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I think the slow build and doing the same with 2-3 other people is certainly helping me get this going without freaking myself out at the prospect of painting so many figures. 


Speaking of which, I'm undecided on which color to paint them. There's the classic red, the green that I tried out a few years ago:




And I was also thinking of doing their tunics in grey. Opinions on those three or other suggestions are welcome. 

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Defo going to try sculting more, given myself a little task of making a Fabius Bile before 15th Dec. So that should give me plenty of sculpting, especially the skin cloak he has ;) 


Did you use 32 or 28 mm base for that figure? 

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Yeah, even though I usually like experimenting with different colour schemes and painting different from the box, I think I would be more strict for regiments, specially if you want them to be actual Vostroyans. If you want them to simply be a simillar but still different regiment the green looks pretty good, actually. So, this is why I think that red would look great, and I think that mechanised squads of firstborn used to have grey tunics, but I might be wrong on that one. Grey with red as a spot colour (lenses and such) could be pretty awesome.
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Considering the change I've made to these guys, red might be the way to go. 








Why swap out the heads? A few reasons. I saw a Jes Goodwin imperial guardsman drawing years and years ago and always some troops that looked like it.




When the Vostroyans came out I loved them, though I wasn't a huge fan of the shakos (tall hats) or all the bare faces. I tried to sculpt some masks over the bare faces back then but my sculpting ability just wasn't up to it. When the Skitarii set came out, I knew I had to give the conversion a try when I would eventually make my way back to the Vostroyans, and here we are. Oh, and it didn't make much sense to me for these guys to be in heavy carapace armor with no head protection, and this also takes care of that. 


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Perhaps I will make up my own regiment instead of using them as Vosties. I also bring moar pics!


Sniper mock up. 




When I recently found my box of Vosty heavy weapon squads, I had four heavy bolter gunners, 3 HB loaders, and only 2 HBs; these guys have been boxed up for years and I haven't seen any of the missing parts since I packed them away so I have no idea where they could be or what happened to them. Oyumaru to the rescue. 




I broke the second tripod cast when I was taking it out of the mold and another one is curing right now. The casts aren't perfect, but unless you're holding it 6 inches from your face, you'd probably never notice the difference. 


And the loaders. 




Getting the Oyu into the deep recesses is a PITA and I'll have to do some clean up and resculpting in parts, but at least I will have a full 4 HB teams without having to buy new ones or try to find the missing pieces off of eBay. 

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Why swap out the heads? A few reasons. I saw a Jes Goodwin imperial guardsman drawing years and years ago and always some troops that looked like it.



Man, this illustration is so good. It must've set off several thousand Guard armies, including occasional attempts of my own. Really love what you're doing with the Mechanicus helms, here. Edited by Lexington
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The face (mask) that launched a thousand armies. Hands down one of my favorite 40k illustrations. 


I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be a Necromundan because the hive in the background is similar to an old drawing of the Palatine Hive and he's brandishing a Necromunda pattern lasgun. I'm also fairly certain the skitarii vanguard were influenced by this picture not only because of the similar helmet shape, but the basic shape of the chest armor is almost identical; trim away the detail and fill it in with GS to make a smooth armor plate, and you'd have it. 



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What about black or super dark brown (almost a black/brown leather) tunic.


Head swap looks good. Not100% sure about the cog crest on the officer, but I cannot think of anything better to suggest. Is your army going to be mechanicum aligned or use mech allies to tie in the crest?

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Loving the head swap. And the recast of the heavy bolters are epic, very nice job there! These are coming along brilliantly and swiftly. I personally would be edging towards the grey colour scheme as they are differing from the originals
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Dantay: I have no idea what the Mechanicus stuff is like and if I would ally in anything but I might be creating my own regiment instead of calling them Vostroyans and they could have some sort of arrangement with the metal men for weapon and armor production. 


Sagentus: I think it's either going to be grey or a green that might be a shade or two darker than my old test figure. 

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Incredible “Vostroyans” losing the tall head gear and swapping them out for the mechanicum helmets is a winner in my books. The fact they now mirror the old Jess art is just bonus points for me. The more muted fatigue colours sound like they are going to have a really gritty feel. Can’t wait to see some paint on them.
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Alrighty, it's test figure time! I tried out a grey, a green, a dark red, and a yellow ochre color. 




I went with more muted colors than my previous green Vosty sergeant, and the problem is I kinda like all of them. The grey looks good up close, but I'm afraid it would look very 'blah' on the table top. The red is a custom mix of a dark brown and a scarlet red color which I did because I do think these guys look good in red but didn't want to do the bright red of their normal colors. 


I think the winner is the ochre color, though. I actually tried several different ochre colors, Green, Yellow, and Brown Ochre from the Vallejo Model Color line and I wasn't happy with any of them. The Green was too dark and, well, green. The Yellow was too bright, and despite the name, the Brown Ochre wasn't really all that brown and was still still a bit too yellow mustard for me. What I wanted was something between the Green and Yellow ochre. A medium ochre color, or...






What I found that worked was a bronze flesh color of all things, and I fell in love almost the instant the atomized paint left the airbrush and hit the model. Now I need to decide if I should part some or all of the helmets mediochre or leave them bare metal, which would probably be silver because a gold or bronze color wouldn't be as visible against the yellow tone. Thoughts?

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I actually think that the grey would look pretty good on the table top, because of the contrast with the gold, while you would have to use another metal for the ochre, dark silver maybe? Also, the Inmortan Joe meme made me chuckle. Except for the light yellow I think that any colour could work, maybe I would choose ochre, green or grey over red to differentiate them further from normal Vostroyans. Also, how are you planning to do the base? That would also be important for choosing the model colours.


For the helmet, I would paint some parts in ochre for the skitarii one, but not on the normal one, as as I don't see where it would fit.

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The test figures are just unconverted Vostroyans who will eventually have their heads chopped off and replaced. The yellow color is the ochre shade and the one I like best right now, and yeah, it would have the armor painted a dark silver color or maybe painted another color and distressed to show the metal underneath. 


For the bases my initial ideas are some kind of ruined urban terrain. 

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I have another grey color that's got more blue in it that I'll try out shortly. I will probably end up going with the grey anyway because of my Macharius, which I am not going to strip and repaint. 


Today I spent most of the evening helping my friend dig out his orks, dust them off, and used my airbrush help him get a jump start on some test minis with a Bad Moons speed painting recipe he found. While he was working on that, I asked if I could play around with his partially built Battlewagon and show him what the hairspray technique is good for, and he was more than happy to let me at it. 








I didn't get a whole lot of time to work with the chipping tonight because my airbrush was giving me trouble and I had to completely break it down and clean 3 times (never finding any clogged paint or anything) before it would finally cooperate. The chassis was built and the cab was assembled except for the roof, so I got it to this point and told him it would be best to paint the rest of the components separately and then assemble it all later. He had picked up the Vallejo Game Air Color of Sun Yellow to paint his Bad Moons with, and to my horror, I discovered that particular paint has the coverage quality of ink (and comes out much lighter than it appears in the bottle) so I had to use the ocher color I did my Vosty test figure with in a 2:1 ration with the Sun Yellow to get good coverage as well as the shade he wanted. 



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I've been toying around with the idea of getting an air brush for a long time , but saving for a house has halted me =/ In saying that i am interested as to how this Hairspray method is done


Also, which airbrush do you use? Christmas is round the corner and i might get lucky haha


Forgot to mention, me and the Mrs' vote for the Grey colour scheme for the Vestroyans ;) 

Edited by Sagentus
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