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Augs, I know about the Artel W one butI wanted to make one of my own from a goliath figure. However I just saw a size comparison and they're not even close so... I might have to shift gears or try something else. 

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It was Phil Kelly's warband, he shared them on Twitter last year:



That's the one! Oh man, I haven't seen "Gryx" in years, but it was such a brilliant model it's remained lodged in my memory after all this time. Thanks Norman for the link!

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Have you looked at the Fallout Wasteland miniatures of the super mutants?


I missed your comments last night, but some of those look pretty good. Any idea how big they are?


What about the dark eldar grotesque?


I considered those already but the aesthetic is so different I'd have to remove so much of it before I could even start, it wouldn't be worth the time or price. 


While I consider my options for a custom zerker (or maybe just dropping the idea for now) I grabbed up some bits off eBay last night to do another 'Munda conversion with. The base will be the body of this figure:




It's just the body - no arms or head, but it was surprisingly cheap compared to some of the other Sisters bits I saw and I really like the pose and flow of the cloth on her space nun getup. 

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Have you looked at the Fallout Wasteland miniatures of the super mutants?


I missed your comments last night, but some of those look pretty good. Any idea how big they are? 



Cheers! I can only give you a rough idea as I don't have one, and my FLGS only had un-opened boxes and information on the producer's page (which is not much) . But most of these are on 40mm bases, so they should be roughly 45-50mm high. The Behemoth on the picture below is 80mm, so he is another kind of beast altogether. Also appropriately pricey. The one in the middle is a pretty regular super mutant.


Edited by Majkhel
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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the SoB body bits for a conversion idea of a lone SoB survivor of a squad who went into the depths of the underhive to search for something of importance and was rescued from death and resupplied by a secretive Magos. Here's a quick sketch I did a few nights ago. 




While I like the look of it, it's not quite what I wanted it to be and I've decided to do a more advanced conversion and use it as the base for an Escher bounty hunter or maybe a champion for the gang. Beyond that vague idea, I have no clue what I want to do with it and open to suggestions. Weapon loadout? Hair? Details? Pose? I'm open to any and all suggestions. :)

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It’d be interesting to see some of the cloth elements removed for more of a utilitarian, stripped-down look. Maybe give her some extra kit, like pouches or a backpack to show how she’s adapted to surviving in the underhive?


Another route could be incorporating scavenged armor and weapons from various gangs, giving her a distinctly Necromunda look.

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While I like the look of it, it's not quite what I wanted it to be and I've decided to do a more advanced conversion and use it as the base for an Escher bounty hunter or maybe a champion for the gang. Beyond that vague idea, I have no clue what I want to do with it and open to suggestions. Weapon loadout? Hair? Details? Pose? I'm open to any and all suggestions. :smile.:


I think the legs and torso look good as well as the general pose. The gun is great, but the talon hand could use replacing. I think a bare arm under the pauldron would match well with Escher in addition to the other arm being bare as well. The helmet... hmm, what about getting rid of the top - right above the eyes - and add hair? Kind of like one of those paintball/airsoft masks that ends right above the eyebrows? Like she acquired the bottom half of the head gear from the guy in your earlier post (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278032-bcks-thread-of-stuff-escher-build-help-me-out/?p=5412193), but isn't wearing the helmet. If the bolter is sticking around, then the other hand could be melee weapon (pistol, bolter, melee). Something like a mace made out of something ripped from a church or a mix of the aquila and an Escher symbol? Keep the vibe that she's super-devout? 

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Maybe use a Van Saar "pony tail" bit on it and make her an ex-/ rogue van saar, who for some reason associates with Eschers now?

Idk, I just want to see that part being used! :happy.:

Edit: I am talking about this thing here:



Edited by Kyknos of Athena
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Here's my relatively quick sketch from a couple hours of trying out various ideas. 




I cut down the back loincloth thing to be closer to the front one in size and still have some more things to Escher-ize her, but I like the overall feel of it. 


I would use this hair on that shiny helmed top to give more of the escher feel to the model. To go completely over the top I would also right arm her with the shock whip. To me this would minimize the conversion effort, but totally sell the Escher vibe.


Sorry mate, the helmet was gone the instant I decided not to keep her a Sister of Battle and I thought I had mentioned that in my previous post but it appears that took a detour on the road between brain and keyboard. Also, both of my shock whips that came in my Necromunda box set were broken. I like the idea though and I might have one of the dark eldar whip arms around here somewhere. 


@kyknos I plan doing a lot of greenstuff hair on this model and I might see if I can integrate one of the Van Saar tails. ;)

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That's a very promising project! I will say that I am a bit disappointed that you've decided against using the Skitarii helmet -- I think it would have worked really well with one of the Escher hair pieces, and the masked look would have given her a cool Mandalorian vibe...


That Mechanicus pistol keeps bothering me on account of how freakishly huge it is -- I have yet to use it on one of my own models, because while I really like the design, the size always throws me off when I spend just a second thinking about how massive (and unwieldy) it would actually be in real life.


But I am confident you are very much on top of things, so it will be interesting to see the bounty hunter take shape! :)

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I might try out the helm and hair on another figure but the muse was taking me a different way on this one. As for the size of the gun, I may trim the back down a little to help with the size of it, and she does have a bionic left arm -  a skitarii hand and wrist butted up against the forearm armor. 

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I might try out the helm and hair on another figure but the muse was taking me a different way on this one. As for the size of the gun, I may trim the back down a little to help with the size of it, and she does have a bionic left arm -  a skitarii hand and wrist butted up against the forearm armor. 

If you're concerned with the size of the gun, what about trimming back/removing the flash hider at the front, and removing either the magazine in the pistol grip or the round magazine under the receiver?


Any of those changes would help reduce the silhouette of the weapon, and make it distinct from the original piece.

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I think it's simply another example of people designing guns who have no idea how they really work. 



\As to why it has two magazines? No idea.


Really weird way of doing dual ammo types?




One is the power source and the other is the flechette magazine?


That's kind of what I'm thinking? It also looks like another case of someone designing guns that has no idea how they work. Here's the fluff of the weapon from an older codex: The flechette blaster is lightweight but lethal, a favoured tool of the Sicarian Infiltrator. It fires hundreds of tiny darts, each of which bears a dormant cerebral cell awakened in the gun’s chamber. Where one dart hits home it emits a bioelectric pulse that attracts others, resulting in a series of impacts that burrow through bone.


Ridiculous space magic bullets aside and trying to look at it as a real weapon, I'd say that the small drum under the front of the gun looks more like a motor to power an extremely high rate of fire than a second magazine... except for the ejection port directly above it. But if does have two different ammo types, they would both need to be in the same place because the bolt moves, not the ammuntion, and someone supposedly as smart at designing tech as the mechanicus is not going to make a weapon so horribly inefficient that it has a mechanism to fire the round and then move the empty shell up to the front of the gun to eject it. There's also the problem that any real weapon that uses a motor or hand crank to speed up its rate of fire is a multi-barrel rotary cannon (Gatling as they're often referred to) which gets around the problems of a high rate of fire heating up the barrel to the point that it starts cooking off rounds by having those multiple barrels. Which the flechette blaster does not have. It could possibly achieve the rate of fire mentioned in the fluff description by using a caseless ammo system like the H&K G11, but there's an ejection port above the drum and I don't think there's enough room for a similar rotating action. Then there's the issue of the fluff describing it firing hundreds of tiny darts with a pistol grip magazine that looks like it could maybe hold 30 rounds of .22 (5.6mm), but those pistol sized shells don't have enough space in the cartridge for the amount of gun powder required for a gas operated action to generate the rate of fire that... ugh.


It's a mess. I dunno. I give up trying to rationalize it. 

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