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I'm not going to finish my vow for ETL but I did manage to fight through some of the burnout and get some more work done on Jain Zar. 




I couldn't get the hair to look how I wanted -- it looked back from a technique standpoint but also looked a little too Bride of Frankenstein for my taste -- and in removing the hair it destroyed the greenstuff work that been on the topside of the head and I had to re-do it. Her spear broke and I couldn't repair it back to its original state so I decided to extend the haft a little to make the weapon look more balanced since the previous version had the blade almost as long as the haft. Added a loincloth billowing back between her legs to help give the illusion of movement now that the hair is gone. 

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She's looking great in my opinion and, as I've mentioned previously, I really dig how you envision eldar models. However, while I must admit I like the helmet as it is right now, I also think Jain Zar's mane of hair is too iconic and thus I would try to redo it, as well as maybe even trying out a screaming face mask such as in the original model.

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I tried the hair 3 different ways on the previous version and I don't think I have the sculpting skills to pull off something I'd be happy with and aside from the spear there's almost nothing I like about the original model, especially the face mask. While I always liked her lore she has the worst model imo. My version of Jain Zar is called the Storm of Silence because her banshee scream is all psychic power and not real sound that needs to be amplified to bone-crushing levels. Another part of my version of the Phoenix lords is a mix of the Craftworld and Dark eldar aesthetics to look different than the two very distinct lines we have models of. 

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I'm sure I've mentioned it a time or two since I started this thread, but never try to force creativity 'cause it never seems to work out well. I know I'm not going to make my ETL vow in the next week, and the mojo just ain't working on the Phoenix Lords right now and I had the itch to dig up an old project first mentioned just 3 weeks shy of 5 years ago in the early pages of this thread. 






My poor organizational skills had both sets of his arms going missing and a while back I tried to sculpt new ones without a whole lot of luck, but I have recently found all of his parts and plan on working on this some more. Slick's gun is just lightly glued onto the sword arm stump for now and I'm not sure what I want to have in his left hand. I could probably turn the sword cane sheath into a scroll tube like the illustration I was using for inspiration. 




Or maybe one of my metal sword blades. 

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Thanks, brother! All the GS work you see on that is quite old and not long after I discovered clay shapers. Here's some of the old WIP shots buried in the early pages of the thread showing how I started to de-age Gregor. 


Removing the brace from his leg:




Rebuilding the boot and pants. I ground the brace off of the left leg as well but never got a picture of it and haven't done any work on it until tonight (it's currently in my putty oven). 




The head after painstakingly removing all the wiring and bracing and the first test at adding GS to the face to bulk it out some to look more youthful. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to pull off what I was wanting, but the test was encouraging. 




This next one was not an intentional comparison with only half the head done, but back then I was a lot less confident with the clay shapers and my ability to not stick one or more fingers into wet GS and ruin what I'd just sculpted, so I tended to work in much smaller batches. 




Here I was wanting to see if the cheeks and jaw had the right muscular shape from what I added on with a deliberate light test. 




This is not the original picture from earlier in the thread; it looked a lot worse than this because I had a really crappy digital camera and my PhotoShop skills weren't as good then. 


Gregor now has hair, similar to the illustration on my previous post that is also currently in the putty oven. I'll get those progress pics up tomorrow. :)

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As is tradition with me and my projects, I'm not too happy with some aspects of the Eisenhorn figure versus what I want it to be, namely the Come At Me Bro! pose. While it makes sense for the original figure, drawing his sword cane and standing his ground, I wanted my younger Gregor to look more like the illustration, striding forward with determination. aThe easiest way I saw to change the pose of the legs was to alter the left leg... which is one giant hunk of pewter that would be a real nightmare to chop up and re-pose, not to mention that finding a replacement if I completely screwed it up would be difficult and costly. I made an Oyumaru mold and cast a new left leg out of a GS and Milliput mix instead and adjusted the pose while it was still wet enough to move but cured enough to not pick up fingerprints. 





Still not digging the arm position. And the previous pictures to compare. 





In a total brainfart moment, I made a copy of the left leg that still had the brace on it instead of the one I had already fixed. Ah well.


One idea I have to change up the arms is have him carrying a shotgun in both hands across the front of his body, but I dunno if I can pull that off. 

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If you're trying to do "come at me bro", I feel like there needs to be a bit of torso lean and chest puffing in it. I just happened to see the official plastic Eisenhorn mini and it has exactly what I'm talking about. You can see his shoulders pulled back a bit more than would occur in a normal walking pose and his entire body seems to be leaning forwards.

Edited by marine7312000
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A very interesting project! The younger version of Eisenhorn's face really resembles a younger Rutger Hauer, if you ask me.


I wouldn't go with a shotgun, as that doesn't seem particularly Eisenhorn-y to me. If you want to try something a bit more complicated, why not have the gun arm bent at the elbow -- I bet that would get rid of some of the sense of sweeping motion.


Anyway, I shall be watching this with interest! :)

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