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I've got a little update on the MK I, showing an arm tacked on so I can get a better sense of where the giant out shoulder pad might sit and just how big it will have to be:




I was hoping to keep the back of the torso as it is with the power cables and vents, but it's looking like I might have to remove it to allow for the outer shoulder pads to work correctly.


Oh, and a new piece of White Scars art, courtesy of the Company Champions supplement:




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It does resemble my Master of the Chapter conversion a bit.


I've been digging around the interwebs to see what I could find on traditional Mongol armor to see what I bits and pieces I might be able to integrate into some of my Scars, and it looks like they favored studded leather and the rare heavier armors were scale and lamellar with design influences from China, India, and to a lesser degree, Japan.


http://i.imgur.com/HoJmNlq.jpg?1    http://i.imgur.com/ZTRwT2k.gif?1





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Here's the attempt:




I used a spare hand from the Masters of the Chapter in case I screwed it up,  since I had to have that figure replaced twice and the only good cast of the power fist/helmet is the one you've seen with the White Scar.


I know it's just the basic shape for now, but... Good? Bad? Ugly?

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well it is a good start I look forward to the finished helmet


Yeah, the basic shape seems to mirror the reference images nicely. Let the detailing begin! 


I'll get right on that in the morning, once this has cured up. :)


And is it just my imagination, or does it sorta resemble Darth Vader?

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well it is a good start I look forward to the finished helmet


>Yeah, the basic shape seems to mirror the reference images nicely. Let the detailing begin! 


I'll get right on that in the morning, once this has cured up. :smile.:


And is it just my imagination, or does it sorta resemble Darth Vader?



 I find your lack of faith disturbing.......

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That looks great for a start fella. With the power armour how about thigh plates? Like termie armour has?


That's a possibility


 I find your lack of faith disturbing.......


I'm always critical of myself, but nice tie-in. :)


Had a little play with the helmet and if I try to replicate this on the better cast of this part, I'm going to secure it something to hold it better. This would have turned out better if I had:



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Ouch. I think I did make it a tad too tall, but hey, that's why I tried this out on a spare piece! :biggrin.:


And yes, there's going to be a plume of hair and some more decorating once this new work cures. I think MK II helmets would work better for this idea because of the dome shape the top of the helmet already has:



Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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