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3 year old just stepped into to fist bump me for on your behalf. Thanks Brother, that would be immense.



...Oh also, I was asked for a sort of tutorial on how I made the claws on my knight? I've just had a stab at one in my thread, I've never done one before. If you fancy stopping buy and giving your own opinion on it, alternative solutions, or improvements that could help anyone that finds it, that would be cool?

Edited by Pandoras Bitz Box
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No worries, brother. I want to do the example primarily because I've learned over the years that having an idea of how to do something with GS doesn't always work and I'd rather be able to say definitively that "this is how I did it". And I will definitely take a look at the claw in your thread when I get home. 

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Meant to post yesterday about my attempt at the effect you're after but it was a crazy day. It worked mostly like I imagined except for part 3 where you push down into and pull away the wet GS to create the buckled and torn armor; didn't work so well. If I was to do it again, I'd make round channels in the top of the hills, shape the armor plates how I wanted, and then come back after it cured and put in the corrupted bits. I was very right about the taper point shaper being able to smooth the GS in the corners. 


I had another go at a Lion shoulder pad for Huron, making a casting of a shoulder pad from the AoS Lord-Celestant on Dracoth that came in the old starter box (I got it off eBay for $2 a year or more ago). The problem is that the right side of the shoulder pad isn't there because once assembled his cape covers that half of it and I would need to sculpt what wasn't there, which is mostly the mane. I spent hours yesterday trying to get a good cast of it and after making the mold three over trying to get the best result, I had to settle with some loss of detail and a little bit of flattening of the lion's facial features from the casting. It's still in-progress, but I like it a lot better than the previous lion head pad. 





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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, due to life stuff, I missed the deadline for the challenge and did not finish Huron, but I am happy with the progress I made on him. 


In other news, I accepted a sculpting commission from a fellow board member, builder, converter, and all around great guy that you know as Grotsmasha. I don't do commissions very often because if I don't like the subject of what I'm working on, I have zero enthusiasm to work on it. When Grot told me his idea... that he wanted me to convert an ogre to match his 2000 AD Judge Dredd figures for his Necromunda Turf War entry, how could I say no? 


I will be doing a helmet, elbow and knee pads, sleeves on the arms, a Judge badge on the chest, and the same elbow and knee pad shapes on the front of the boots. Of course I went after the most difficult part first, that being the helmet because symmetry is a bitch. 




I'm happy, Grot's happy, more to come. The next part that has me a little worried is the mohawk-like helmet ridge with the badge on it. Wish me luck!



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The ogre counts as an ogryn, doesn't he?


I'm impressed with the work so far. Will he wield a ripper gun the way Dredd wields a Lawgiver?


He'll be acting as a bodyguard ala Nork style. He'll have a big :cuss - woopin' stick and shield :tu:

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Will you also give him an oversized pauldron with an eagle or Imperial Aquila on it?


No shoulder pads in the order. 


Helmet ridge done, and I have a feeling that it will be the biggest PITA part of this whole thing. Those little vertical lines I resculpted about 10 times because all of my tools were too thick to get them the way I wanted. 



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I used an x-acto blade to start, which put straight lines in it, but you could barely make them out from more than a few inches from your face. Trying to widen them with either size chisel shaper or even my metal tool that I had ground the edge down on would mess up one line as I straightened another.
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Don't know if it will work at all, but maybe with some kind of thread, properly tightened? You could try to line several threads and press simultaneously, being a small piece it might work.


Other than that, maybe marking the lines with the xacto blade, and once the greenstuff is cured, widen them with a small file or the same blade?

Edited by Elzender
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In other news, I accepted a sculpting commission from a fellow board member, builder, converter, and all around great guy that you know as Grotsmasha (...)

Wait, does this mean you'll actually have to FINISH a conversion for once? Seems like a rather shocking proposition ;)


Seriously, though: The Dredd inspired Ogryn is already looking fantastic! Excellent sculpting, as per, but also a really good use of the stock parts so far!

Edited by KrautScientist
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I really don't see the big deal with the lines, they look fine to me. I love the idea of an Arbites Ogryn, there is precedent for it at least in INQ28. And just because you didn't complete the duel on time doesn't mean you shouldn't see it through, it looks great from the progress you've made thus far.
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Try using the blade of an xacto, then flipping it and using the blunt side to go over it again. Blunt side is a little wider, naturally. That’s what i’d do, anyway. May or may not work


I tried that. 


Why not use strips of plasticard?


It's quite small and I think cutting strips of plasticard of uniform width would be even more difficult 


I really don't see the big deal with the lines, they look fine to me. I love the idea of an Arbites Ogryn, there is precedent for it at least in INQ28. And just because you didn't complete the duel on time doesn't mean you shouldn't see it through, it looks great from the progress you've made thus far.


Like I said earlier, if it's not right up in your face or blown up several times larger on the internet, it looks fine. 


As for Huron, it wasn't the deadline of the event but simply that I ran out of steam on him. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now that my class is done, I got some work done today on the ogre commission with the left knee pad, the front armor plate cleaned up and leveled out, and the excess GS completing the left sleeve and starting on the boots. 



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