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Dark Mechanicus project - Something binary this way comes...

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freaking awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like the way your brain is wired

I can' t even find the origin of most of the parts your' re using which is really refereshing

even if your work raises the bar incredibly high I find it very inspiring

It reminds me of someone who once said to me while opening a box : "10% of the model, 90% of imagination and sweat"

you don' t let the background or the model limit you


once again really, really great models !

Thanks for all the kind comments - I really appreciate them. :)

As for getting some paint on the army, I've been really burned out on the hobby for the past few months - I haven't really done much in regards to miniatures, playing a lot of music instead. I'd for them to be painted as well, but I still can't figure out the paint scheme, and to be honest, I hate painting armies. confused.gif I don't really know what to do, and I don't feel like investing hundreds of dollars, getting them comission painted either.

Anyway, just thought I'd drop by and say that I really appreciate any and all your comments. :)

  On 8/4/2013 at 5:53 PM, GuitaRasmus said:

Darnit - 3 weeks of posts gone. I know the admins are struggling, and I really appreciate the effort, but I really hope that the forum becomes stable soon. :wacko:


Anyway, I'll repost some of the things that are gone, and some of the stuff I've been building in the meantime.


Forgefiend, almost done:









That is absolutely amazing.


As promised a better picture of Silas, and as you can see he is insanely big compared to even a terminator! just to bad my painting skills lacks in comparison to the conversion work of Mr Guitar, oh by the way Guitar has been seen with 40K dolls and a brush in his hands! and it was looking good!!!





  On 12/28/2013 at 9:10 AM, The Nephilim said:

  On 8/4/2013 at 5:53 PM, GuitaRasmus said:

Darnit - 3 weeks of posts gone. I know the admins are struggling, and I really appreciate the effort, but I really hope that the forum becomes stable soon. wacko.png

Anyway, I'll repost some of the things that are gone, and some of the stuff I've been building in the meantime.

Forgefiend, almost done:





That is absolutely amazing.

Can't believe I've just seen that - it's insanely good.

  On 12/29/2013 at 3:50 PM, ElDuderino said:

People should pay Guitarasmus for the chance to paint his army instead of the other way around

I was going to say the same thing- these would be amazing portfolio pieces for the top artists out there.


Just discovered this thread... I am stunned. The level of consistency across all of these models just blows me away. "Kit bashing" just doesn't do it justice. What you have done here GuitaRasmus is present a whole and complete VISION of the Dark Mechanicus. Just looking at the models gives me a sense of their history; of how they came to exist. You have created a whole world without writing a single word of fluff!


I am throwing away my GS and tools. My skills are useless compared to this.


Games Workshop- I hope you are watching this thread! Please pay this hard working teacher many thousands of dollars to design models for you!

  • 1 month later...

Dear readers...





I'm back. I've been on a bit of a hiatus from the hobby, not really feeling inspired, and being busy with the band, and doing a bunch of other stuff. However, I recently got this idea in my head, that an Obliterator, finding itself in the favour of a chaos deity, could become a Daemon Prince, just like a lord or a sorcerer - with this in mind, and having recently read Storm of Iron, I got the idea to make such a character, as the leader of my army - thus it begins:


(as usual, this is WIP - lot's of greenstuffing to be done, tweaks, etc., but as always, suggestions and comments are appreciated. :) )



Oh... Internet cookies for those who can guess where his lower legs come from. ;)











Size comparison - this guy even dwarfs dreadnoughts and other Daemon Princes!




Detail - I quite like the bionic eye:






An idea is beginning to form in my head, involving a Fantasy Chaos Mutalith, and a forgefiend body, plus a new Helbrute. Stay tuned. :)


Btw, I'm still totally lost regarding the colour scheme - great pics or inspiration is most welcome.

#1: Welcome back, you and your Dark Mechanicus wonders have been sorely missed!


#2: I saw the forgefiend head, but alas, I was too late...I blame my sister's birthday party! (but, hey, at least I got rum and cake, hehe!)


#3: That's right little marine, it's time to make a "tactical retreat"... :D


#4: Regarding colours, I defer to FW and their mechanicus forces. Copper/bronze and metal, with a splash of red and black. Also, gloss varnish on the thallax faces would be awesome to get that glassy feel...

What a beast. One of the things I enjoy doing when you post your builds is going piece-by-piece and deciphering all the little details you've lavished over. My favorites being the cabling along the spine and the thorned collar. Excellent work! :tu:


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