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Did some digging, and you're right! Huron narrowly missed killing him with the Ghost Razors. I actually have the old Culln terminator figure, but I've never cared for it all that much. I might have to whip up my own version of him. 

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Well, I couldn't find my Culln figure which I mostly wanted solely for the shoulder pads, and tried to see what I could come up with using a combination of the 3 terminator styles... and nothing. After several hours of fiddling, I gave up, and I think part of it is that I'm just not that interested in doing more marines right now. I know, I know, but Huron is an exception because he's one of my favorite conversions of all time and I want to finish him. 


While rummaging around for the Culln a second time, I found something interesting that I might do instead as a foe for Huron.




Can't seem to locate the left arm, but I'm not too worried about that. I'm considering cutting him in half at the waist and cutting the legs off at the hips and knees so I can get rid of the gorilla back and stunted legs. 

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Glad the video is helping and your skill with GS will only get better with practice. Speaking of which, I suggest sculpting everyday if you can, even if it's something small and just for practice.


As for the oil on the GS, once, it's cured I use an old toothbrush and soap to remove it.

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I know it's later than I said it would be, but here's the second GS smoothing video to help you after the putty has cured.  



Like the first vid, this was originally around 7 minutes long, but I realized I could cut it almost in half with some new voice over work after the edits. I hope it's useful. :)

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Yeah, the first one is definitely more useful and this was originally going the be the last part of the first vid until I discovered how much I rambled without a prepared script beforehand. Some suggestions for other vids have been armor plates, chainmail, and cloth, but I am open to other suggestions.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm back to Culln because I found my Cataphractii captain from Betrayal at Calth while the B&C was down and decided I could work with it. With a few adjustments of sorts. 




Some of you may have seen this posted on the B&C bookface a few days ago, but it's nice to put it up here. I really didn't like the original legs or their pose, and on top of that I wanted to do a mixed armor thing for him, so I carefully cut the legs away and used the command legs from the Tartaros termies as a replacement. I also removed the right Cataphractii arm and replaced with a Tartaros arm and a GK sword, but after a few days of looking at him, his pose feels a bit generic and I think I might change it to something closer to the artwork on Badab War Book 1: 




Work progress on Huron, with the rest of his chest armor getting set down -- this was second try since the first ended up being too bulky for the arms and looked too round -- and beginning the foundation of sculpting his lion head shoulder pad with the wings underneath. 




For any would-be sculptors out there, I can't stress enough the importance of reference material whether you're sculpting something as simple as folds in a tabard, or as complex as a whole lion head. If you have anything you can keep at hand as reference (I gather up minis with cloth folds I like the look of when sculpting cloth) so much the better, but if not, I frequently find images online and have them printed out to keep at my desk. For this shoulder pad, the 3D printing boom proved very helpful because I found a lion head I liked from a 3D model and I grabbed several pics of it from the rotational view. 




The bottom two pics are of a bronze sculpture that I really liked, and I have yet to decide if I want the mouth open or not. 

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I've searched for third party lion shoulder pads before and haven't found anything I was happy with. Well, I was initially excited by a photo of a lion shoulder pad by puppetswar until I saw how huge it was on the example mini. 


Aside from not finding anything I liked, I really want to give this a shot on my own to see if I my sculpting skills are up to the task. ;)

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My attempts at sculpting a lion head are not going well. I do have some progress on Culln though. 




I spent at least 2 hours, maybe 3, searching through sprues to find something for his left arm and after cobbling this together I'm not even sure I like it that much. 



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Culln's abdominal plates are well done. I commend your work on them.


I had intended to do a straight section similar to the artwork I posted earlier, but it looked very blah so I did the segmented plates instead. Sounds like it was a good decisions. :smile.:


The sculpting is great, but I'm not sold on the storm bolter arm either...


Yeah, left arms for the Tartaros only come in a few poses with huge power fists on them. I'll have another go at it later. 


In the meantime, I had completely forgotten the Tartaros sprues had a heavy flamer on them until I noticed one a little while ago, and it looks much better than the one I cobbled together for Huron. 




Next up will be increasing the girth of the upper legs to balance out the increased size of his torso, doing something with the housing of his claws, and then deciding if I want to give him other accessories like a cloak or banner similar to the original model. 

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Love coming back and the BnC is up and BCK has an updated thread!!

Loving your orks and that first cultist with the awesome face is sweet. Didn’t know about the extruded spinous processes but after reflecting on genomorphing and the hybridization into the biomass pits it makes sense to me.

Really Bob Ross mad right now with your smoothing GS tutorials... makes me want to throw my shapers away and sulk in the corner

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New flamer is looking boss. 

The new Culln pose.... wait.... OOOOOOH SOLO MIOOOOOoooooooo... doesn't really cut it for me. It makes me wonder what he's doing, besides opera. Maybe give him a shield, or a piece of scroll or a hologram using an epic termiator, like IP does?

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