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Whoa that predator style mask is AWESOME fella.


Great looking scars too


I'm glad you like it, since it was your comment that inspired it. :smile.:


Speaking of Scars... I did some more rooting around on teh interwebs to see what I could find on the Khan.


First up, some artwork by some board faves:


Greyall and Aerion the Faithful


http://i.imgur.com/AEEYjfn.jpg?1    http://i.imgur.com/YUvyWzr.jpg?1 


Moorkasaur from deviant art




And a few official GW pieces:


The Khan in some questionable company...




Looking a bit too much like Ming the Merciless for my liking:




There are a few models of the Khan out there, but I wasn't real impressed by many of them. Here's two that really caught my eye, though. First is the Kabuki models interpretation:




Not bad. But this one by Joe Orteza just blew me away the first time I saw it some years back:









This was his entry in the Team North America primarch contest, where 8 of the best artists out there all decided to do primarchs for a Games Day. For those who have never seen these before, feast your eyes! http://www.astronomican.com/showthread.php?20390-Team-North-America-Primarch-Project-PIC-HEAVY


I'd been kicking around the idea of trying to do a primarch figure for some years, but I never felt I had the skill to it properly, especially with stuff like this out there. My recent surge in sculpting improvement has me thinking about this again, but I want to get some more practice under my belt first. :) For now, this just serves as more inspiration to draw on for my V Legion.

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Try number two on sculpting the lightning bolt icon:




Still not happy with the one on the chest. I might just have to sculpt it elsewhere and attach it once it cures.


I'm MUCH happier with the new one on the shoulder, however. Here's a better shot of it:



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I think that's awesome GS skills as I'm poo at it atm lol I think the tash needs more mongli look, it looks like too much the old school British tash lol


Yeah, I think the 'stache needs to be thinner. It's a little too full and bushy for a proper White Scar, but it was my first attempt ever at doing facial hair.


I got in the other parts for Mikhail's commission, and here's the update on that:




The sword arm needs a little adjusting, but he's happy with it. Now that the pose is nailed down, I can see about finishing this guy up.

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That space marine is obviously saying "oi, you....yeah you, you little :cuss , ill cut your :cuss Jacobs oooofff" Edited by Bryan Blaire
It is a violation of the B&C rules to avoid the swear filter by replacing letters with symbols such as an asterisk. Further violations will result in Warning Points.
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BCK - You said something a few pages previously about GS curing time?
Have you tried adding magic sculp to it? It is a two part epoxy resin.
If you mix equal parts all (1:1:1:1) the cure time is only 4 hours. Just an idea if you haven't already considered it.
I got mine off ebay.

Lovely work as always. All the sculpts are great quality.
Can't say I like the position of that guys sword mind. Just seems... off somehow


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That space marine is obviously saying "oi, you....yeah you, you little :censored: , ill cut your :censored: Jacobs oooofff"


"Your arse is mine, and there isn't a damn thing you can do to stop me."


That was the feeling Mikhail wanted to get across. The Dark Angels, to him, are a mirthless lot who don't fool around when it comes time to do the Emperor's work. I feel the same way about my 40k Angels of Vengeance successor chapter.


that first "official" pic with Khan in ? company, I really like the Lammellar Armour, nice touch.


Yeah, I like the newer version of the Khan's armor. Both of those models are based on the John Blanche artwork, and honestly, I can't think of a single Blanche piece of artwork that I ever liked. The new depiction feels a lot more true to the Asian aesthetic that the character and chapter are drawn from.


BCK - You said something a few pages previously about GS curing time?

Have you tried adding magic sculp to it? It is a two part epoxy resin.

If you mix equal parts all (1:1:1:1) the cure time is only 4 hours. Just an idea if you haven't already considered it.

I got mine off ebay.


Lovely work as always. All the sculpts are great quality.

Can't say I like the position of that guys sword mind. Just seems... off somehow





I have some milliput, but I've never really used. Do you know if it would do the same for cutting down curing time?

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Try number two on sculpting the lightning bolt icon:




Still not happy with the one on the chest. I might just have to sculpt it elsewhere and attach it once it cures.


I'm MUCH happier with the new one on the shoulder, however. Here's a better shot of it:







brother will he be flaunting a top knot?

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brother will he be flaunting a top knot?


That's actually been something I've been thinking about the last few hours I was at work. In both the art and models that people build, you see topknots on helmet and unhelmeted heads, and I wonder, for the helmeted variety, is it just a decoration on top of the helmet, like a crest for the more Roman themed chapters, or is there supposed to be an opening in the top of the helmet to let them pull their real hair through?


I know I'm guilty of trying to put too much reality into a sci-fantasy setting, but the hole in the top of the helmet seems really, really dumb to me for a variety of reasons but namely because there's no practical way to seal the helm and protect against vacuum, chemical weapons, etc.  On the other hand, it's just plastic model in a war game. I'm not sure how to go about it yet.

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Ive always loved the depiction from the Primarchs cover. 



You've got Dorn, who considered Horus a respectable commander and close consul. Sanguinius, who was closest to the Warmaster as could be. Lorgar who was plotting to turn Horus. The Khan, who respected his strength. Fulgrim, who sycophantically considered himself a close advisor. Mortarion, who had always been comforted and made to feel important by Horus. Magnus, who gave the Warmaster unorthodox insights into philosophies. Finally, you have Angron, who followed Horus believing they were resisting a Tyrant and the Khan who admired the Warmasters prowess and skill.



I like to think these would've been the Legions Horus would've wanted following him against the Emperor. 

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id to the top knot on the head, I think its ornamental for the helm.


im still trying to figure out if the Sang guard legs on my seekers work....

I want it realistic but I to see that its just a game and plastic which gets to me.


I'll probably just do topknots on bare heads and some here and there with the helmets.


Looking back at your seekers, it's hard to say because the legs are primed black. What is it about the legs you don't like?


Ive always loved the depiction from the Primarchs cover. 



You've got Dorn, who considered Horus a respectable commander and close consul. Sanguinius, who was closest to the Warmaster as could be. Lorgar who was plotting to turn Horus. The Khan, who respected his strength. Fulgrim, who sycophantically considered himself a close advisor. Mortarion, who had always been comforted and made to feel important by Horus. Magnus, who gave the Warmaster unorthodox insights into philosophies. Finally, you have Angron, who followed Horus believing they were resisting a Tyrant and the Khan who admired the Warmasters prowess and skill.



I like to think these would've been the Legions Horus would've wanted following him against the Emperor. 



Yeah, I agree with that pretty much. After reading Angel Exterminatus (terrible title, I thought) they make it seem like Perturabo wasn't really working for Horus, but that he was just pissed off at the Emperor and his desires for vengeance ran parallel with what Horus wants to accomplish. A good ally to have, but a minion is eminently better. If Horus should somehow upset Perturabo and the IV Legion, they were some of the most combat hardened fighters in the whole Crusade and you wouldn't want them turning back on you.

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Alright brothers, remember when I said I wanted to make this pic a reality?




Well, I'm taking the first tentative steps, using a Tartaros as the base:




The enclosed egg top won't quite be the same, but it will definitely conform to the spirit of both the original and Greyall's updated interpretation.



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Great start BCK. I like the choice of Tartoros as the base. With your GS skill, I can see you knocking this one out there :smile.:


I figured the torso of the Tartaros was already close to the round shape and would be the best head start I could get on this thing.


Well, that is, until FW introduced these guys a few days ago:




If my GS skills don't quite cut it, I might see if I can snag a torso from one of those off of eBay, once they're released.


I am so looking forward to this one :biggrin.:


Nit picking it will be a blast!


Hey, it's my interpretation of it based off of someone else's interpretation! Remember that. :tongue.:


loving the start off the terminators brother :wink:


this is how the seeker is looking

any ideas?


I think the legs look fine and once the weapon is in place you'd really have to be looking to notice they're 10k years out of place. Keep going with it!




And another tiny update on the Mk I - the final shot before greenstuffing begins in earnest:





If you look back at the Greyall pic, I'm thinking I will have the Tartaros torso start where the riveted chest plate with the aquila is. Below that will be the abdomen still attached to the legs.

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Ah, I didn't know that about the Sanguinary armor. In that case, you're golden. As for dynamic feel, yes, they look like they're hauling some arse.


First layer of greenstuff is down, but it's just a shaping layer and will likely all be covered up. The waist is bulked out some, but will need more, and I leveled out the torso from the bottom edge up to the collar so it's less contoured and more egg shaped.

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