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Lightning bolts. That fist needs Unification-esqe lightning bolts on it.



How about this?




I was too afraid of messing it up by removing it from the bed of blu-tac, so please excuse the dirty bits, as it's over 10 years old. I gotta say, those skinny Unification era lightning bolts are a pain to work in the GS.

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Diggin' it man, if anything though, I'd say make the jags in the lightning more mirrored



Well, I was going for some subtle symbolism.


Way back in high school, I remember being astounded by a history teacher showing us that the symbol the Nazi Party adopted for their own use in the 1920s had been around for a LONG time as the sauwastika or svastika, and meant a lot of different things to a lot of different cultures, and all of them good. I vaguely remembered that in old European cultures it was believed to represent things like the sun and the Norse god of thunder, Thor. Since the Emperor is usually associated with Light(with a capitol L) and his own use of the lightning bolt icon, I wanted the giant plastic rivet in the center to be like a shield boss representing the sun, and have the lightning bolts radiating out like the old svastika where the arms all bend to the left. I double checked myself online to make sure I was still remembering correctly before doing it. So in a couple of different ways, it represents the Big E.




Along with a wordy history lesson, I bring updates! Here's the anonymous marine with the power fist attached, a holstered pistol on his left leg, and a cloak!




Now, with this cloak, I really went out on a limb and instead of using the paper towel like last time, I used facial tissue or Kleenex or whatever you want to call it. I just assumed that once I started to soak it, it would pull apart as soon as I began moving it around, but it surprised me by proving somewhat resilient. In fact, I didn't have any issues with it tearing until the glue started to dry and began sticking to my fingers(I didn't consider how much thinner it was than the paper towel and underestimated how fast it would start drying), so the spot where I used a few dots of superglue to secure it to the back of the collar is a little shredded as well as a part of the bottom edge, which you can't see now because I rolled it under a fold.


The really cool things about using the facial tissue over the paper towel is that it's even more in-scale for real cloth AND because it's so much lighter that once the glue started to stiffen the cloth, I could pull it out into taller and more "wind blown" shapes without it collapsing under its own weight and needing supports to keep a desired look. It also dries really quickly, doesn't require sculpting skills, and imho, looks awesome. :laugh.:

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Wait what? You use facial tissues to sculpt cloth? What am I missing here, did you do a tutorial on it?


A few pages back I had a post about my first attempt with a paper towel:




Sorry to say that no, I have not done a tutorial on it. Some people have asked for one, and I'm trying to think of a good way to do it.


Do you just GS over it afterwards then?


You could, if you wanted to. One downside to this in comparison to using a putty to sculpt the cloak is that all of those fun hill-and-valley folds and a lot of the little wrinkles that people love to paint and highlight the crap out of it are difficult to get with this method. So, you could go in with GS after the cloth dries and detail it some.


That dude looks frigging awesome btw! :biggrin.:



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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The white glue makes it pretty durable, but you could crush it like one of those thin, disposable plastic cups. If you were careful, I don't think it would be an issue.


This figure is based on a character I'm writing about in some back story for my own personal history of the Crimson Sons, and won't actually be played on a game table, should I ever play again. The guy started to grow on me and I wanted to build a figure of him.

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Sorry to say that no, I have not done a tutorial on it. Some people have asked for one, and I'm trying to think of a good way to do it.


I could copy/paste the one you sent me. It was comprehensive enough for me to knock one out.

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You really don't have to go to that much trouble, everyone here is really grateful for the info you hand out, don't feel you have to make proper guides :smile.:


Thank you, but I'm not sure that the people who asked for a tutorial would agree, lol.


Got some paint on the new marine. Any guesses where he's from?



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Ingenious! Though I'm curious about the lasting durability of it, the water treatment to get it hang so realistically is awesome! You win!!!!


It's just some white glue thinned about 30/70 with water. After I shape it, I let the glue begin to dry to the point that the paper towel is starting to stiffen up, and then brush on more glue that's barely diluted at all so that it dries very hard and holds the shape.


Now that is too sensible BCK. Look the part for certain.


Thanks! I think it could use a little refining, but this first test turned out really well imho.

Since this was a test, can you post up a tutorial? I'd like to see how you did this. I really like the outcome.

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