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Love the look of that, nice fix there Brother.

Now how about a nice sprocketed drive wheel at the rear?


Yeah, the lack of teeth on the drive wheels of all the tracked 40k stuff has always bothered me. I might be able to do something with the donor tank parts, but each drive wheel is two parts and I'm missing a piece on one of them.


That's looking dangerously like a realistic tank track assembly, brother... :happy.:


Oh :cuss, I better fix that.

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When it rains it pours. Well, for my usual pace it's pouring... *ahem* Anyway, progress! Tracks about 80% done on the right side, and 60% on the left!






I have to say, I really like the new shape to the front of the tank a lot better now. By the way, points to anyone who knows what real tank those tracks are from.


Now, if anyone want to move the return roller inside the armor like I have, it's not all that difficult, and even less so if you do it before you glue the track armor halves together. :facepalm:


First up, drill a hole on the inside track armor piece here:




I was looking for a spot on that inner piece that would be easy to locate on both sides and also put the roller about where I was wanting. The lower corner of that recessed area in the right picture was perfect. You'll have to remove both of the floating road wheels, and you can see on the right pic again where I had to trim away some plastic for the new track placement. I also had to cut off the sockets on the road wheels where the original track pegs would fit.


A top view showing the removed plastic.




And then drill a hole into the return roller peg. I drilled a good half inch into the peg and used 1/16" brass tubing to make sure it was going to have plenty of strength.




I left an eighth of an inch or so of the brass rod protruding on the inner side of the track armor so I could secure it firmly in place with a sizable glob of superglue.


I haven't tried using the original Baneblade tracks in this new configuration, but I'm sure it could be done with a little work.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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As always, thanks for the kind words, brothers.


I think I'll explain the difference with the the track mechanism is that this is a lost 30k version of a super-heavy. :smile.:


The tracks are from a 1/35 scale German Maus tank, and are actually cut down a little because they're normally too wide for this.




Normal Maus tracks, cut down tracks, Baneblade tracks, and the vinyl Panther tracks I used for my Macharius. Unless you want to spend a lot of money for this conversion, I wouldn't suggest using the Maus kit to do it because it's around $70 US or 56.8 GBP. I got mine for free from my brother when he found he had lost some of the parts in a move and was planning on trashing it.




Now the age olde question... to goofy sponson or not to goofy sponson???




Yeah, no sponsons, 'cause I want that clean silhouette on the sides. I might add a hull and pintle weapon though.

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I didn't get much hobby time tonight, but I got the tracks finished for the right side.





They're a little loose on the rear end where the drive wheel is but they'll be nice and snug much later on when they finally get glued on.


Never one to throw any bits away, I took one of the floating road wheels I snipped off and with some careful cutting and filing, I now have a spare road wheel I can put on the tank at a later time.




I've also been contemplating what kind of paint scheme to put on this beast, and so far there's 3 possbilities:


1) Normal Dusk Raider colors with grey and red.

Because I imagine anti-titan vehicles like the Shadowsword and Stormblade to be ambush predators, I was thinking of some sort of camo to put on them.

2) A two-tone grey camo pattern with very soft, fuzzy edges to the second color.

3) Something like the hard-edged "ambush" patterns the Germans started using near the end of WWII. Here's a few examples.










Right now, I'm liking option 1 and 2 the most, with 2 winning out by a hair. What do you think, brothers?

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The wheel assembly looks so much better the way you have done it..


Makes me want to re-do the front end of my big legion tanks, however not sure if the 30K flat tracks will co-operate.

I guess they would but positioning of the front roller wheel would be dictated by the tracks...


Will ponder over it more until I get home )


Awesome work. If it is a legion vehicle, I would say option 1... Although maybe it is only in 40K that camouflage is for the cowardly :D


A grey wit a darker grey for the camo and sent subtle re d accents might be cool

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@ NightHunters: Sorry, man! I appreciate the effort.


@Dantay: I like your enthusiasm but please think it through before you start chopping up an expensive FW model.

The wheel assembly looks so much better the way you have done it..


Makes me want to re-do the front end of my big legion tanks, however not sure if the 30K flat tracks will co-operate.

I guess they would but positioning of the front roller wheel would be dictated by the tracks...


Will ponder over it more until I get home )


Awesome work. If it is a legion vehicle, I would say option 1... Although maybe it is only in 40K that camouflage is for the cowardly :biggrin.:


A grey wit a darker grey for the camo and some subtle red accents might be cool


I like your enthusiasm but please think it through before you start chopping up an expensive FW model.


I like 2 for real-world style camo. Though if you want something similar to Dusk Raiders armor, you could always do an urban camo with the Dusk Raiders grey as the base color.


I can't find a good pic of the WWII Tiger that has the two tone panzergrau (grey) paint scheme I'd considering, but I really like it and using the DR grey as a base would be nice.


Though I am erring towards Dusk Raider colours, the second camouflage adorning that King Tiger seems like a good call. :smile.:



#2 or #4 in Dusk Raiders colors would be nice.


Gotta go with number 4... mainly for the simplicity of it and imagining The raiders I don't think they would work too much about camo- also... it's already the legions colors so you're good to go there and weathered it would look flipping fantastic!


Concerning the likelihood of astartes power armor or their vehicles being camo and whether it's cowardly or not, I should probably explain what my Dusk Raiders force is, since it's been a while that it got mentioned in the thread. Essentially, after Morty was found on Barbarus, a lot of Terrans weren't happy with the sweeping changes he made to their beloved XIV Legion and made their opinions known. A lot of these dissenting voices ended up dying in the front lines of horrific meat grinder battles of attrition, but a decent number of them just simply refused to lay down and die. Instead of outright murdering them because Isstvaan was still a long way off, he packed them up -- with a few Barbarusian(not sure on the proper term there) DG that were also a PITA for one reason another -- and exiled them out in the middle of nowhere to escort a Mechanicum explorator fleet and essentially waste away doing absolutely nothing for decades. Eventually, they get word of the betrayal at Isstvan, take up their old Terran Rusk Raiders paint scheme, and come back to do what they can with their small numbers.


For the most part, they won't worry about camo, but in a few instances, like a super-heavy tank that could be one hell of a surprise if hidden, they might go in for camo because they don't have all the resources of a full Legion to replace lost men, vehicles, and equipment as much as they would like.


@lionofjudah: That King Tiger in octopus ammo is kind of in Death Guard colors, not Dusk Raiders colors, though the art is a little washed out. The colors are actually dunkelgelb and olivgrun - a dark yellow and olive green. In fact, I found some better pics of that camo type that I'd seen before, with longer, thinner "arms" of the yellow color.







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Lovely progress on the Macharius, there, BCK. I have to visit your thread more often! 


Ab out the boiling water dunk - why would the resin melt? I usually dunk my large (recast) resin kits for minutes on end - it just makes them far easier to bend, and I've never had problems with it. You might want to repeat your 'mistake' next time you're facing gaps like that!

I love that you deleted the floating roller. It always bothered me as well, and your solution is very elegant. It's just a shame that the angle of the tracks doesn't match the angle of the side armour panel anymore now - but such is the price to pay. Regardless, it does look much better.


The camo on the king tiger is by far the best looking! 

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It is a nice camo pattern, a grey black variant could work, almost urban camo, then with red dusk raider symbol to really make it pop


Either that or the bone white and grey, almost ghost effect like your shield and mace wearing terminator captain?


Btw, IF I try, I will go super easy on the model and if it all goes wrong, I can use it as a diorama/ scenic piece with a tank having its track blown off. Plus an excuse to buy another ;)

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Augs - I got a resin model so hot one time that when I took it out of the water to straighten a piece of it out, it completely deformed with the slightest touch and I was never able to get it back to its original shape. Maybe melt was the wrong word for it though.


Dantay - have at it then, lol

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