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Master of Ordinance is coming along nicely, and the base for your commander looks good so far. Looking forward to their completion :biggrin.: I'm sure the old old GW website had a tut for sculpting fur hats for Vostroyans. Might have to go for a dig.




Found it!


Not a perfect tutorial, but the effects are quite nice anyway. The rest of the article might help you as well in the future for your Vostroyan modelling needs.


I appreciate you digging for that, but the link doesn't seem to work. :sad.:


I still hope to see it at some stage.... 


I'm sure that techmarine will show up a few months(or more) down the road.


The commander looks spot on.

I can imagine a tiny muscular resilient soldier finally becoming a commander after decades of service.

He looks already so different with the hat and the robs. Almost cosak like

Really inspired idea !


I wasn't the first person to think of it, but the Creed figure makes a good base for conversions like that.


I like what I'm seeing on both models. Makes me want to start using green stuff again, though I'm afraid my skills have died since 2007.


When it comes to painting the commander, will you paint the fur hat as if it was made from a different and rarer animal than the ones used by the infantry? I remember some artwork where one of the officers had a hat with spots.


You should definitely pick it back up! If you could sculpt even half as well as you paint, you'd be blowing the boards away with your conversions.


You're right about the spotted hat from that art piece, which was my desktop background for a good while. I'm planning on doing a more involved commander conversion inspired by those officers at a later point. Right click this link and open it in a new window for the art: http://i.imgur.com/offweK0.jpg


Lovely stuff. I really like the officer with the great coat. I hope you will finish him.


I made a vow and certainly hope to complete it!


loving the commander, he would look great with a mug of tea :smile.:


Tea? No real son of Vostroya drinks tea! Only ohx' to fill their cups! Puts hair on your chest! Ok... puts MORE hair on your chest!

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Shame the link didn't work. Not sure why that is, but is this any better?


It works! This is awesome, man. I've never seen this article before. There's some good ideas in there, especially for Rough Riders, but I have an unusual idea of my own in mind for a unit of them... :D

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I think I remember that article being published in the US WD

I love the rough rider with the flamer and the gaz mask for the horse. 
Really steam punk, gothic 

Can´t wait to see which direction you choose BCK

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I love the rough rider with the flamer and the gaz mask for the horse. 


I agree that the conversion is very well done, but the thought of shooting a flame thrower in that direction whilst on horseback seems like a quick way to end your life... and probably a few of the guys riding next to you.


Can´t wait to see which direction you choose BCK


I'll give you a hint: it's not going to be on horses. Also, I might wait until after the ETL to do it because it would be an involved conversion that would take a lot of time for a squad of 5 of them.

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:laugh.: :laugh.: 

Absolutely! Maybe the horse is wearing a welder mask and not a gaz mask :)

Back in the days they use to have hand flame thrower: 

I love the look of mask and vostroyans. 

To me, riders should have lances. They use to be carrying explosives on the tip of them in the first editions. 

Hand guns would be the next thing after swords.


No horses? :) not even surprised :) I wouldn´t have gone there either ;)




looking forward to see your twist on it

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My rough riders will have spears, except for one that might have an assault weapon.


I tried some fur sculpting last night before bed on the vox trooper, and think it came out decently:




I attempted to sculpt the fur with my trusty clay shapers, but that wasn't happening at all. I had to break out a metal tool for the first time in a while.



Earlier today I gave it another go on the standard bearer:






I was starting to find a good pattern and rhythm to the fur, so I decided to try it on the hat for the commander:




I also filled in the spot between his belt and chest armor with cloth from the coat and added a suitably Vostroyan 'stache. :smile.:



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I was starting to find a good pattern and rhythm to the fur, so I decided to try it on the hat for the commander:




I dub thee, General-Poruchik Harrumph.


Awesome work so far, man. I can smell the cigar smoke and vodka from here.

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Lord Castellan Creedski looks great.





I was starting to find a good pattern and rhythm to the fur, so I decided to try it on the hat for the commander:




I dub thee, General-Poruchik Harrumph.


Awesome work so far, man. I can smell the cigar smoke and vodka from here.


You know the floor of that officer's tent is a mud composed of cigar and lho ash and spilled vodka.


It's funny how some details of a mini can completely escape your notice even though you've had the the thing sitting on a shelf near your work table for a couple of years. In this instance, it was Creed's mouth. Until I was sculpting the fur on the hat, which was kinda meticulous and took probably 30-40 minutes, I never noticed how awful it looked. Originally, I was going to give him something more like the other Vostroyan figures, but to cover up the mouth I had to go all Sam Elliot on it. In the end, I think it worked out. :)

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Thanks for the compliments, brothers. :)


I didn't get as much work done today as the schedule for my new job is kicking my butt, though I do have a few small updates.


For the commander, I added some decorative touches to the front of the coat, but I didn't want to get too crazy with the bling:




There's a few spots to smooth out on the coat, but otherwise I think I'm calling him done in regards to the modeling phase.


For the OotF, I thought I might try using the glue and tissue technique of mine to build a frame, if you will, for the coat he'll have draped over his shoulders:




I was so tired, I didn't even notice that I haven't resculpted the boots until I had the pic in the image editor. /sigh

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New power fist for the commissar, because the attempt at a rounded casing went awfully:




And the medicae, finally:


http://i.imgur.com/J7tEleI.jpg  http://i.imgur.com/DtXa4SE.jpg  http://i.imgur.com/qBCk2Fh.jpg

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