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I was just looking at the exact same miniatures and art today and wonderind how to incorporate it into my DA army. I have complete faith in your ability to make that art into reality.


I think you have more faith in my abilities than I do right now, lol, but thanks. I sure know how to set the bar high for myself, don't I?

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I was just looking at the exact same miniatures and art today and wonderind how to incorporate it into my DA army. I have complete faith in your ability to make that art into reality.


I think you have more faith in my abilities than I do right now, lol, but thanks. I sure know how to set the bar high for myself, don't I?

I like to set the bar high for all of us that way our failures look better than most people's greatest successes.

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There used to be a spear in his hands, but I see what you mean, lol. While I was proud of it at the time, and still am for the most part, it also makes me cringe a little. Back then I was still using the ribbon type of greenstuff and all the bright spots in it, most notable in the knee pads, is cured putty from where the colors met and I didn't know to cut that middle section out. (sigh)


But I was happy with how close I got to the artwork with my limited skills.




I have a big project in mind for another special character that will definitely push my modeling skills to the limit. No details yet as I'm still working out the rough idea in my head, but I hope to have something to show in the near future. :biggrin.:


Calgar? Shrike? I'm intrigued!

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I'm not sure how many of you might remember the Khârn model I started for a friend about a year ago, but my recent return to modeling has prompted me to look over some unfinished projects, and not just to knock out new ones. I lost steam on the Khârn build, mostly because I wasn't happy with how the sculpting was going. I don't want to show the most recent pics, so here's what it looked like before it all went to the warp:



I'll be looking to dust this guy off in the near future and give him his due.




I have a big project in mind for another special character that will definitely push my modeling skills to the limit. No details yet as I'm still working out the rough idea in my head, but I hope to have something to show in the near future. :biggrin.:


Calgar? Shrike? I'm intrigued!


Since I'm starting to blue tac some stuff together in the early stages of this mystery model, I figure I'd give you guys a little hint:



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LOL, no, it's Tycho. :D


My first army was Blood Angels and I used Tycho in a fair number of games. The restless old grump continued to grow on me even after I dropped the IX Legion and was very surprised to see that GW killed him off in the Armageddon codex. Ever since I read that, I've had an idea in mind for a diorama where a group of Blood Angels are carrying his battered, bloody corpse back from the battlefield on their shoulders.

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I actually always liked that bit from Armageddon. It highlighted that even the greatest angels can fall, and heroes in 40k die bad deaths. To each their own, I guess.


Looking forward to seeing what you come up with, man.

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I agree with you completely and always hoped they'd have more heroic deaths of special characters. Though I'd prefer if the Ultramarines had really embarrassing ones, like Cassius slipping in the bath and breaking his cybernetic head open and Calgar getting crushed beneath a vending machine he got mad at and punched.

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Neat.  Tycho was one of the first models I ever bought.  I'd have painted him up again by now if it weren't for the nasty mold line running right through his damned face. :P


Ahh, the Blood Angels.  I remember when they were orange.  I actually still have a spray can of the old orange spray paint they for some reason called red :D


I look forward to seeing how it works out.  Renditions I've seen of him both in model and in art always have him so static and monolithic.  It'd be nice to see him showing a bit of that famous Blood Angel 'energy' in a more dynamic pose. ;)

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LOL, no, it's Tycho. :biggrin.:


My first army was Blood Angels and I used Tycho in a fair number of games. The restless old grump continued to grow on me even after I dropped the IX Legion and was very surprised to see that GW killed him off in the Armageddon codex. Ever since I read that, I've had an idea in mind for a diorama where a group of Blood Angels are carrying his battered, bloody corpse back from the battlefield on their shoulders.

The imagery in my head of that is awesome. That piece of art from the Grey Knights rulebook comes to mind. Please make it happen.

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Neat.  Tycho was one of the first models I ever bought.  I'd have painted him up again by now if it weren't for the nasty mold line running right through his damned face. :tongue.:


Ahh, the Blood Angels.  I remember when they were orange.  I actually still have a spray can of the old orange spray paint they for some reason called red :biggrin.:


I look forward to seeing how it works out.  Renditions I've seen of him both in model and in art always have him so static and monolithic.  It'd be nice to see him showing a bit of that famous Blood Angel 'energy' in a more dynamic pose. :wink:


I'm not sure how dynamic he'll be in this idea, but I might do a living Tycho sometime in the future where he's caving in some skulls.



LOL, no, it's Tycho. :biggrin.:


My first army was Blood Angels and I used Tycho in a fair number of games. The restless old grump continued to grow on me even after I dropped the IX Legion and was very surprised to see that GW killed him off in the Armageddon codex. Ever since I read that, I've had an idea in mind for a diorama where a group of Blood Angels are carrying his battered, bloody corpse back from the battlefield on their shoulders.

The imagery in my head of that is awesome. That piece of art from the Grey Knights rulebook comes to mind. Please make it happen.


Funny you mention that GK piece, because I tried to find a copy of that online to include in my original post to give people some idea of what I was going for, but couldn't find it, and I don't have a scanner. :sad.:


I want your Khârn!


That one belongs to my buddy that dearly hates Ears of Khorne™. Here's the original thread on it, but reply in this one if you need to, so as to avoid threadomancy: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/254684-building-a-better-Khârn/

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Your stuff always rocks Kage, and I am looking forward to your final rendition of Tycho (guy is one of my all time faves).


I hope to do him justice, but I will be making a few changes from the original figure. First is making his mask like the one in the illustration I posted, where it covers the entire right side of his face, and doing away with the digi-weapon built into the armor of his left hand. I never really could wrap my head around exactly how that worked, so I was thinking either I simply wouldn't model it, or since Orks tend to have lots of choppy and stabby weapons, his left hand might be gone.


Here's a pic from the Armageddon codex that will give some idea of how much damage he might have on him:



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