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I agree that some of the IW would have to be experts in close combat, too bad they are usually portrayed as lumbering brutes or on the verge of becoming berzerkers in the fiction.  I don't know about skilled swordsmen like the DA though, that's probably beyond their meagre talents.:whistling:   I don't want to suggest too much about your character's disreputable past though.  I already spend way too much time reading or cruising the forums when I should be painting.


Hey, hey! Just because they're the I Legion doesn't mean they're number one, mkay? :P


I've also started writing a little piece of fluff about Maestoros nearly meeting his match at the hands of some xenos scum.



Ermm... This is the thread of absolute coolness. :cool.: :drool:


Don't. stop. ever.



Thanks for the praise. :D


Since I've given up on playing the game, the pressure to "get something done" for an army is gone and now I can indulge all my crazy conversion ideas at my whim. It's very freeing and I hope that it makes for a good read on the forums. :)



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Can I ask why you've given up on playing the game? I only ask as myself and a long standing friend have just gotten back into playing and we're really enjoying "forging a narrative" with a campaign of linked games, it's actually really inspiring to have a game because we both end up sending fluff to each other about our characters.

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I can never seem to decide on an army and stay with, primarily. A close second would be the fact that GW has always been extremely greedy, but all this BS with 6th just sickens me. And I don't just mean turning vehicles into useless lumps of wet cardboard or forcing sales of flyers by making them as broken as Matt Ward's perception of reality. Hardback codexes only at 50 bucks a pop and holding out rules for popular factions at 33 bucks each and no price break for digital versions? The constant price increases and then repackaging units with smaller numbers, less options/upgrades, and charging even more for them? Yeah... no.


Oh, and there hasn't been a decent chaos codex in a decade.


I'm tired of them not delivering and overcharging for it, and I better stop there before I get really upset.

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FW is pricey, but you get what you pay for.


Anyway, in a less BCK SMASH! frame of mind, here's an update on the commission for Mikhail:




He wanted the MK IV plate modified to have a vent in the center of the chest and to have the armor rise up, almost like a volcano, to to the level of the vent. I tried to do that and keep the overall feel of the MK IV without making it look like a chubby marine or someone infested by Nurgle. He's happy with it, so I am too. :D


New cabling will be made to replace what I cut off from the upper area and new connectors sculpted for the lower ones. Sadly, I had to carve away more of the lower cables than I wanted to due to a few bad spots in the resin, but it's easy enough to replace.

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Here's a shot before I put the greenstuff that I sent to Mikhail via PM to see what he thought about the vent and the placement:




Something that came up in the discussion before he ever sent the parts was that I thought the chest started to sound a lot like Iron Man, and we both thought that in the pic above, the vent was too high and needed to moved lower not only to step back a little from the Iron Man look but to give me room to sculpt a decent slope for the armor up to the level of the vent. (Don't mind the head swap. I was just tossing something different on there and Mikhail plans on using something else entirely.)


At this point, I decided the vent was still a bit too tall and sanded the back of it down, then glued it in place. After that, um... I put some greenstuff on the chest and kinda moved it around with my tools, and... there ya have it.



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The fellow with the planted sword is my favorite by a wide margin.  There's a lot of personality in him.  The sort of personality that makes you wet your pants and give him a wide berth.  :teehee:


When you were playing with the sword, did you fix that backwards bend in it?  

Edited by Firepower
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I always spend a lot of time posing my little toy soldiers to give them as much personality as I can. With the AoV librarian I did, I probably spent a total of 4-5 hours throughout the whole process just making minute little changes here and there, looking at it from several angles, changing it a little more, then rinse and repeat. I have a future project I want to do, something I've had in mind for years that's going to really push me in this area and I really hope it turns out even remotely close to what I imagine.


I've tried once already to straighten the sword, but it bent back, which isn't too unusual. I bought an Eldar Scorpion super heavy some years ago and one of the pulsars was really warped and took something like 5-6 heating/cooling treatments to get it to stay straight.

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I've tried once already to straighten the sword, but it bent back, which isn't too unusual. I bought an Eldar Scorpion super heavy some years ago and one of the pulsars was really warped and took something like 5-6 heating/cooling treatments to get it to stay straight.


Yep I feel you that's why I swapped the paragon blade for a power axe I thought more appropriate for my MKIII praetor

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Everything is looking sharp, but I'm really looking forward to your take on a younger version of Eisenhorn. My favorite 40k fiction by a longshot. :smile.:


Funny you mention that because I was looking over the figure again earlier today, planning out what I'll have to do for the conversion. I also seem to be short a few parts, mostly some of the little decorative bits, but I can't seem to locate his left arm. >_>


Clipping away the braces from his leg and the back of his head and repairing those areas won't be too difficult, but the only part that really worries me is the face. And the gun, a little bit. I have a Witch Hunter Tyrus model I could take a bolt pistol from, but I've seen that done before and it looks a bit too large for Eisenhorn's hand.




I've tried once already to straighten the sword, but it bent back, which isn't too unusual. I bought an Eldar Scorpion super heavy some years ago and one of the pulsars was really warped and took something like 5-6 heating/cooling treatments to get it to stay straight.


Yep I feel you that's why I swapped the paragon blade for a power axe I thought more appropriate for my MKIII praetor


Eh, all part of the show when you're working with resin.


No promises on this, Jasp, but I'll see what I can do for a tutorial or something for sculpting. I'd have to clean up my filthy work table for the photos and I dunno if I'm ready for an undertaking of that magnitude.

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Excellent thread mate. Keep up the great work! You make me eager to start some greenstuffin when I switch back to CSM :smile.: :up:


Happy to be an inspiration, and if you don't have some already: clay shapers!


Another small update on the commission, with some work on the left leg and the torso and legs together:




And the start of the work on the lightning/power claw for my Space Wolf in TDA:




No, you're not seeing things. I really did just chop up a FW Cataphractii lightning claw. I needed a little personal time after, but I think that's understandable.


Not only am I wanting to change the positioning of the fingers, I think I'm going to make all of them longer as well. :biggrin.:

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Maybe we can work something out.


Since I'd never done a commission before and wasn't even sure if I was going to like doing work for someone else, I just traded my services to Mikhail for a bunch of bits. All of the Space Wolf bits including the Arjac Rockfist figure, the Catahpractii arms, and some other stuff not shown yet. So far, it's been pretty fun, but Mikhail has also been really patient, didn't give me a deadline, and has liked all the work so far. I could see how it might not be so fun if other clients weren't as pleasant.

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