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Dude... your stuff is just too awesome.


I especially like the tank projects that as real-world details based on WWII tanks. I'm starting to do the same with a few of my projects and will be stealing many ideas from you. The tracks in particular. Nice work.


Steal away! I'd love to see more tanks have real world details added. Good luck finding some tracks without buying a new kit though. And if you do find such a thing, please let me know. I will say that the Tamiya Panther kit was relatively inexpensive and has a great amount of bits I can use for other 40k kits.


I just found this thread, I've been lurking for a while.  The stuff you create is inspiring!  


I appreciate the kind words and hope you stick around the B&C and share some of your own work.

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I appreciate the kind words and hope you stick around the B&C and share some of your own work.


I plan to!  I posted on DakkaDakka for years, but I am blocked at work now, which is the only place I have time to post. (before and after work mostly) So I am thinking of starting a new thread here showing my 30k and 40k Word Bearers as they progress.  Not much to show yet though, but soon!

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I picked up some plastic Mk III marines from eBay and decided I would knock out a White Scar for the March of the Legions using only parts from that set... and a hand crafted sword.




Early sketch, more work to do, blabbity blah, you know the drill by now. :smile.:

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I picked up some plastic Mk III marines from eBay and decided I would knock something a White Scar for the March of the Legions using only parts from that set... and a hand crafted sword.




Early sketch, more work to do, blabbity blah, you know the drill by now. :)

Looking good dude. Are you planning on furs or anything of that nature?

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Well, my workstation had a catastrophic failure of sorts and I'm going to need to replace it. Here's a shot of how it frequently looks.




It was a homebuilt thing my brother did originally for him to put a small lathe on, but he put that out in the garage and I adopted the desk. It really is too big with lots of the length that was needed for the lathe being wasted and allowing me to pile junk up instead of organizing it. I already have something in mind for a replacement, so I don't plan on being out of business for too long. With a smaller desk I can finally get around to organizing all my stuff that I kept saying I would do for years.


Maybe. :wink:

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If I'm honest, if I had a table, it'd probably look a lot like that one. :P


Still, "catastrophic failure" sounds like a leg coming loose or something. That would've made a real mess.

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The cheap door that makes up the surface is basically coming apart.


Ah. A split down the grain/join I presume. Ah well, it served you well, I take it? How long have you had it?

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Well, my workstation had a catastrophic failure of sorts and I'm going to need to replace it. Here's a shot of how it frequently looks.



It's...strangely comforting to know that I'm not the only one whose hobby area looks like this.

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You're good at scratch building, you could pull something like this off in a couple days for your workstation!  :yes: 




That's cool, but unfortunately I don't have the tools to build something like that. I wish I did.



The cheap door that makes up the surface is basically coming apart.


Ah. A split down the grain/join I presume. Ah well, it served you well, I take it? How long have you had it?



Eight years, I'd guess? Maybe a little more but I'm not certain when it got built.




Well, my workstation had a catastrophic failure of sorts and I'm going to need to replace it. Here's a shot of how it frequently looks.



It's...strangely comforting to know that I'm not the only one whose hobby area looks like this.



The first time I posted this pic a three years ago I recall a few people saying similar things. I also think Dosjetka said it scared him.


Are you going with scimitars or more katana kinda styles?


Neither, really. I specifically didn't try to do an exact copy of any sword from earth, but just went with a vague curved shape with a thick blade.

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The more I read about 8th, the more I'm considering playing the game again. The last several editions were such a mess and this reboot might be exactly what the game needs. A long time ago, when I first saw the Astral Claws paint job from FW in their Badab War book, it was love at first sight and I told myself that if I ever got back into 40k for some reason that I would make paint up an army of them.


I had a go at a figure to test out the paint scheme and see just how rusty my painting skills are.




The face is simply a base coat with some P3 Flesh Wash over it and my skills at painting flesh have definitely atrophied. I considered cutting the head off and making a neck hole with my Dremel to fit a helmet on him instead of trying to paint flesh again, but then I reminded myself that it's a classic OOP figure and you'll just have to suck it up and try to get decent at flesh tones again. I wanted a darker skin tone than what you normally see for marines partly because some diversity is politically correct these days,  but mostly for the contrast of a dark, warm color against a whole lot of silver.


If 8th does turn out to be refreshing enough to get me back into gaming, I hope Dreads and Termies are worth taking again. I have at least 6 dreads that I know of off the top of my head, not counting my 30k Contemptor or 2 Leviathans, and they would look great in the AC paint scheme.

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Man, two of my favorite dudes on the BnC doing one of the coolest chapters, it must be my lucky day. Have you thought about dry brushing the face at all? Or are you trying to do something more advanced?
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I never really liked dry brushing all that much because it frequently had a dusty appearance for me, but I'll be trying the traditional method of picking out the raised areas with progressively lighter tones.


And yeah, the Badab stuff seems to have a resurgence every so often and the ACs are a popular one. Hyaenidae and Tyler Mengel (Nurgling) also cast a long shadow, so I will definitely be doing my best. I'm not sure where I would place them in the timeline, which will also determine if they would have the original AC lion head icon, or the Badab War era Tyrant's Claw icon. On one hand, I could make up my own characters and stuff, but on the other I could try my hand a custom Lufgt Huron figure; except for the awesome shoulder pads and the claw I was never crazy about the official model.

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Coming along nicely, Kage. Glad to see your skills aren't completely gone. :tu:


I've actually got some plans for a Badab army of my own coming up fairly soon, but kinda waiting for 8th to drop to see the new rules before I commit to anything.

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Coming along nicely, Kage. Glad to see your skills aren't completely gone. :thumbsup:


I've actually got some plans for a Badab army of my own coming up fairly soon, but kinda waiting for 8th to drop to see the new rules before I commit to anything.


Maybe not gone, but rusty as hell. I was never amazing at painting flesh and now I feel like a beginner picking up a brush for the first time. I'm waiting for 8th before committing as well, and in the meantime I have to decide if I want to go back to the old GW style of painting or stick to the more realistic approach that I've done with my 30k stuff.


Looking forward to see what you end up doing with the Astral Claws. In any case, the Captain looks promising. More please. :thumbsup:


Even if I don't end up getting back into the game, I plan on doing some Astral Claws anyway. What's really disappointing is that I just looked on Forgeworld for shoulder pads and the terminator pads are gone, as well as the decal sheet.

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