squad,one 5 man devestator squad, 1 Ironclad dreadnought, and 1 Stormraven from Codex: Space Marines of total value of 800pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ultramarines and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


WIP of Tac squad.  Armed with Lascannon, plasma gun, Sarge with power ax and plasma pistol.

SAM 0644


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I Ultrarich answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete 5 1st company Corvus veterans and one veteran Sargent and one Librarian from Codex: Space Marines of total value of ???pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Ultramarines and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


Guys, I paint but dont play so can somone please help me out on the points please



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That's cool. :)

Anyways, about your points values, the librarian is 100 base.  Then it depends on how you're equiping him.  Same with the veterans.  They run from aroun 130 to over 250 depending on what they're armed with.  I don't have my codex with me right now to give you exact number, but I can check it when I get home.

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I AQUILANUS, answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete ONE counts-as Marneus Calgar, and ONE ten Marine Tactical squad from Codex: Space Marines of total value of 445pts on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Rainbow Warriors and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.

Taste the Rainbow! laugh.png

Edit: Captain Semper - if you need a points break down, I can edit it into the vow happy.png

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A quick question: Does it have to be C:SM or can it also be from HH: betrayal, but Ultramarines of course?


It has to be C:SM to be vowed for the UM forum. Any forces painted from HH:Betrayal are part of the HH sub forum and as you can only stand for one forum, i'm afraid you need to choose if your UM are going to be done with C:SM rules or HH:Betrayal rules. You can still paint Heresy era forces and support the UM forum, as long as you do legal entries and take points values from C:SM - which obviously means none of the Legion Squads (so no special weapon or all heavy weapon squads).

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@ Anaziel: Toxic got it right. By all means use the FW stuff, but you must deliver a unit compliant with Codex: Space Marines. If you want to build units from Betrayal! you should vow for the Horus Heresy.





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Having had to pull out on the Call of Chaos last fall/winter when my girlfriend faced a health crisis, I haven't had much time to devote to painting or gaming (and had to sell most of my models). Now that our lives are back to a more manageable standard I figured I'd start a new marines army. I'll begin small, to avoid minimize risks that some unexpected turn of event would sabotage everything, and might vow more if my schedule allows (I AM a slow painter, so won't be one to vow 2k+ points!).


I Player not found answer the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and vow to complete One 10-man tactical squad (170), one Drop-pod (35) and one 5-man Terminator Squad (200?) from Codex: Space Marines of total value 405 points on or before August 15th. Success will bring eternal glory to the Praetors of Orpheus and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end


+ Edit : Looking back on it, I'm not yet sure what loadout to give my units, (which I'll magnetise anyway), so I'll just go with a blank 200pts on the terms/170pts on the tacs value here and see what I do with 'em once I get started painting...


++ Edit : Having taken a closer look at existing UM successors background, I changed my chapter alegiance from Eagle Warriors to the Praetors of Orpheus. I have great plan in mind for these tech-savvy guys!

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@ Anaziel: Toxic got it right. By all means use the FW stuff, but you must deliver a unit compliant with Codex: Space Marines. If you want to build units from Betrayal! you should vow for the Horus Heresy.

So we could vow for the UM/LA/IA a Contemptor Dreadnought but not a unit of Jetbikes, right?

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