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Since doing my fists of Olchis Idea I realised I may as well make it from Blades Eternal instead, reason being since I want to make my own style terminator lord, using a samurai head from Max Minis and The Terminator Lord model (In this case a Sorcerer) I was going to use the body as normal and order two of the Katana styled chainswords from forgeworld, using him as a samurai sorcerer, it would be a nice model once I get a bit better at painting and samurais sound like a good idea for Blades Eternal.


Any thoughts?


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Well, have you ever played Final Fantasy X not the beat rpg game ever, but it does have an awesome character called auron who uses a katana, awesome strength, slow as hell, his guards will be in power armour


Well, have you ever played Final Fantasy X not the beat rpg game ever, but it does have an awesome character called auron who uses a katana, awesome strength, slow as hell, his guards will be in power armour


Well, have you ever played Final Fantasy X not the beat rpg game ever, but it does have an awesome character called auron who uses a katana, awesome strength, slow as hell, his guards will be in power armour

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