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Got any pics of this tri-hawk?


More work on the gang leader that was inspired by the lore I re-read about House Escher with how they're basically the Underhive version of Big Pharma, supplying all the poisons, recreational drugs, and the HGH that House Goliaths lives (and dies) by. I had only intended for Stubber Gal to be more muscled up with her backstory of using the HGH created by her house to be able to carry heavy weapons. Then I got to thinking, what if this gang ignored the old motto of "Never get high on your own supply" and its lesser known variation of "Never get buff on your own stuff" and they all look like fething amazons, hence the adjusted direction of the leader. 




She went from kind of silly straight to scary in a flash. Unlike Stubber Gal (I really need to come up with a name for her), I wanted to do a more realistic version of the female physique where they can get the muscles in the upper legs and shoulders fairly large before needing chemical assistance for more mass, and stayed away from the arms and lower legs. 


Also, any suggestions of what I could have her standing on? I'm not much of a fan of conquered foes on bases, but I'm open to just about anything else. 


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Also, any suggestions of what I could have her standing on? I'm not much of a fan of conquered foes on bases, but I'm open to just about anything else.

A treasure chest? Ammo box? Beer keg or wine barrel? Tire from a wrecked ground car? Brick wall's broken remains, and other debris?

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A treasure chest? Ammo box? Beer keg or wine barrel? Tire from a wrecked ground car? Brick wall's broken remains, and other debris?


Maybe a box of their own drug supplies?


I think an ammo crate. I checked the ammo crates that come with the Munda box set scenery and they're way too tall so I'll have to scratch build one. Perhaps a crate of plasma fuel cells would do nicely. 

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Well, been an interesting few days on the conversion. You can see in the previous pic I put up that the far right image where I cut away the armor on her back with the intention of trying to sculpt a leather jacket on her like those the Orlocks wear. The idea being that she killed an Orlock gang leader or champ and kept his jacket as a trophy, same as the Van Saar face plate that is now her right knee pad. 




It didn't work out very well and I've given up on the idea after 2 attempts (2.5 really, since I tried real hard to fix the second one after the initial round of putty cured), so now I've replaced the armor on her back. Although it doesn't up very well in the image, I scratch built an ammo box and quickly came to realize that her new pose doesn't fit on a 25mm base all that well and I might have to give her a 32.


Still need to clean up the head where the bangs used to be, some GS spots that need retouching, and maybe adding something? I dunno, seems like a gang leader of the Eschers would have more bling on her. 

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The butt part looks big, yet arms abit... Lighter side.


Your GS skills are most awesome and i enjoy WIPs of every kind


Thanks! The glutes have been toned down quite a bit, actually, and might get toned down some more. In this first pic after I sculpted the legs, you can tell from the side angle how much larger it used to be. 




I always sculpt muscles larger than I think I might want them, because on a number of occasions I wanted them bigger and I've found that it's much easier to just sculpt them larger and then wittle them down if need be, than to put more GS on top them because it's nearly impossible to get a seamless blend of new GS on top of cured GS.


As for the size of the arms:


I wanted to do a more realistic version of the female physique where they can get the muscles in the upper legs and shoulders fairly large before needing chemical assistance for more mass, and stayed away from the arms and lower legs. 


I generally think I have a pretty good grasp on anatomy, but I always check references on just about everything, whether it be a WWII style wooden ammo crate or a woman in crazy good shape. And let me tell, it was brutal. Though I already had someone in mind that I had stumbled across a number of years ago, that being Pauline Nordin, who coincidentally has a number of pics where she's dressed a lot like the figure I'm working on. 




Her biceps might be a bit bigger than the figure, but the rest of the arms are about the same. That's why I didn't mess with the arms.

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That is phenomenal sculpting work. I think people sometimes don't realize how the less detailed, simpler things (such as a realistic human) are much, MUCH harder than something covered in tiny details. You've done a great job on her, the thighs in particular are exceptional.

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I really appreciate that, Evil Eye, and you're absolutely right that it's much easier to sculpt something inhuman and it will look great because it's not real. People make some comments about the butt, but truth is I struggled a lot with trying to get an accurate and realistic portrayal of her physique. I sculpted the shoulder several times, for example,  because I was having a hell of a time getting it just right where the deltoid shoulder muscle turns into the edge of the pectoral muscle and how it starts to form the hollow of the armpit. 

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Had an idea for my shotgun Escher and cobbled something together last night before bed. 




Not happy with the left arm, but I don't have many options. I wanted an open hand but there's none in the box and I don't have any other arms this small. The head won't be bald for too long since I'm planning on some custom hair. 

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I like the swag!

Although I must say that with the left arm so far from the body, she also looks a bit like balancing while walking the line.

An open hand or with one finger taunting the opponent perhaps?


EDIT: and I think your sculpting of a female muscular body is fantastic. They are much more realistic than what we generally get from popular fantasy or sci-fi sculpts.

Edited by Majkhel
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Would it be possible to re-orient the hand so the pommel is turned more towards the body to - for lack of a better word - close the area and reduce the empty space between the hand and hip?


Maybe? I might use one of the straight left arms, like the one holding the auto-pistol, and remove the weapon instead. 


I like the swag!

Although I must say that with the left arm so far from the body, she also looks a bit like balancing while walking the line.

An open hand or with one finger taunting the opponent perhaps?


EDIT: and I think your sculpting of a female muscular body is fantastic. They are much more realistic than what we generally get from popular fantasy or sci-fi sculpts.


Thanks for the compliment. Unfortunately, there's not a single arm with an open hand from the Escher sprues. 

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First things first: I've had a back story idea in mind for the shotgun Escher with acid rounds and that is that she was on the receiving end of that very thing as a juve and barely survived, losing her left eye, ear, and most of that side of her face. Ever since, she's carried the same shotgun that nearly killed her and now doles out the same horrific injuries she sustained. 




Second, I absolute fething hate the way the right lower leg attaches to this model. Not only is it a nightmare to get it lined up properly while trying to get it to sit flat before the superglue cures, the mild ball and socket joint isn't engineered very well and there's not a whole lot of surface area for the glue to grab. After the first superglue job failed, I cleaned it up some and cut down the back of a knee a little, widening the socket and praying for more surface area and better adhesion. It held for a while, which is what was in my previous photos, but I snapped it off with only the tiniest bit of pressure earlier today. I cut away the cured glue as best I could and tried plastic cement to see if would work better. It did not. I finally got tired of messing with it, cut away the crappy contact surfaces and just pinned the goddamn thing. I'll fill the hole in later when I'm not wanting to chunk the model across the room. 


As for her face, similar to the scars I did on the marine heads, this is a plastic cement technique where I covered the areas I wanted scared, let it sit for a couple of minutes, then took a cut down brush (stiff bristles are key) and then I touched it to the melted plastic and pulled it away slightly - you're looking for the plastic to pull away like melted cheese on a pizza - and then pushed it back down so the strings get compressed into a nasty looking texture. 


I like this left arm a little better, but still not 100% happy with it. 

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I am very impressed with your sculpting skills. I think I am gonna have to steal some of your ideas. 

Looking at your profile pic, is that Jason Vorhees? It gives me an idea for a mini.

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I am very impressed with your sculpting skills. I think I am gonna have to steal some of your ideas. 

Looking at your profile pic, is that Jason Vorhees? It gives me an idea for a mini.


Appreciate the compliment and if you steal an idea, drop me a line when you make something out of it. :) My avatar is actually Wild Dog from DC comics; one of the things from DC I liked as a kid. 


Really like the poses, they both look great. Can't wait to see more!


Thanks! I hadn't planned on converting my Eschers this much, but the muse had other ideas apparently. Should have some more updates shortly as I'm getting close to finishing Shotgun Gal. 

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I am very impressed with your sculpting skills. I think I am gonna have to steal some of your ideas. 

Looking at your profile pic, is that Jason Vorhees? It gives me an idea for a mini.


Appreciate the compliment and if you steal an idea, drop me a line when you make something out of it. :smile.: My avatar is actually Wild Dog from DC comics; one of the things from DC I liked as a kid. 



 your profile pic now gives me more  ideas for minis, now I need to get the base models for them.

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