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And tonight I finished something I started a while back: filling the insets in the chest that house... I dunno what. Lights? Smoke launchers? Is it ever explained?



They're lights.


Edit: adding in a quote since it was bottom of page and "they're lights" seems hilariously out of context at the top of the page :lol:

Edited by Gederas
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They're smoke launchers.

You sure? They're not shaped like any other smoke launchers, even on 30k kits, but have the rounded shape and the two bars across the sphere like other Astartes lights.



I'm would bet my left nut on it.

- Those bars you mention are always on the lights, not recessed into it.

- The studio also painted them in the exact same metalic colour as the phosphex missiles.

- Four of the six are mounted in a slight arc upwards.

- The wikis also mention the launchers are standard equipment, while a spotlight is optional (probable mounted on the top instead of the phosphex).


No real reason to argue about what they might be, since BCK has removed them anyway :whistling:

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Smoke launchers they were then. :smile.:


I picked up a few bits from the Intercessor box on eBay and just had to try to kitbash a new version of an old favorite. I'm sure I'm not the first to try for this and doubt I'll be the last, but here's the early sketch of the new sarge with the old one. 




Still a good bit of work to do, like cutting in the "not a battle brother" notch in the gorget, removing the pistol holster from the right thigh so the auto-bolter sits better, and anything else I discover that needs doing. I really didn't want to have any marines without a helmet in my Raptors, but I might have to make an exception for this guy. 


He will be replacing the sarge from Intercessor Squad A of the Dark Imperium box, whose pose is so funky I can't handle it. 




Seriously, what is going on with that pose?! All the rest of the marine poses from the DI box are fine, but this one is so weird... I dunno what I'm going to end up doing with this figure. 

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I really didn't want to have any marines without a helmet in my Raptors, but I might have to make an exception for this guy.


He will be replacing the sarge from Intercessor Squad A of the Dark Imperium box, whose pose is so funky I can't handle it. 


Seriously, what is going on with that pose?! All the rest of the marine poses from the DI box are fine, but this one is so weird... I dunno what I'm going to end up doing with this figure.

New Sarge looks awesome and that homage is totally worthy of the sole helmetless Marine in the "No God-Damn John Wayne'ing It" Chapter! He'll look awesome in Raptor colors.


And :lol: on that sarge's pose - I also chose to chop and repose that particular body and save some of those arms for better positioning later on a different Marine.


I think that's the "Come 'ere boy, I'm gonna shove this bolt rifle down your throat" pose.

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New Sarge looks awesome and that homage is totally worthy of the sole helmetless Marine in the "No God-Damn John Wayne'ing It" Chapter! He'll look awesome in Raptor colors.


Oooh, idea! I still have the helmet I cut off the Lt's belt from the previous page! I could damage it up and put it on his base. 

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Serendipity paid me a visit when I tried the bolter arms from the battle brother used to make the new sarge on the body of funky pose sarge. 




It works surprisingly well. :smile.:

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I really didn't want to have any marines without a helmet in my Raptors, but I might have to make an exception for this guy.


He will be replacing the sarge from Intercessor Squad A of the Dark Imperium box, whose pose is so funky I can't handle it. 


Seriously, what is going on with that pose?! All the rest of the marine poses from the DI box are fine, but this one is so weird... I dunno what I'm going to end up doing with this figure.

New Sarge looks awesome and that homage is totally worthy of the sole helmetless Marine in the "No God-Damn John Wayne'ing It" Chapter! He'll look awesome in Raptor colors.


And :laugh.: on that sarge's pose - I also chose to chop and repose that particular body and save some of those arms for better positioning later on a different Marine.


I think that's the "Come 'ere boy, I'm gonna shove this bolt rifle down your throat" pose.

That Sergeant is reaching for his bolt pistol.


Imagine holding the bolt rifle. Now, drop your left hand from the handgrip and reach for where the bolt pistol is. The rifle is held in that position because the model is, essentially in a snap-shot of motion right before he draws the pistol.


Edit: You seemed to have posted as soon as I did :lol: The new pose with the rifle looks good. :tu:

Edited by Gederas
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I see this confusion a lot for the leviathan. It's their frag assault launchers; phosphex discharged is whats on top. A lot of people confuse them with lights, but you'll notice that it's not a bulb in a harness like the rhinos. Each is a 4 shaped charges set in a circular pattern.
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That Sergeant is reaching for his bolt pistol.


That's definitely a better idea than anything I came up with for the pose, but in my head that doesn't work. The holster is so high up on his hip that his upper arm would have to be parallel to the ground to draw the pistol. If the holster was slung lower on the thigh, like a cowboy about to draw on a bad guy, then I'd agree with you wholeheartedly. 

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That Sergeant is reaching for his bolt pistol.

That's definitely a better idea than anything I came up with for the pose, but in my head that doesn't work. The holster is so high up on his hip that his upper arm would have to be parallel to the ground to draw the pistol. If the holster was slung lower on the thigh, like a cowboy about to draw on a bad guy, then I'd agree with you wholeheartedly.

Like I said, the model is in a snap-shot of going through the motions to grab his pistol. Unfortunately, they chose kind of an... awkward spot to do said snap-shot :lol:

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You're probably right, but I'm imagining having the bolt rifle up like I'm shooting and then going for the pistol, right? Hand comes off the foregrip and instead of dropping my arm to a full extension and then coming back up (which is what it looks like to me if the figure is going for the pistol), I would roll my arm down and back, straight to the pistol grip.


Granted, I have said many times of the years that it's often painfully obvious that the artists and sculptors have very little experience with real firearms and this is probably one of those instances. 

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You're probably right, but I'm imagining having the bolt rifle up like I'm shooting and then going for the pistol, right? Hand comes off the foregrip and instead of dropping my arm to a full extension and then coming back up (which is what it looks like to me if the figure is going for the pistol), I would roll my arm down and back, straight to the pistol grip.


Granted, I have said many times of the years that it's often painfully obvious that the artists and sculptors have very little experience with real firearms and this is probably one of those instances. 

Essentially, yeah. The way he's posed, I'm imagining he's swinging the bolt rifle out of the way at the same time he's going for his pistol.


And yes, I very much think this is one of those instances as well :lol:

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New Sarge looks awesome and that homage is totally worthy of the sole helmetless Marine in the "No God-Damn John Wayne'ing It" Chapter! He'll look awesome in Raptor colors.


Oooh, idea! I still have the helmet I cut off the Lt's belt from the previous page! I could damage it up and put it on his base. 



You could give the helmet a huge cut, destroying one of the lenses, and represent a headwound on the marine to sell the idea.

Reasonable marine is saved because of being reasonable, but made the helmet unusable.

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There will definitely be a damaged helmet on the ground, maybe a small wound on his head as well. 




I tried to figure out a way to keep the rifle separate from the figure for ease of painting later, but I couldn't get it work with the straps without permanently attaching it. After removing the holster, adding a spare pouch to help cover the hole on the butt plate and belt, I sculpted the thigh plate back up and pinned the bolter to his thigh. Oh, and gave him a hair cut to match the original figure a little closer. 




With the straps attached:





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A bunch of super soldiers with Little Man Marine Syndrome (LMS)? Sounds nasty. 


I was wanting a bare head with some scars for the Primarized sarge, but I didn't have any and couldn't find any I liked on eBay. 


Maybe in these days of 3D printing more options might become available. I'd love to get some heads that evoked as much menace as Tom Berenger's scarred up SSGT Barnes from Platoon. 



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Come on put some holes in the helmet. That way he at least has a reason not to wear it.


IMHO the neck looks too long. Like that the gorget does not help much.

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I'm not finished with it yet; there will be damage to the helmet. The neck will need some adjusting because the head is from a Centurion and the blutac holding it in place for the time being is also making it sit higher than normal.
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Just sitting down to catch up on your thread.

I’m excited you’re doing Raptors!! I feel the same when it comes to proportions and the scale correctness of the primaris/truescale marines to regular 40k aesthetics.

That sarge reproduction is looking really good- I have the Ammo OD modulation kit and it’s been fantastic for my FoW LW US 3rd armored company.

I like the 4 part system more than the 6 for sure as until you hit 1/35 or above you’re not really going to see that much of a difference IMO.

Also... ssgt Barnes scarring scared me as a kid and really evokes that hardcore warrior imagery

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Yeah, I saw Platoon when I was 11 IIRC and Barnes was :cussing scary. You're probably right about the 4 color modulation set as well, thanks for the suggestion. 


And now, aside from a few more mold lines to clean up, Shouty Sarge is pretty much done. 




Widened the neck hole so the head would sit properly (bluetac holding it in place still makes it look off, but it sits flush without it), filled in the gap where the right arm connected to the body, and damaged the helm. I had originally cut a thin line into the top of the helmet where I wanted the near-miss damage to be and then widened it out with a drill bit but it looked far too deep to be survivable, so I filled in some of that space with GS. 

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