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You're back! I knew yuo were leaving, but due to my vacation I've never actually experienced you being gone. And I'm glad to it!


A number of events brought me back sooner than expected. I've decided to get rid of most of my figures (which I need to sort and inventory first) and focus on small projects or individual figures and not trying to build a whole army.


Looks good, like he is calling down the tempests wrath..


The fist looks great, I almost thought you would have gone with a bearded axe. Almost like when you started a very cool viking style Space Wolves conversion, with the chain ail face pate.


As mentioned earlier I'm planning on doing several Wolves and there will be bearded axes, don't worry about that. Right now, I'm planning on making the fist into lightning claws but that may change and we could see an axe on this guy.


The cape looks much better.


Like this cloak waaay better. Keep up the good work dude.


I think so too. :)


Welcome back bro... thinking the Batman super cape looked great...

librarian looking sweet with the smite fist;)


I wanted the tissue cape to work, but the one I photographed was my fourth attempt and I had a better alternative ready to go so I dropped it.

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I was asked outside of the thread about what parts I used to make the cape and it's an extension of the cape from the leader of the chaos marines in the Dark Vengeance box set.




I cut it approximately where the red line is, filled in the gap with a sheet of plastic, and used greenstuff and Tamiya putty to cover the whole mess. The original plan was for it to have a reptile hide on it and I didn't get very far on the scales.

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If you like the fist, you could turn it more outwards, so the palm is towards front, gives tiny bit more dynamic pose. It´s always handy to pose abit yourself, just to see and feel what looks natural.

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If you like the fist, you could turn it more outwards, so the palm is towards front, gives tiny bit more dynamic pose. It´s always handy to pose abit yourself, just to see and feel what looks natural.

For anyone else that would be a great bit of advice, but this is the one and only BCK. A chap that poses with a tee shirt stuffed in his belt to get the folds on a loin cloth right!

On a related note awesome to see you returning to posting BCK, it only took a few hours to catch up from 2014ish when I was last active on B&C...

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That does look nice, but I think the hair would be moving in the wrong direction. It would be nice to use for another Wolf, but sadly there are none on eBay right now. :(

Hm, fair call on the direction of the beard/hair. Also, now that you mention it, he would make a good base for a Wolf Priest based on this old art...

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If you like the fist, you could turn it more outwards, so the palm is towards front, gives tiny bit more dynamic pose. It´s always handy to pose abit yourself, just to see and feel what looks natural.

For anyone else that would be a great bit of advice, but this is the one and only BCK. A chap that poses with a tee shirt stuffed in his belt to get the folds on a loin cloth right!

On a related note awesome to see you returning to posting BCK, it only took a few hours to catch up from 2014ish when I was last active on B&C...



I'm not so arrogant as to think my vision can't be improved upon by other eyes on it, and is one of the reasons why I post so many WIP pics, because several times something I thought was working was not liked by anyone else and those opinions helped save the piece. :smile.:


Been busy on the Rune Priest, getting about half of the work done on his staff and some GS work to fill in the gaps on the legs and arm as well as getting some of his clothing in the works.




The theme that will tie these wolf figures together, however many I end up doing, is that they're Wolf Lord is named Krakenmaw after (barely) surviving being swallowed by one and cutting his way out, so there will be squid/octopus tentacle motif throughout. I've still got four more arms to do on the staff and a good bit more detailing on the priest, including his face and head hair.

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Rad, I like seeing something other than woof pelts/bears pelts etc. there are other monsters out there against which the Vylka Fenryka can test their night against.


On a modeling note that staff head/device feels appropriate for a banner or totem but it feels kinda unwieldy for a Rune Priest staff.

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Yes, there will be a minimum of wolf heads, pelts, etc, on my figures. Oh, and if you think the staff is large now, I've actually cut down some more of the stuff I had on it. I do know it's a tad on the large side, but have you seen some of the two-handed melee weapons for marines?

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Looking really nice, and while I agree the staff looks almost like a totem/banner due to its size, huge weapons are a staple in this universe.

I do think like Jukkiz, though, in that the left arm pose could be tweaked. Right now, and in my humble opinion, the left arm looks a bit too relaxed in comparison with the rest of the body, which is in quite a dynamic, tense stance. Jukkiz suggestions seems a good idea, and I will even go further and propose looking for a closed fist, or even trying to slightly repose the fingers of this one in a "concentrating warp power in the palm" position (a bit cliché, but fitting). I don't know how viable would that be or if you want to go through that hassle, but I think your scultping skills are up to the challenge, should you want to give it a shot.

Edited by Elzender
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Yes, there will be a minimum of wolf heads, pelts, etc, on my figures. Oh, and if you think the staff is large now, I've actually cut down some more of the stuff I had on it. I do know it's a tad on the large side, but have you seen some of the two-handed melee weapons for marines?

True enough, but length does note equate width. There’s a lot of long ass swords and spears but what throws me about his staff is the width. I always try to think. “How does this person carry said piece of gear when they’re just walking to to the starship bridge or embarking in a drop pod/thunderhawk/land raider... you get the idea ;)

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With some time to look at it - I built it separate from the Marine and only put it on the staff shortly before taking the picture - I do think it's too big now. Which sucks because I really like the damn thing. Maybe I'll make a banner bearer to carry this thing and come up with something else for the rune priest.
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I must admit, that staff does look huge. Holding my breath until you reveal the cut down version.


Is the layer above the tabbard supposed to be fur? If so ATM it looks a little too regular/unnatural. There are plenty of tutorials available to get a great looking pelt at your disposal online.


One other thing that I'm not so hot on; the resculpted right thigh plate looks a little too rounded to match his other leg. I would recommend removing some of the material with a scalpel and then smoothing down as required.

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Yes, there will be a minimum of wolf heads, pelts, etc, on my figures. Oh, and if you think the staff is large now, I've actually cut down some more of the stuff I had on it. I do know it's a tad on the large side, but have you seen some of the two-handed melee weapons for marines?

True enough, but length does note equate width. There’s a lot of long ass swords and spears but what throws me about his staff is the width. I always try to think. “How does this person carry said piece of gear when they’re just walking to to the starship bridge or embarking in a drop pod/thunderhawk/land raider... you get the idea ;)
If you look at alot of the 40k artwork high and vaulted ceilings are everywhere including transports and space craft. As I see it, you could keep your current weapon by merely making a tangible acceptance "holster" or connection to the model on or near the power plant backpack.


Go back to the old backpack banner motif. Many of these are tall. Your preist's wewpon would serve dual purpose to show his rank in the organization. It looks to be approximately shoulder wide to the model, but not as tall as some of the over the top banners I've seen in the past.


-edited for spelling

Edited by Custom Hero
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There's some more sculpting work done and my bits order came in and I wanted to get some opinions on the head options since I can't decide right now.




 Door #1 is the original stand in. Door #2 Scarface. Door #3 Custodes head with more of that look like "I'm a psyker and they did horrible things to me to keep me from killing myself and everyone around me on accident".



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