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My brain keeps dredging up new ideas from the dark corners of my head, and I seem powerless to keep them confined there.


Here's a teaser of the new idea slowly coalescing in my imagination:




Any guesses where this might be headed, brothers? :D

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My brain keeps dredging up new ideas from the dark corners of my head, and I seem powerless to keep them confined there.


Here's a teaser of the new idea slowly coalescing in my imagination:




Any guesses where this might be headed, brothers? :D


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Im thinking something of the Night Lords. It looks like a WIP skull helmet (could it maybe be a chaplain?)


Wow, first reply got it. Grats!


Something slanesshi or tzeentch maybe?


Do the Night Lords lean towards any particular god? I never thought about that.


What an awesome thread fella


Well done indeed




Sister of Battle?


SoB? >_>


Your Avatar.


Some day, I will have to do that painting justice, but no.



My brain keeps dredging up new ideas from the dark corners of my head, and I seem powerless to keep them confined there.


Here's a teaser of the new idea slowly coalescing in my imagination:




Any guesses where this might be headed, brothers? :biggrin.:



That would be awesome. I'll keep that idea in mind.


I would try to make a guess, but I'm too busy raging over how you butchered that gorgeous Forge World Khorne Berzerker helm....


You're a Monster....


LOL! Well, if helps any, it was a badly miscast helm from the upgrade kit a friend of mine bought and had to have replaced by FW. Good eye, though! I wasn't sure how obvious the original piece would be.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Any concept sketches brother?



Any concept sketches brother?

I think that you would have to crack open his head to get at them. I'm pretty sure that BCK doesn't sketch much before he sculpts.



Mikhail is right. I build the concept sketches in my mind since I've long since abandoned by drawing skills, which have rusted beyond the hope of recovery. I do look through a lot of art from others, as well as drawing some inspiration from the work of my brothers, and begin to assemble an image in my mind. Unlike concept sketches though, these are much more fluid and frequently change as new or better ideas come up or implementation in reality gets in the way.


I will say that it will resemble the raptors from past editions of the game, not unlike this:



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It's looking great BCK are you going to do the cabling from the grille soon?


And what GS you using? Mine is GW stuff and is :cuss to work


Well, there won't be a grille. Dorns_fist planted the seed of a Predator mask on this guy, and it's taken root.


Edit: No, no, don't ever buy greenstuff from GW. For just a little more than that tiny ribbon costs, you can buy three feet of it from an online retailer. However, I don't buy the ribbon variety anymore and use the kind that's the blue and yellow separated into their own tubes.


Awesome work man, I've been thinking about sculpting some raptors myself. I miss the old helmets and the sinister look they had.


Ha, glad you like it.


Yeah, those old raptors were some of my favorite chaos sculpts. I was trying to find one of those old jump packs of theirs but now that I'm going with a Predator idea, there won't be a jump pack.


And yes, there will be giant, chunky Predator dreadlocks.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Sleek and sexy, a bit too much so.  Needs sharper points to the crest, I think.


It got damaged while I was at work. It appears someone bumped my desk pretty hard and the little holder I have for my curing GS fell over and it flattened the top of the helm. /sigh



How could I miss this thread for so long :wallbash:


Fantastic stuff mate !!!!!!


Danke. :)

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