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wow, this thread is so sick! I can tell why heathens refers to you as one of the "High Lords of Conversions" he mentioned you several times when I was at his house. 


you sir are awesome, that is all.


the great thing about this thread is how it makes me want to actually do this with my HH Salamanders! just take my time and get back into what I love about this hobby.


thank you.

Edited by furioso-prime
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Looking Good BCK!! cant wait to see more.


Thanks! This Night Lords figure is currently eating up all my attention and that combined with some sleep issues this past week has slowed down my work on the various projects I have up in the air, but I believe I have a enough ideas in my head to keep this train going for a while. :smile.:


wow, this thread is so sick! I can tell why heathens refers to you as one of the "High Lords of Conversions" he mentioned you several times when I was at his house. 


you sir are awesome, that is all.


the great thing about this thread is how it makes me want to actually do this with my HH Salamanders! just take my time and get back into what I love about this hobby.


thank you.


Wow, I don't really know what to say to that. :D Thanks, and you're welcome!


I used to worry so much about trying to get an army done and I joined and failed so many of the ETL and other completion-type challenges on here and failed every single one of them. I was beginning to hate what the game was turning into and pressuring myself into trying to finish an army was making me hate the hobby, and I couldn't have that. One of them had to go, and it was the game. Besides, a healthy incentive to quit playing, aside from all the outrageous BS that GW has done in the last few years, is seeing how the majority of the players at my LGS act. I think I'd rather eat ground glass and wash it down with some rubbing alcohol than play with the spoiled, foul-mouthed brats I've seen up there.


My hobby desk had been gathering dust for months and now I'm working on something every day that I never had time for while trying to build an army to play with, and it's sooooooo much better this way. I encourage you to do that very thing with your XVIII Legion and I hope it's as enjoyable as this is for me.


Now, enough words! Updates!


Since the last sculpting update got messed up, I decided that I had tried to do too much with the decorations and kept it simple (stupid).




Started working in a chest piece too, trying to stick with the Predator idea, using a Sanguine Guard chest to resemble those lovable xenos in their layered armor, but I dunno if it's quite right for this.




I'm thinking it's drifting too far away from the Night Lords aspect and I might just keep the Predator inspiration confined to the helmet.


What do you think, brothers?

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Yeah, I like it, but might have to put it aside to use for a different figure. (Also note the lack of nipples!)



I see scorpion from mortal combat emerging :biggrin.:


lol, a little bit, yeah. I didn't think the snout protruded enough as it was, and once this cures, I'll be building more on top of it. I like the skeletal nose ridge of the previous incarnation and will probably rebuild that.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I like the work you've done on altering the torso. How about removing the abdominal muscles? That would help alleviate the Blood Angel look it still has. It has the potential to really fit the Predator theme but I feel that's currently holding it back from reaching there. 

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the rib design is so much better than the original!

Agreed, I think that this torso might work with the inspiration you are drawing from.


You guys have me thinking it might be worth another try.


I must ask for him to be posed like "get over here"


I love how you bring these sculpts to life brother


LOL, I knew that was coming. No promises on that pose. :tongue.:


I like the work you've done on altering the torso. How about removing the abdominal muscles? That would help alleviate the Blood Angel look it still has. It has the potential to really fit the Predator theme but I feel that's currently holding it back from reaching there. 


Since the Predators usually have a lot of muscle showing, that was the idea with the BA torso, but you're absolutely right about the sculpted physique holding it back. The inspiration I was drawing from was the "Celtic" Predator from the first AVP movie, who, as far as I can recall, was the most heavily armored Predator in any of the films:




And a pic of a reproduction suit of the Celt's armor:




Maybe I'll chop up a different marine torso and see if I can get a little closer to that and still keep it within the 40k and Night Lords aesthetic.

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If you can make the 'ribs' come further towards the center, that will help a lot.  As is, they're not even noticeable from the front, and will be lost quite a bit beneath the arms.  A troublesome difference with the predator (cool inspiration choice by the way) is that the pectoral section of the armor ends well above the bottom of the actual pectoral muscles, allowing those segmented 'ribs' to come right up to the solar plexus.  By contrast, the Sanguinary Guard armor has a proper sized pectoral section, leaving very little room to cram in the 'ribs.'


I'm not sure what to do with the abdominals.  There's an obvious difference between sculpted armor abdominals and actual exposed flesh.  The Predator leans much more towards the latter with only that thin strip down the center.  I would consider modeling them to match the 'ribs' in design as well, as segmented armor running down the center rather than muscular sculpts.  I dunno how well it will work though, especially as the armor hangs over the belt line by a wide margin.


So yeah, there are a lot of problems, and a lot of potential solutions.  Hell if I know what to do about what :biggrin.:

Edited by Firepower
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you should google the Predator comics by Dark Horse. they had Predators in full armour. that may help!


It mostly brought up comic book covers, but I was digging through a lot of Pred stuff on Deviant Art the last couple nights.


If you can make the 'ribs' come further towards the center, that will help a lot.  As is, they're not even noticeable from the front, and will be lost quite a bit beneath the arms.  A troublesome difference with the predator (cool inspiration choice by the way) is that the pectoral section of the armor ends well above the bottom of the actual pectoral muscles, allowing those segmented 'ribs' to come right up to the solar plexus.  By contrast, the Sanguinary Guard armor has a proper sized pectoral section, leaving very little room to cram in the 'ribs.'


Yeah, I just need to start with a chest sanded completely clean of detail like I did with Maestoros.

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Sorry if I missed something, Kage, but...cable-dreadlocks, yes yes?




Sorry if I missed something, Kage, but...cable-dreadlocks, yes yes?

He is planning on them, yes.


Yeah, I was talking with Mikhail about the conversion in PMs a few days ago, and the dreads will be cables. I'm also thinking about a shoulder mounted plasma pistol.

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The dreadlock test was a failure because they don't want to stick to blue tack and I didn't want to superglue them. I do have another update, though.


I've been thinking of several possible poses and have whittled them down to two over the last few days: one action, one static. Since I just did a really involved conversion in a static pose (Maestoros) I'm leaning towards the aciton-y pose. The idea is that he's leaping forward and striking with a power weapon that runs the length of his forearm. I have a pair of Raptor/Warp Talon legs that I had modified but didn't want to permanently attach the feet yet, and I just could not get it to stand up with blue tack, so I had to sub in Varko's legs:




I'm disappointed I couldn't get the Raptor legs to cooperate and stand up because while express the idea somewhat, it's not nearly as dynamic as it is with other legs. /sigh


I'm off work tomorrow so I'll see if I can do something to get the feet done and get some proper pictures.

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