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Terminators have always had a wasp waist and I have already thickened it some, but due to how the Tartaros leg armor has the extended section at the hip, I don't know if there will be room to add anything. Here's a better shot of what I've already done to the waist, as well as some work to bulk out the legs without sculpting over the front of them.



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That's the idea, Ikka - sloped and angled armor to help deflect attacks. :smile.:


I had a go at one of the lightning claw blades of his Ghost Razors; the art and the original model both have the claws curved similar to a large felidae predator so I kept to that.




The tip of the blade will remain outside the housing when retracted, because curves, and I marked the length at the back end of the housing for the extended shot. The fun part is going to be getting all four metal claws to be the same size and shape.

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Ok, I've finished making the lightning claw blades, very lightly glued them down for a test fit, and I'm pretty excited at how they turned out.




Maybe a little more excited than that, but here's a shot of them before final grinding to fit the power claw housing:




I had to even them out a little and take out some of the curve on the back end so they'd sit properly. They're not perfect, but it's hard to tell if you're not looking at blown up photos on the internet.





When I saw all four of them glued down like that, I have to admit, my excitement was more like this:




And the man himself doing a runway turn for us.




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Those look great... how are you making those? I believe you said in a prior thread with paper clips, but I don't recall how you flattened them or gave them a bladed edge.


The first several blades I tried were done with large paperclips that had been sitting in a pen holder on my computer desk for years. After I burned through those, the only ones the same size I could find had these evenly spaced grooves cut into the entire length so I went to a hardware store and picked up a small spool of 18 gauge steel wire which is just tad bit bigger around than the paperclips. To flatten them, I have an old pin vice that would hurt my hand when trying to drill with it and it now does things like being a good handle to hold the steel wire in while I flatten it with a hammer. You can see on the back end of these where I left plenty of room for the pin vice to grip it.




After that, it's a lot of work with a Dremel (still holding it in the pin vice), and you really need to have some kind of powered grinding tool because even though the steel wire is soft enough to bend with your hands, it's hard enough that a file barely scratches it. I previously had 2 battery powered Dremels and kept a different shape grinding tool in each, but the slowly dying batteries were taking forever to recharge and no one sold them in a retail store. They only had a Low and High speed setting, so when I bought a corded Dremel recently, I got a variable speed model that essentially has 5-6 speeds. If you try to do something like this, be prepared to accidentally destroy the shape you were going for until you learn to gauge how fast the Dremel will remove material. It still happened to me on these lightning claws after all the mini blades I've made and I had to remake all four of them. After I get the shape where I want it, I switch to removing imperfections in the blade from the hammer and I try to get that as smooth as I can with the Dremel before moving to wet sanding with low grit paper and moving up to a medium and a high grit. And that's it. :biggrin.:


It sounds like a lot, but for a single blade, barring any screw ups, it takes maybe half an hour from start to finish.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Dead marines used as a floor mat are always great.


However if I could make a suggestion: why not a broken Aquila? I think there is some sweet symbolism with the Tyrant of Badab crushing an already shattered emblem of the Imperium beneath his armored boot.

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Ooooh, that claw is lovely. The Tyrant is living up to his reputation.


Good to hear, 'cause that's exactly what I was hoping for. I always go into a new conversion with a specific idea that I want to pull off, but it's more difficult when the idea is "I want people to like my version better than the original". You're almost setting yourself up for failure, especially when the original is a fairly popular figure.


Hot damn. He's a treat to look at. 


Hopefully he'll get updated for 8th and be the absolute monster I'm trying to make the figure into. :smile.:



Tonight is just a small update on some of my blade making stuff, though I do have some greenstuff curing on Huron's DW shoulder pad trim. The 18 guage wire I have been using to make my blades worked for most of the stuff I wanted to do, but when making them for Marines, I wanted them to be thicker and more substantial, but still more realistic than the comically huge thickness of some of the plastic blades. I got some 16 gauge wire this afternoon and had a go at making a two-handed marine sword just to see how it felt.


Here it is next to some Grey Knights blades and to the right you can see the different wire sizes for comparison.




With the 18 gauge I couldn't have flattened it out wide enough to make a blade this size without making it too thin to work with, but the 16 works just fine. Even though this was just a trial, it turned out pretty good and it might have to go to a Librarian or something.

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Here's one of my older figures I'm dusting off for my Claws.




Some years ago I had some idea to change up his chest and don't remember what (or why I messed with such a cool figure) but I've done a lot of rebuilding with leftover GS from this past week. Below the two abdomen plates will be a tabard so that's extra GS I just pulled down to start on the base for it.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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