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  • 2 weeks later...

Life has been seriously getting in the way of things, but I've managed to do a little more work on the bike. I didn't like the red stripe on the front of it because it was a real PITA to mask off straight lines on a curved surface, and I didn't get it even. Instead, I decided to go with a triangle. And then proceeded to weather the crap out of the thing, which now makes the red triangle design on the nose difficult to see.






The pics don't do it justice, and once the life stuff calms down, I want to see about getting a better lighting set up.

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This is how it looked prior to my dive off the deep end:




I sprayed over the front end of the red strip with blue, re-masked it and sprayed red again for the new triangular pattern. Painted the metal parts with Boltgun and gave them several thinned washes of Badab Black. You can't really tell anymore, but I used blue and purple washes to on the exhaust pipes to simulate bluing from the heat. A dark grey paint was used for the chipping.


Next, I switched to oil paints and went over most of the body panels with very thin wash of dark tan to look like dust build up. I didn't think the metals looked weathered enough, so I when I thinned down some black to drop into the panel lines and exhaust vents, I pulled some aside and thinned it down even more and gave the metals another going over. I let the oils dry for a couple of days and realized the dust layer worked a little too well and the majority of the paint chips could no longer be seen, so I had to come in and do them over again. 


Then came the weathering powders. I started with a dark yellow to build up the dust, then switched to the rusty red colors to match the look of the one Crimson Sons figure I have finished(the reason for the red will become apparent at a later time). Black weathering powder was used to enhance the exhaust streaks on the front vents, the armor in front of the handlebars, and I tried it on the exhaust vents up top but it just wasn't looking how I wanted. I mixed some water with a little black powder and brushed that straight onto the exhaust vents to really give it a lot of carbon build up. I had done some oily streaks on the the round engine structures up top, but didn't think they looked substantial enough so I mixed up a little more black powder and water and used that to enhance the streaks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So, my brother and some friends of ours talked me into giving the 40k RPG Only War a try, and while we're planning on using the Kasrkin as our regiment of choice, we will be dusting off some of my old Vostroyan figures to represent our characters. Why? Because Kasrkin are not currently available from GW and none of us have the money to shell out for the exorbitant prices people want for them on eBay.


I'll be playing a sergeant, one of the friends will be a weapon specialist with a plasma gun, and the other two are currently undecided.


For the time being, I'm just doing a quick and simple little conversion of a Vostroyan sergeant to represent the hellpistol he carries, but I plan on doing a full blown conversion of a different figure in the near future because I want him to have the face mask on instead of bare skin being visible.




So, brothers, do any of you have experience with the 40k RPGs and/or done any conversions for them?

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I removed the sgt from the base so I could prime him, and the greenstuff tube didn't survive me putting him back on the base to start laying in the base colors. :sad.:


When I first got these figures several years ago, I did a few test minis: one in red, one in grey, and one in white. The red won out because the gold colored metal looked great with it, and as I sat down tonight, I considered it again. I can do reds really well. The problem is, I've done a lot of red in the past with armies in both 40k and other games. Looking around, I noticed the feth-load of green paints I have and almost never use them, so I decided to give that a shot. Here's the sarge with most of the base colors done with no shading or highlights yet:




I still haven't decided on a few things, like the color of the weapon, grenades, sword scabbard, etc, but I like the look of it so far. Hell, after all the time they've been sitting in a box in my closet, it's really nice to see some paint on 'em, and I've been enjoying painting it so much, I might throw in a small ETL vow for some IG. Errr... AM, or what-the-feth-ever.

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I actually dig that colour scheme rather then the traditional red


That's a really nice colour scheme alot subtler than the usual red this should be good!


Yeah, nothing good can come from being a red shirt. Really nice green.


Thanks, brothers. I forgot to mention earlier that the color is Cayman Green from the Vallejo Game Color line. I want the finished color to be darker than that, but I didn't have a dark green from a bottle that fit what I was thinking of, so I'll hit it with some washes and then come back and use the same color for the first highlight stages. This is one of those figures that had a lot of little details I'd never noticed until painting started, like the paper of the purity seal on the scabbard being wrapped around it and hanging off of both sides.


I should some in-progress pics of the plasma gunner up tomorrow, now that I've nailed down most of the paint scheme.

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I have always wanted to see some real world Vostroyans!


I have one of the old metal sets of them sitting around waiting for inspiration. Looking good so far, Kage.

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I like the green much better than red. The Vostroyans are some of my favourite IG models, so I look forward to see what you do with them.



When the Cadians first came out in 2003, I was thinking they looked a little too modern, but they were a big step up in sculpting quality from the older 2nd Ed metals. In '06 when Cities of Death brought us the Vostroyans, it was love at first sight. They were so grimdark and awesome I just had to have some. My only small gripe was, and still is, the limited amount of choices in special and heavy weapons, and the amount of bare faces in the troops. I'm thinking more and more about doing a small ETL vow so I have something to do while I wait to get back into my Crimson Sons in a few months. Speaking of that, since I don't have the funds for the codex, would anyone be willing to cobble together a small list for me? Just something with the total unit points costs for a small vow with an HQ and a couple of troops? If so, toss me a PM.


I have always wanted to see some real world Vostroyans!


I have one of the old metal sets of them sitting around waiting for inspiration. Looking good so far, Kage.


Not sure what you mean about real world Vostroyans, but you should dust one or two off and give them some paint!


I was obligated to go to family gathering for most of the evening, so I didn't get as much progress done on the Sgt as I had hoped:





As you can see, I'm going for a limited palette of colors and doing as much in shades of green that I can. Some bits I still haven't decided on a color for, and don't mind the eyes... I tried to paint the eyeballs and failed horribly so I covered them up to try again tomorrow.

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Here's the vow I made for the IG ETL:



Company Commander w/ power weapon, plasma pistol, carapace armor

4x Veterans w/ vox-caster, regimental standard, medi-pack, plasma gun, carapace armor for all = 153 pts

Master of Ordnance, Officer of the Fleet = 40 pts

Commissar w/ power fist, plasma pistol = 65 pts

Total points = 258



It's a small one, but if I finish it quickly, I'll make another vow. While painting that Vostroyan Sgt for the Only War game, I realized both how long it's been since I painted flesh and how rusty I am with it, so there will be no visible flesh on anything in this vow.


Now, the Vostroyans have one of the best standard bearer figures in the whole game imho, but with that figure being stripped to the waist, some changes would have to be made. This will probably be one of the more difficult conversion ideas I have for the command squad, so I decided to start here to see if it would work. In case this all goes to hell, I do have a second standard bearer.



First was to cut as much away as possible to minimize the amount of work in the second step. The legs went into the bits box, and out came the blade, files, clippers, and Dremel. After 90 minutes or so, all traces of the original figure were gone. I had tried to keep the right arm attached to the banner, but it wouldn't line up with the new figure, so it had to go as well. The Aquila was removed from the top prior to step two because I didn't want to risk damaging it and it will be replaced later.


This chap was kind enough to volunteer to be the new standard bearer:




At a later point, the exposed left side of the face will be sculpted over with greenstuff, along with some new arms. Here he is temporarily glued to the banner to make sure everything lines up:




I had to stop here for now to go run some errands but I hope to have more progress poster later tonight.



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When I got back to my work table, I decided to do some work on a few other figures, since a lot of these will have greenstuff work and this will allow me to keep working on multiple figures while the putty cures.


First wave of greenstuffing on the powerfist Commissar:




And laying in some of the base colors on the plasma gunner:



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I really broke a sweat when I saw your chopped standard bearer

The job looks incredibly clean

The green stuff power fist is really cool !


No guts, no glory, right? I also get butterfiles when I start chopping up a mini like that, wondering if I'm going to destroy it.


The powerfist is far from finished, but I might need to turn it in a little bit so it's more obvious what it is.

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I resumed work on the standard bearer today, trying to find a good position for a new right arm, and what I thought would go relatively quickly turned into a frustrating several hours with lots of fiddly adjustments and scraping and filing of metal. What I wouldn't give right now for all of my Vostroyans to be plastic or finecast... But I soldiered on and got to a decent stopping point:




I tried out a variety of weapons for the left hand - a few swords, a laspistol, a lasrifle(that would need a lot of work to look Vostroyan) - and finally settled on the axe. I'll have to fine tune the positioning, but I like it.

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I have loved that banner since it was released, and to be honest I like this standard bearer much better than the original.


I really look forward to the finished product.


Fantastic work with the standard bearer. Although I am fond of the original model I do think your's fits the Vostroyan theme better.


Thanks, brothers. :)  I really love the original figure, and have a second one I will probably paint up at some point in time, but the guy stripped to the waist without a rebreather just seemed odd to me.


I like my conversion, but the more I look at it, the more I don't care for the position of the right arm. It looks odd. I'll probably tinker with that tomorrow.

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