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So far, Khârn has been a disaster and everything I've been trying hasn't worked out at all, but that's not such a bad thing because I need to get my focus back on my eldar. To that end, I made new metal blades for my custom Jain Zar and Karandras conversions today using the thicker 16 gauge wire instead of the 18 so that they're a little easier to work with - the extra mass gives me more wiggle room for accidents and also makes the blades stronger and less prone to bending.




The smaller blade at the bottom is the one that was previously on Karandras, pictured below. The new one is a bit wider, longer and a lot more sturdy.



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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The above pic will be a good 'before' pic to this next one. 




I did the sculpting just before bed last night and I didn't look at it until I got home from my usual Sunday gaming group about an hour ago. I'm not sure I like it, and not because I think the sculpting is bad, but that it doesn't look different enough from the normal dark eldar armor. Note that the hole in the center of the chest is where his soul stone will go if it stays this way. I definitely like the new sword better. 

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The sword is made out of steel wire that I hammer flat and then use various grinding bits on my Dremel to shape the blade and get as even a finish as I can with them. After that, I wet sand the blades with 280, 400, and 600 grit sandpaper to really smooth them out and clean up any imperfections.


Initially I used large paperclips because I had several at hand, but once those ran out I couldn't find any more the same size that didn't have patterns cut them into them or were chromed, etc. Paperclip blade #1:




A better look at it in comparison to some official blades in plastic, and at the time I was experimenting with hammering out brass rod as a possible material, which was much less sturdy and broke very easily.




This one I had to bend before hammering:




Making the change to 18 gauge steel wire:




Eldar Diresword:




On the Exarch:




Lightning claws:




Then getting 16 gauge wire to attempt some Astartes blades. The test blade next to some plastic ones for comparison, and then some spare bits of the wire to show how they begin life. 




First astartes blade. 




And caught up the current ones!


Why did I bother? Because the plastic blades were always too thick and chunky for my liking (especially in plastic), though I do realize it's done that way because they would be far too spindly if they were cast much thinner. It's purely an aesthetics thing for me. If you want to try it yourself, I'd say some sort of rotary tool like a Dremel is mandatory because my first go at a hammered paperclip with my hobby files did all but nothing to the steel. 

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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That's a cool technique with impressive results, although I can't even imagine the amount of fiddly work that mustve gone into making those lightning claws:)


As for the striking scorpion, maybe get rid of the blade that extends from his knee armor? It'll likely read less as a dark eldar that way, especially combined with a a soul stone and dreadlocks(if you're adding those?)

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I did the sculpting just before bed last night and I didn't look at it until I got home from my usual Sunday gaming group about an hour ago. I'm not sure I like it, and not because I think the sculpting is bad, but that it doesn't look different enough from the normal dark eldar armor. Note that the hole in the center of the chest is where his soul stone will go if it stays this way. I definitely like the new sword better. 


The dark eldar-esque look is fairly inevitable, I reckon, as the look of the Striking Scorpion aspect is so similar anyway. To soften it, perhaps you could add a military-style sash, samurai-esque belt or similar across the chest or waist? That's something that rarely appears on dark eldar miniatures, but is common to Craftworld stuff.


Alternatively, perhaps you could make the armour still more segmented, to take it past the dark eldar feel to something more?


Looks lovely, anyway!

Edited by Apologist
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Maybe add some filigree (not sure if that's the right word; I mean the raised lines in curling patterns) like the Visarch model has? It might help offset the hard planes and lines. What's naggling me is the arm holding the sword; the studded glove and what looks like bare muscle makes me think Wych which makes me think Dark Eldar. However, I think the focal points for any Scorpion are the mandiblasters and for big K the Scorpion's Claw. Those will probably help identify the character beyond anything else. I see the head you've got there and there's no doubt it's a Striking Scorpion.

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The arm is not going to stay bare, trust me. It was a wych arm in the right pose I needed without having to chop something up and pin it so I used it. I sometimes forget to tell you guys what I'm planning in my head for details like that. 

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The pistol and four-fingered bionic hand on the female Inquisitor are both from the skitarii box set, though I did do some modification to the pistol. The other pistol on her acolyte is a dark eldar splinter pistol with a lot of the detail shaved down. 

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Had a go at an idea for his claw, partly inspired by the the dark eldar scissorhand, and partly by the creature that was the basis of the Striking Scorpions - the Predator (or yautja for those in the know) with the two fingers of the claw resembling their curved wrist blades. This is just an early test and if I go with it, there will be more material built up around the hand. Since this was much easier and faster than trying to sculpt the claw, I tried it first. 



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I don't think you should really be concerned with the armor appearing too Dark Eldar like - I figure that the Phoenix Lords would have armor similar to the Visarch, encompassing multiple stylings of "Aeldari" armor.


Really digging the claw though! I think it could do with some serrations, but it looks really awesome.

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I tore off the GS for the first go at the chest and tried again, going back to a similar aesthetic I used on my Jain Zar. 




The wasp waist will be filled in with more armor later but I'm much happier with this. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Almost finished with the Bloodthirster, and 7 days to the deadline! Ahhhhhhhhhh!




Head and back are finished. I'm not 100% happy with how the back muscles turned out, but it's too late to undo that much work now. Forearms are almost ready to be attached to the upper arms and the join greenstuffed over - the left arm isn't here because it's covered in wet GS. And I still haven't come up with a concrete idea for the base yet. >_<


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I need to visit B&C more often. I completely agree on the whole wing and muscles. In fact I have a forgeworld dragon which I decided to convert to just having 4 limbs because I hated the lack of muscles that would make flight possible. I'm glad you've addressed it (more because I was questioning my sanity wth the dragon so it's nice to see someone else consider it)


Everything else is amazing to, but that's just what I expect from you!

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