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I don't think tattoos are a great idea. They come from penal colonies yes, but not normal penal colonies (i.e. not prisons), but from underground, lightless caves. As there is no light, tattoos were pointless. Also you can't really appreciate tattos beneath power armour. I'll go classy, bones, skulls, skins, human body parts (arms, hands, feet) hanging from chains, spikes.

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Yeah, except for darkness, there is little similarity between the night's children from the underground caverns on Terra and the hive gangers on Nostramo. Sure, Nostramo was dark with pollution and crime-ridden, but it was still a modern city of the Imperium. The night's children would have been like feral animals in my mind, but anyway, I may not have stated what I meant in the original question clearly enough.


I do plan on doing what you describe, Maximvs, as that is part of their fear tactics and also an option for wargear in Massacre. What I I was wondering was how they show their rank and accolades from the Legion itself, not fear-causing trophies to scare their next victims. The one image of the unknown Crimson Sons veteran showed no ornamentation of any kind, so maybe they were spare in that regard. Which, honestly, is fine by me because I was never fond of the helmet crests and pturges of the Romanic themed marines, and it also means less sculpting of knightly armor plates.


I've been looking at some of the figures I was going to use for my old Imperial Fists sternguard and I think I can recycle several of them into 30k marines without too much difficulty.


Oh, I also have a fluff idea of how to get count-as Nostraman chainglaives into the hands of my Nostramo bigoted Crimson Sons, 'cause their rules are just all kinds of nasty, though they will have a different form. :)


I'll be gone most of the day tomorrow... or today, Sunday, but I might have some progress to show on a Captain Vastos model a little while after I get home. No promises, though.

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For rank pourposes, maybe going with the old Rogue Trader rank badges will fit -they're working for a Rogue Trader after all-, although I recommend some variation/inspired-by rather than straight copy of those.


This may help:








Images from The Great Crusade forum.

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Vastos, iteration secundus, and trying out some different heads.





I'm also not sure if I'm going to keep the cape or lose it entirely, but either option is going to require a fair amount of work. I figure his right arm will be holding a count-as chainglaive, though I haven't figured out how to go about that just yet.



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Head three, and keep the cape.


Dan the Daemon had a tutorial for painting flayed skin without sculpting back in the days of his Night Lords thread. If I were in your shoes, I'd look that up and give it a shot.


Failing that, a radioactive mutated Terran black bear cape would look cool.

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Head 2 has a night lords cyber punk feel


I was trying to decide if the MK III crest could sway me, but I don't it is.


Head 3.


Head three, and keep the cape.


Dan the Daemon had a tutorial for painting flayed skin without sculpting back in the days of his Night Lords thread. If I were in your shoes, I'd look that up and give it a shot.



Yeah, I was thinking head 3 as well and I'll definitely look up his thread for that.


Failing that, a radioactive mutated Terran black bear cape would look cool.


Now that is a very interesting idea.

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Just make sure it looks ragged. 300+ years of war are rough on leather.


And the bloodstains don't come out.


lol, will do, Heathens.


I've also been rethinking the troops that will accompany Rogue Trader Militant Lord Gotha, King of Oxitania. Originally, I had planned on using Vostroyans as mechanicum myrmidon secutors, but now I'm thinking maybe I should make them techno-barbarian troops that he was allowed to take with him when the Big E booted him off of Terra. I could really have some fun converting up a squad of those.


Lately my ideas are crap :/


Heathens you are now the official ideas man


Nah, keep 'em coming, Jasp. You never know what might spark something in my messed up brainmeat.

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I would hold off on the cape, especially made of flesh. Have the Crimson Sons even been exposed to the rituals and habits of the post-Curze Night Lords? I kind of sounds like they'd have more of a generic feel to them if not, perhaps mainly just a penchant for fast strikes and maybe Librarians (due to the geneseed).

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You know, just thinking back on this... I think Head #2 would be your best bet, and I would honestly do a cloak. But I'd actually make it a fur cloak. Something almost regal. Remember, these guys were more or less the personal Astartes of a (former) king. He'd want his 'inner circle' type Commanders to give off an aura of importance or awe, and I think that would dictate into things like exotic fur cloaks, crested helms to show importance, perhaps some gilding. You could take a page out of the Sons of Horus book and have them gild enemy skulls as well. The Rogue Trader would want to make a statement of his former standing in Terran society, and I can see him reflecting that upon his charges as well.

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