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You know, when FW first came out with the World Eater and Plague Marine kits, there were rumors they were going to do Thousand Sons and Noise Marines next. I would love to see what they do with the Sons. On the same not, I'd be curious to see what I would do with them as well, lol.

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I know I was thinking Egyptian crests and tabards and stuff but for the life of me I'm not sure what I'd want or what I'd want to do, I love them and I think it would be a good counter to my WE polar opposites to be exact
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About eight years ago I saw this conversion of a Pre-Heresy Ahriman by QiaoZhong on CMON:




It's one of my favorite conversions for 40k, ever, and I think he did a great job of combining the Egyptian aesthetic with the space marine figure. I've seen other conversions for pre-heresy Sons that just went overboard and ruined the whole thing.

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I definitely can recommend BCK for his sculpting skills and communication on a project.  I'm not so sure about his sanity after seeing that photo of the Cataphracti lightning claw though, that gave me nightmares.  I guess we'll have to wait and see how that one turns out.

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It's been a while since I had to do this much work on a metal figure for a conversion, but given the size of the Inquisitor figures, it's to be expected. Sprue clippers, an X-acto knife, files, and a Dremel with a grinding tool were all used to remove the braces and chemical stimm injectors from Eisenhorn's right leg:




It's hard to see with the freshly bared metal being so reflective, but it's the first step. Covering up the mess with greenstuff shouldn't be too difficult.

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I made some progress on the TDA Space Wolf, removing the power/lightning claw housing from the Cataphractii arm and getting it attached to a normal termie arm, as well as testing out one of these finger extensions for the claw. I've also cut away the bracing from the thighs so I can bulk it out some more, removed a section of the tabard that will be replaced with something else later, and shaved off the decorations from the chest.




Next up is more progress on the Eisenhorn conversion and I've greenstuffed over the mess I made earlier:




Normally, I dislike having any parts of my hands in a photo of a mini, but I have two of the Eisenhorn figures and I wanted to have the original leg next to the reworked one, and I just couldn't get them to sit like that on a flat surface. I'm not quite done with the inner surface of the boot and the outer hasn't been touched yet, since I didn't want to risk putting my big-ass fingers in the putty I'd already worked on. I'll try to get better pics of the of the reworked leg once the greenstuff cures.

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The leg came out better than I thought it would. With the larger scale, I was actually a little worried about getting the cloth to look right. Unlike the original, I felt there should have been some stress folds radiating out from the knee.


Oh, and that Arjac is not flawless. Mikhail sent me the original one he bought that was in such bad shape that he had GW replace it. The head was in bad shape(the end of the nose was messed up from an air bubble), the left arm with the hammer is a complete disaster, and I might even have to chop the shield off and put it on a plastic termie arm. There's also a lot of little voids and air bubbles on the undersides of the figure which aren't too visible. Still, since I was planning on chopping it up some, doing a lot of GS work, and using a different left arm anyway, it's working out fine.

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I've been digging through stuff looking for Eisenhorn's left arm and happened across an old conversion I thought you guys might like to see:




I'd loved the Salamander look since the Armageddon codex came out and started to repaint all my marines some years back. When I saw the art for He'Stan, I had to have a mini of him. Sadly, he was one of the victims of the miniature case being dropped down a staircase and his backpack, spear, and thumb on his left were casualties of war. I've been thinking about redoing this conversion at some point because the GW figure is very MEH!, I loved the artwork, and I'm much better with the greenstuff now.

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Amazing Vulkan, BCK :smile.:. I've yet to see work of yours that didn't impress. Consistently awesome stuff.


Thanks man. Your RG captain's pretty nice as well!


You so need to finish that Vulkan mini, it look really good. And Im curious to see your end results with the Arjac conversion.


Finish? I'll probably keep this guy as he is to be a milestone reminder I can look back on. I'd definitely like to do a new and better one sometime.

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So, I posted Maestoros to the conversion challenge thread, being at a happy place with him for now, but I do still plan on doing more work on him. Here's the post with the photos for the competition: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/278051-grotsmashas-conversion-challenge-3-captains-completions/?p=3436225


To finish him up for the competition, I finally did a rear tabard that I liked, put a new hilt on the sword, added a riveted crest to the helmet, and made the elbow armor on his left arm look a little closer to the one from the Praetor. Here's some detail pics:







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The awesomeness continues. Loving the old Vulkan model quite a bit.


I'll totally give you a dollar and a high five to make me something as cool...even if the side of his Power Fist and his feet are a bit crude :biggrin.:

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Heh, I might need more than a dollar and a high five, but thanks. The power fist/flamer was still in-progress at the time and then I was unable to play the game because I had mandatory overtime at my job for almost a year and never finished it. And yes, the feet look bad. I was kinda crap with the greenstuff back then.


I made a deal with Mikhail to work for bits and such, so toss me a PM if you wanna talk about a Vulkan model sometime. :D

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Very nice Chaos Lord, shows that you needn't be too extreme with mutations and warped armour. Also shows you can never have enough blades.


But that Salamander, oh man, that's just awesome. It's like he's thinking of all the miracles he can operate with his power fist and even a Marine's enhanced mind cannot fathom such glory.

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There used to be a spear in his hands, but I see what you mean, lol. While I was proud of it at the time, and still am for the most part, it also makes me cringe a little. Back then I was still using the ribbon type of greenstuff and all the bright spots in it, most notable in the knee pads, is cured putty from where the colors met and I didn't know to cut that middle section out. (sigh)


But I was happy with how close I got to the artwork with my limited skills.




I have a big project in mind for another special character that will definitely push my modeling skills to the limit. No details yet as I'm still working out the rough idea in my head, but I hope to have something to show in the near future. :D



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I've been trying to think of something really different to do for the leader of my Iron Warriors "army", where the 4 Lords I'm slowly working on are his immediate underlings, but I couldn't come up with something that I either like, or could conceivably sculpt with my skills as they are. I was thinking he would be in terminator armor, but old, like dating back to the Great Crusade. As much as I like the Forge World Horusy Heresy terminator variants, even they weren't quite what I was looking for.


To help the process along, I was doing searches on Google and on Deviant Art(and adding a bunch to my favorites) and came across some pics of the old terminator armor from the Rogue Trader days:


http://i.imgur.com/vjRsTEi.jpg   http://i.imgur.com/2XEmBtV.jpg   http://i.imgur.com/iWJsJgE.jpg?1


Mk I, Mk II, and the Dark Angels terminator from the original Space Hulk boxed set, respectively.


I liked the slab-like shoulder pads and overall juggernaut feel to the MK I and Space Hulk figures, but man, they are REALLY showing their age. I was wondering how I might update that to look less ridiculous (as I hadn't seen ANYBODY do recent artwork of that armor), and about that time, I happened to be going through Greyall's Deviant Art gallery and saw the drawing of Pramus Kholosk of the Imperial Fists:




Umm... holy crap?!?!?! :eek:


Personally, I think this guy looks a lot more like an Iron Warrior than an Imperial Fist, but that's just me. :wink:


I won't be copying this exactly, mainly using it for inspiration, but at least I have a direction to run my thoughts in. Now I just have to figure out how the hell I would actually build something like this.



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I love the idea with greyalls artwork it's all proportioned perfectly, I think if you stuck to it as a guide for sizing it would look awesome you can do it kage!


This particular Warsmith character I've had in mind for a long time and even did a little story about him a long time ago, and he was quite large - something between a termie and a dreadnought - so maybe I can use some parts of the new obliterators as a starting point.

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