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Hmm, an IW nurgle lord that isn't all nurgled out...


The first thing that came to mind is an IW lord with a Nurgling Launcher.  Which, the more I think about it, sounds like a lovely mix of silly and devious :biggrin.:


That would be interesting... a variant of that ork weapon, maybe.



I vote you go against the grain and do a Tzeentchian lord. They don't have to be a psykers, they can be those who love plots and making puppets out of people from behind the scenes. What's your plan to set him aside as a Nurgle lord then?


I do plan on a Tzeentch lord, just not sure what I'll do yet. I like the idea of a very dynamic psycher pose, or maybe even have covered in flames, but we'll see.


Borgestus will have a MoN on him, and his armor will look a bit worse for wear, but I don't imagine the instant you join Father Nurgle's flock you explode into a plague marine. He'll have some mutations and look a little bloated in the legs and midsection, but I'd like to try for a subtle Nurgle influence instead of what you normally see.



Love this stuff, great work!


Great stuffs brother ! my favorite is definitly the Slaneshi lord, very inspired work.


Thank you! :)


I should have some more updates in a few hours, since my Dark Vengeance parts arrived and I did some GS work earlier in the day. I might even have a rough for the Tzeentch lord, but no promises. >_>



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It's time for one of those good new/bad news situations!


Good news: I have some progress on a Tzeentch lord! Yay!


Bad news: I cut the pad of my thumb pretty deep in the process and it's still bleeding some, so it might be a day or two before I get more progress done. Boo!


Without further ado, here's the good stuff:




The Dark Vengeance order I mentioned was 3 sets of the 6 Chosen that I got off of eBay - it did not include the Lord - for something like $6.50 per lot. They were cheap and could easily be a great source of conversion bits, but I might also just build a few of them as they are some of the more awesome Chaos Marines GW has ever released. I sat down, opened up one of the packages and started looking over them, determined to get some progress on this Tzeentch guy, and after about 30 minutes, I had the idea down, which was hacking 3 of the figures apart to reassemble into what you see above. Luckily, I didn't get cut until right at the very end.


I have no idea what to do for arms/weapons right now, but I do have any idea for a collar-hood-thingy that, if I can pull it off, will look awesome.


Moral of the story: don't let your X-Acto blades get dull, because the brand new blade you just replaced it with will slice through that plastic a LOT easier than you thought it would. >_>



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As I feared, the thumb is too tender to do much at all on my models, so I thought I'd do some brainstorming for a project once the conversion contest figures are done. The first thing that came to mind was that I've wanted to do a few Space Wolf conversions for years now, in particular, my own version of Ragnar Blackmane, but it's one of the many ideas I never got around to making a reality.


I did some digging around on the net for some inspirational images, and here's some I came  up with:




I like how this one has the decorations and trophies and knick knacks kept to a minimum, but still gets across the feel of the Space Wolf.




I believe this is from the same artist, no idea who it is, but he's doing the same thing here, not going nuts with the decorations. The guy in front looks a bit too much like Wolverine to me, but meh, with Space Wolves known for their crazy hair and fangs that's gonna happen.




Looks like the wolf skull codpiece is de rigueur for these guys, eh? BTW, Adrian Smith is a 40k artist GOD. Just sayin', 'cause all the rest of these are by him.




There it is again! Don't look at his crotch. Don't look! You looked, didn't you? But seriously, I'm digging the knot work on the shoulders and the belt holding up the codpiece.  You looked again, I know it.




And then my favorite of these so far is a Wolf Lord looking mean as hell. Being a little bit of a mythology fan, I absolutely love how Smith has the story of Ragnarök on his chest plate, with Sköll about to devour the sun.


Unfortunately, the only art I could find of Ragnar looked just as bad as his 20 year old figure and I'm not going to bother posting any of them. I think a big part of my desire to do some Pups conversions is that while they have some of the best art out there for 40k, a whole lot of their figures just look goofy and comical.


If anyone has some ideas, suggestions, or requests for this or other projects, lemme hear it. :)



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Sorry to hear about your thumb injury BCK, isn't thst always the way it goes when you are making good progress. Thanks to your SW pics and comments I keep looking at those Space Wolve's crotch skulls, thanks for that. I'd like to make a request that you take a commission to sculpt me two torsos and a banner for my Dark Angels when your thumb heals up.
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Btw, I sculpted the segmented abdominal armor like that intending to paint it as yellow/black warning chevrons. :biggrin.:


Heh. Nice touch. Consider this thread officially followed.

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Is it the chainmail banner from the Raptors thread, by any chance? And whatcha got in mind for the torsos?

The banner is the one from the Raptors thread, I'll never find one or sculpt it myself.  The torsos I had in mind are one PA one in a style crossed between your Maesteros sculpt and the SoH one on the left in the photo you posted on page 1.  The other torso I need is for a Belial scratch build I'm going to make myself using a set of Tartaros termi legs.  I'm still up in the air on that one's design, I can't bring myself to use the current Belial mini though.  PM me if you are interested an we can discuss it, I don't want to derail your thread or get us in trouble if this type of discussion isn't allowed.

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Btw, I sculpted the segmented abdominal armor like that intending to paint it as yellow/black warning chevrons. :biggrin.:


Heh. Nice touch. Consider this thread officially followed.


Glad to have you, brother. Glory to the IV!



Is it the chainmail banner from the Raptors thread, by any chance? And whatcha got in mind for the torsos?

The banner is the one from the Raptors thread, I'll never find one or sculpt it myself.  The torsos I had in mind are one PA one in a style crossed between your Maesteros sculpt and the SoH one on the left in the photo you posted on page 1.  The other torso I need is for a Belial scratch build I'm going to make myself using a set of Tartaros termi legs.  I'm still up in the air on that one's design, I can't bring myself to use the current Belial mini though.  PM me if you are interested an we can discuss it, I don't want to derail your thread or get us in trouble if this type of discussion isn't allowed.


Yeah, the Belial figure was a huge disappointment. I was making a count-as Belial for my Angels of Vengeance, which I plan on finishing some day:




Ugh... that greystuff. It was so old and :cussty. Bleh. Just looking at this pic makes me want to tear most of that off and redo it.


Anyway, PM sent.

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I managed to get a little work done today before the thumb started hurting too much. Repositioned arm for Maesteros, the return of the Mk IV Cheekbones, and rounded out the right greave that got a little beat up removing loyalist decorations:




I think that just about does it for the right arm. After I do the belt, I'll add straps to the sword scabbard.


And Varko now has two arms:




The Dark Apostle from the DV set that I chopped up for my Tzeentch lord was nice enough to donate his right arm.


What do you think of the changes, brothers?



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Maestros pose is looking even better now with the small adjustment.  I like the helmet modification as well, it makes him look even more arrogant somehow even though he's wearing a helmet.  Varko looks good as well, ready to collect skulls for Khorne two at a time.

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Maestros pose is looking even better now with the small adjustment.  I like the helmet modification as well, it makes him look even more arrogant somehow even though he's wearing a helmet.  Varko looks good as well, ready to collect skulls for Khorne two at a time.


Yeah, I think the pose is just about finalized now so I can start on the tabard and other tattered trophies. I think you're right about the helmet making him look more arrogant - I thought the faceplate looked too narrow and the helm as a whole looking too much like a football helmet(American football for the rest of the world) but the cheekbones added more than I intended. :)


Varko is looking better, but, I dunno... he's missing something. There's no spark when I look at him, and I don't know what he's missing.


AMAZING stuff:pirate:  truly inspiring


Thanks for the encouraging words, brother!

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There's no "brutality" to Varko if you know what I mean.  I understand that he is an Iron Warrior but there isn't anything that marks him out as a follower of the Blood God yet.  The matched axes are an interesting idea but a big chain axe in one hand might get the impression across a little more.  Do you have a chain axe from the FW Rampagers Squad to try out on him?

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You're right about the lack of brutality on him, and no, I'm too poor for FW since I got laid off my good job last year. Funny you mention that, because I had been looking for a Cataphractii chain axe bit online:




The right arm, after looking at it for a little while now, is a little underwhelming. In my head, I imagined him leveling the axe at someone in a "You're next!" fashion, but it doesn't look as intimidating on the figure.

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My one complaint with Maesteros are the rivets on his helmet. I think a smaller size and more of them lined up in a row would add to that faux-ridged aspect that you wanted. I think the two right now just like bulky knobs, while the rest of the figure is very streamlined. The differing styles clash and it's glaring at me each time I look at him. 


Varko's posing is very nice, as if he's issuing a challenge in the name of the Blood God. You gotta work your magic on those bare legs though, for sure. 

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I've been thinking the same thing about the studs on the helm for a little while now, but I've been wanting to nail down the pose before I redo it, since it will require a decent amount of work.


And not to worry, I have something in mind for the legs. :)

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I think this is probably my last test fit before I attach the left leg and start in on the rest of the sculpting.




New shoulder pad, overly large studs removed from helmet, and a backpack, woot! Oh, don't mind the Aquila on his butt plate as it will be covered up shortly. The studs on the shoulder only cover the front half, and I tried to get a picture of it, but they kept coming out blurry.



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Oh, don't mind the Aquila on his butt plate as it will be covered up shortly.


It could be a scavenged piece of loyalist plate. It's got the whole "I fart in your general direction" thing going on for it. That always rubs the Emperor's lapdogs the wrong way.


That's a really cool backpack, maybe one of the more overlooked pieces from the DV Chosen.


I just really wanna see this guy complete, BCK! 

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I like the aquilla on the armor plate as well, quite the insult if you ask me.  The armored shoulder pad looks good as well.  Are you going to replace the large studs on his helmet with one row of smaller studs or a bunch of smaller studs spread out all over the top of the helmet?

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Oh, don't mind the Aquila on his butt plate as it will be covered up shortly.


It could be a scavenged piece of loyalist plate. It's got the whole "I fart in your general direction" thing going on for it. That always rubs the Emperor's lapdogs the wrong way.


That's a really cool backpack, maybe one of the more overlooked pieces from the DV Chosen.


I just really wanna see this guy complete, BCK! 


Me too. I'm thinking I might just focus on Maestoros and one other lord, since I pledged 2 of them for the conversion challenge, 'cause I want to see this guy finished as well.


I like the aquilla on the armor plate as well, quite the insult if you ask me.  The armored shoulder pad looks good as well.  Are you going to replace the large studs on his helmet with one row of smaller studs or a bunch of smaller studs spread out all over the top of the helmet?


I had thought about keeping the aquila, but the trophies I had in mind for these guys were based on an Iron Warrior conversion I made from a Lucius model, where they have banners and such displayed as trophies instead of heads and all that other usual chaos stuff. Here's the guy:




In that vein, his backside will be covered.

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I think this is probably my last test fit before I attach the left leg and start in on the rest of the sculpting.




New shoulder pad, overly large studs removed from helmet, and a backpack, woot! Oh, don't mind the Aquila on his butt plate as it will be covered up shortly. The studs on the shoulder only cover the front half, and I tried to get a picture of it, but they kept coming out blurry.




Excellent sculpting Kage as always, my only gripe would be the studs on the shoulder pad look a little too large and not indented enough, more like light bulbs than bonding studs. 

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Dr. Who?! BLECH! No.... no, no, no.


And I see them as armor studs (or bumpy armor plates) to intercept melee strikes before hitting the surface armor, and not as rivets or bonding studs. Plus, I was wanting to keep the aesthetic of the old armor style and the normal abundance of rivets on the Iron Warriors, but change it up a bit to make it my own.

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