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There's also the mag-locking system which works for the Astartes. In that case it's enough if you just say it's mag-locked to a plate on her back. I don't imagine this to be too advanced a a piece of tech for an Undehive gang leader.

It would be childs play for a mag lock to the back.

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Mag locking seems... too easy. I've always thought it was born out of lazy writing and even knowing it's a thing in the setting, it would bother me to see a weapon just glued onto her back. 


Back to the melee champ for now, who is nearing completion:




Need to bulk up the left arm, get the head to sit right (it kept shifting on me even with more blutac and it's really apparent in the middle pic), and a little bit of clean up to get her finished. 

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It's an adhesive putty that's original use was to hang posters on a wall without using thumb tacks and it usually in the office/school supplies section of your local grocery or whatnot. The name brand is Blu-Tack, but there's generic brands out there as well. 

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Some more work on the first juve, with the idea being she's shooting while running for cover. Or running away? 




Left arm still needs to get trimmed down and there's some greenstuff spots I don't like and need to fix, but I'm fairly happy with how it's coming along. 

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I wanted one of my lasgun gals to be aiming her gun and it was going to be extremely difficult to pull off with the options presented with the gang sprues, so I nabbed a spare Van Saar lasgun from several extras I'd purchased off eBay a little while back. 




I'd like the level of the gun to be higher and I'll address that next, but I like the way it's looking already. 

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Really like that juve, BCK, but the lady with the las-rifle might have been dieting a little TOO much... I mean she's down to just a cyber-spine, man!


They look great though - your gang is going to look so much better than my eventual stock one!

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Update on the tactical Escher gal with a better positioning of the gun as well as a slight change to left leg to open up her stance for something better suited to shooting than the previous catwalk strut. 




While I was working on this last night, it made me think of a video game character I might model her after:




Maya, Queen of the elemental SMGs, from Borderlands 2 for those who aren't familiar. If I did a bodysuit like hers, I wouldn't have to sculpt abs again...

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I like the las-gal and the way she's leaning into the lasgun :)
The juve with a dress is very dynamic. Personally I always get the creeps expecting a crashing fall when I see a girl trying to run in a tight dress like that... But definitely there's that feel of dashing for cover while loosing off a burst of covering fire.

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  • 3 months later...

I was inspired by the Badab thread that Chaplain Dos is running and thought I'd have a go at new Corien Sumatris since I wasn't all that happy with the original version. I went one of the Incursurator bodies because I like the way the armor looks a little more maneuverable for the marine, but still seems to be sufficiently armored. Arms and head are from the Mk IV sprues. 




Not even sure where the shield is from the old Sumatris right now so I'll probably have to make something new. 

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Thanks! The sword is definitely going to change either to a smaller plastic one or I'll make him a new metal one similar to the original version. Speaking of the original version, just noticed that the link the previous post just went the B&C main page and not the last update of Sumatris and it's fixed now. 

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And the new sword! 




Since the sheet plastic is always a blown out white silhouette with a dark background, I did a second one with a white background so the beveled edge of the blade is visible. 

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I started up another Necromunda Conversion Challenge to see if I get some motivation going and initially I couldn't think of anything to work on.  A  little jog to the memory reminded me that I really didn't like the FW Goliath Zerker. 




Yeah... no. 


So, I'm going to see about making one of these for myself. Here's some pose ideas. 




Hulk/Rulk is pretty good inspiration for the really angry thing. 


Other suggestions? Ideas? 

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I have two potential inspirations for your Zerker conversion, the first being the Charger Mutated from Left 4 Dead 2:


The thought behind this one is relatively simple, a giant, malformed brute whose gene-bulking went awry lead to a huge, oversized arm on one side and a withered one on the other side, or perhaps replaced with a smaller prosthetic.


Another alternate, rather than a deformed tank-bred brute, he could perhaps be a mutilated veteran rebuilt with cybernetics and bulked up with future-roids into an ad-hoc combat servitor, like the classic Inquistor Chrono-Gladiator Krieger "Krash" Thrax:



I also had in mind a converted Damien 1427 Arco-Flagellant I recalled from an old WD 3-way Inquisitor Battle Report as part of Inquisitor Lichtenstein's (I think) retinue. It only had one arm, but it ended in a huge Power Claw taken from a Ghazghkull, it was a really sick model but sadly I couldn't find a pic of it to share.

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I also had in mind a converted Damien 1427 Arco-Flagellant I recalled from an old WD 3-way Inquisitor Battle Report as part of Inquisitor Lichtenstein's (I think) retinue. It only had one arm, but it ended in a huge Power Claw taken from a Ghazghkull, it was a really sick model but sadly I couldn't find a pic of it to share.

It was Phil Kelly's warband, he shared them on Twitter last year:



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