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Yep brother Kage you are now part of my personal veteran squad.


You mikhail and once I get appropriate names a couple others will be named specialists within squads :wink:


Consider yourself recruited to the XIIth legion


I better look good. Just sayin'. :cool.:


Press-ganging is alive and well in the 40K PCA forums!


Awesome work, Brother-Chaplain Kage, the helmet is coming along very well. You have some awesome green stuff skills!


Thank ya!


Mikhail sent me some brown stuff he bought but never got around to using, and I decided to give it a try on another lightning bolt icon for my Scars conversion.




I can definitely tell it's more firm and why it's used to sculpt stuff with hard edges, but I think this particular batch is past its due date since it was acting like that old grey stuff I had been using on my Angels of Vengeance, getting really gooey and uncooperative in a hurry.


I appreciate you sending it, brother, but I think I'll have to snag a newer batch of it. :)

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Yep brother Kage you are now part of my personal veteran squad.


You mikhail and once I get appropriate names a couple others will be named specialists within squads :wink:


Consider yourself recruited to the XIIth legion

I better look good. Just sayin'.

How's a missile launcher sound?

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How's a missile launcher sound?


Not bad, but how about an autocannon? Got any of those available? ;D


Finally, a plume on the helmet. My first attempt at sculpting hair and while I did better than I thought I would, I'm not overjoyed with it.



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Looks good, looks really good. Its definetly not an Egg-head helmet anymore :biggrin.:


Nope, but this guy is!




The back of the Tartaros was sawed, chopped, filed, and sanded into a new shape, ready for some greenstuffing soon

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I like how that helmet turned out...


that added details to it makes it look really good


Hate when people make GS'ing look immensely easy.


Great work.


The Mongol helmet is awesome.


That crested helmet is awesome! Some great work in here. :smile.:


Thanks, brothers. It's not quite how I wanted it to turn out, but it's close.


@Dorns_fist: It's not easy and I know it. It's taken me years to get to this point, but I'll take that as the highest of compliments. I've always felt that when people make something look easy is a turning point in their abilities and maybe mine is further along than I give myself credit for. :)


But enough with the sappy stuff! More work!


While I have never had the desire to play Black Templars, the desire to build a few of those nutjob zealots has been with me, well... since the beginning when the sight of this got me into the game:




I'm not entirely sure of the pose at this point, since the hazy idea in my head hasn't gelled into solid details, but here's the start of it with a before/after pic of one of my spare Masters of the Chapter figures:




Expect flowing cloth, purity seals, and Maltese crosses.

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God, that artwork is just a masterpiece. 


Looking forward to seeing what you can come up with using that as inspiration. :smile.:


I tried to find a decent pic of the box set which has the entire painting on it, but they were all tiny.


Kage my brother I understand what you mean about working on one project being difficult for you :wink:


I'm inspired now to take on my gladiatorial veteran squad thank you brother


NOW do you see why I could never get an army finished?

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Sit yo arse down and focus brother no sugar or red cordial!


I have some resin on its way across the pond and once that arrives I'll try to settle down and focus on some V Legion goodness.


A little update on the templar with a few arts cobbled together in a rough idea:


Edit: Actually, it's crap. Starting over, scrapping this. Nothing to see here, move along. :whistling:

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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Come on kage so far one of them :D now get heresy swinging,


Do small things while making me proud to fight against the Vth jaghati is watching brother


Best khan quote ever;

“The Khan had never much cared for the Imperium, but truth – that was important. As was loyalty.

That is the difference between the warrior and the butcher. Which one are you, brother? I know which I am.”


Excerpt From: Wraight, Chris. “Scars: Episode VI.”

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One? No, no, since my return to the hobby this most recent time, I have finished five! (Three, sir!) THREE!


A terminator for my AoV:




Epistolary Oberin for my AoV:




And Maestoros of my Iron Warriors:



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