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Actually rather impressed with how the shield looks, though I wonder if his hand/the handle will be more central on the end product?



*Edit* Looks like you posted while I was making this one, Capt. Jack. I didn't forget your question but I felt it was better to show than tell.


The problem with that was the blue tack wasn't sticking to the back of the IF shield very well as the mix of Milliput and GS cures abnormally smooth and I was having a hell of a time getting it photographed because the shield kept slipping or outright falling off the arm. I have since made some casts of the hands from the back of a storm shield and it works much better now. 





Consider that idea stolen, it looks splendid.


Steal away, but do keep in mind it's going to take a good bit of work. I cut away the psychic hood part of the GK torso and had to sand down the underside of the Tartaros topper to get it to even remotely fit. 


Oh, that looks nice, and having so much headspace could allow you to sculpt some fancy collar or overhead "arch" (no need to go overboard, but some details as Cryptix suggested would be nice to embellish his armour as chapter master).


About the shields, while they personally look a little too big for me, I really like the idea and the symbol looks undeniably cool. The Imperial Fists one also looks fantastic, and I think a round shield kinda befits them due to the Hurscarls being the honour guard of Dorn. The only issue I see is that the fist seems to protrude a bit too much, specially compared with the thickness of the shield. Again, a matter of personal taste, and considering the overexageration of many weapons present in this universe, it does not look out of place at all.


PS: thank you very much for the GS smoothing videos, hopefully I'll get to practice it soon.


I Imagined that the inner working of the shield were housed under layers of armor inside the fist icon itself. :)


Oh my. Mixing the top of tartaros armor and a GK torso looks nice! You've struck gold there, sir!


That looks fantastic, even before the blending work it looks great. I think you've found the proper way to artifice up the plastic tartaros.


Thanks! I don't know if I'll be doing too many more of these, but if you want to use the idea, have at it. 


It does look great unfortunately it still has the problem of all TDA suits that the arms seem to be attached above the neck.


Really? I didn't think it looked like that all. You did see the picture with the arms on, right?



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My attempts at sculpting a lion head are not going well. I do have some progress on Culln though. 




I spent at least 2 hours, maybe 3, searching through sprues to find something for his left arm and after cobbling this together I'm not even sure I like it that much. 



I'm glad you shone your light in my direction for a moment and acknowledged my question!


I HATE being ignored!


I'm not sure how I feel about the pose you've given Culln. It looks awkward and his off arm looks positively uncomfortable/unnatural! Will you revise this pose at all? A man of your talents could doubtless make it more dynamic!

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I look forward to seeing how that develops! Looks like it'll require some jiggery pokery re: the shoulders esp, but a man of your talents will make short work of that!


Regardless, it's poor form to ignore someone who comments on your thread, no matter what you make of them and their opinions!


Good day sir! *doffs fedora*

Edited by Capt. Jack
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Decided to try a cape on the Tyrant and made an oyu cast of something to use as the base, which should be obvious to some folks where it came from. This is after a good bit of cutting to shape, scraping, filing, and sanding. 




This is after a good bit of cutting to shape, scraping, filing, and sanding and I haven't even gotten to the greenstuffing yet. I also did the first stage of building the housing over the metal claws, which you can see on the rear shot above, but here's a side angle that gives a better view of it. 



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Thanks! And yes, it's a small section of Morty's cloak. I figured a cast of an existing cloak would not only be faster for me but have better results than trying to sculpt one from scratch, because the couple of times I've tried that it's taken a long time and never worked very well. 

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Huron's looking more regal and bad-ass each time I see him. I may have to see if I can find that cloak bit. I had been thinking of using a left over Loken cloak on my terminator warlord. That cape has too much movement for my static posed guy but that bit of Mortarion's cloak looks excellent.

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Looks really good! Just lurked this whole thread from start to finish today. One thing I’ll say is that I think the non-matching shoulder pads on Huron look a little weird. However, the work you’ve done on the rest of him is absolutely phenomenal, great job!
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Great work on the conversions so far. Huron is looking really menacing. Any plans to do other characters from the badab war?


I started on a Corien Sumatris conversion a while back but true to form, I didn't finish it. 




As for other characters, outside of Culln, I had only considered Astral Claws for the Badab War. I want to do my Levithan dread for the Astral Claws and perhaps it could Ancient Kleitor. 


Huron's looking more regal and bad-ass each time I see him. I may have to see if I can find that cloak bit. I had been thinking of using a left over Loken cloak on my terminator warlord. That cape has too much movement for my static posed guy but that bit of Mortarion's cloak looks excellent.


Yeah, Loken's is a bit "windy" for a static character, but Morty's cloak is huge and you could easily get two marine cloaks out of it. 


Looks really good! Just lurked this whole thread from start to finish today. One thing I’ll say is that I think the non-matching shoulder pads on Huron look a little weird. However, the work you’ve done on the rest of him is absolutely phenomenal, great job!


The whole thread in a single day? Wow. 


I like the asymmetrical look of Huron's shoulder pads, but if I can't get a decent looking lion head on the left soon, I may just slap a crux terminatus on him for completion of the event. 

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But... what's it you Oyu cast to put on his base? Of course, he himself looks great indeed on the base, but that's quite obviously not what you meant. So... what gives?


Nice claw housing! Not a fan of capes, but that's just me...


Decided to try a cape on the Tyrant and made an oyu cast of something to use as the base, which should be obvious to some folks where it came from. 



I made a cast of something to use as the base for the cape, from which to build on. I wanted to see if someone recognized where it came from. 

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Finally got something resembling a lion head on Huron's shoulder pad that I'm ok with, given how many attempts I've had at it and the time limit for the diorama event. 




did try to get a pic of it straight on, but the camera wouldn't focus properly and every shot came out blurry. 


The inside of the mouth is proving to be the biggest PITA and with hindsight, I should have done the lower jaw as a separate piece to make the teeth and all that easier to handle. 

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Thanks, brothers. This turned out to be one of those "Oh, how hard could it be?" kind of things when I first decided to sculpt the lion head... and it was a lot harder than expected. 


Jukkiz, I did nothing to the lip on that shoulder pad! It's a Deathwatch termie shoulder pad and that's how it comes. In fact, I sanded it down on the inner side because it wasn't completely smooth and decreased the thickness of it a tad. 

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Thanks, brothers. This turned out to be one of those "Oh, how hard could it be?" kind of things when I first decided to sculpt the lion head... and it was a lot harder than expected. 


Jukkiz, I did nothing to the lip on that shoulder pad! It's a Deathwatch termie shoulder pad and that's how it comes. In fact, I sanded it down on the inner side because it wasn't completely smooth and decreased the thickness of it a tad. 

Ah, i pics make it look fatter then. My bad for jumping in the conclusions. (typos)


Keep up your amazing work

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I did a little work on Huron today, but I needed a distraction from the diorama stuff and there's something I've been wanting to do for a while. Remember this guy? The oop captain from the old command squad box? Here he is when I was doing some Astral Claws paint tests last year. 




As some of you may or may not know, the Games Day 1999 figure was another space marine captain based on this figure and is one of my favorite figures of all time. I think it was about 10 years after it came out that I finally got one off of eBay and it wasn't a very good cast - there was a lot of pitting all over the figure and the mold line on the bolter was bad there was no hope of fixing it. I set about trying to clean up some of the damage with greenstuff and also enlarged some of his armor plates in the process. 




I acquired a second command squad captain that was not in the best of shape a while back and went at him with the saw and Dremel for a conversion idea I had:




Today, I saw a tartaros arm laying on my hobby table that clicked on an idea I've had a for a years to make my own version of the figure with a Mk IV helmet. 




There's still some more Dremel work to do, but I'll be focusing on this when I need a break from Huron and Culln. 

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