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Update on the ogre figure with the shoes done, based on the judges from the 2000AD comic. 




Elbow pads and the badge are all that's left and hope to have it all done shortly. 


A little loincloth addition to my Lysander conversion, which I might paint up for the Dorn event. 



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Did some pose tweaking on the Lysander figure and also gave his shield some greeblies on the inner side to look more like a storm shield. 




I hadn't planned on keeping the DW shoulder pad on him, but apparently when I first did this conversion a few years ago, I got that pad glued on incredibly well and I can't budge the damn thing. May not be such a bad thing anyhow because my airbrush compressor is out of action and painting yellow with a brush is special kind of hell for me. Still a few tweaks to do and then I'll pledge him for the Dorn event. 

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Good to see those power cables on the shield, looks far better now. :tu: Just a thought: GW sells Averland Sunset in spray paint form. Might be a good way to bypass the airbrush breakdown issue? Or you could not paint yellow and go with Crimson Fists (dark blue and crimson being two colours you've already painted well in the past) or something else entirely. So, what's your plan? :D

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The Ogryn looks the business! Maybe add some some spiked studs at either side of the boot as well, really make sure whoever he kicks remembers it. 


As far as painting yellow, it's not as horrible as people make it out to be. Granted I would never do an entire army in yellow but I personally think blue is a lot worse.

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The boot ends might be a touch large, but I think they fight the ogre's overall size. Since he's inspired by other Judge Dredd figures that Grot has, and not the 40k Arbites, I went to the original comic art and a figure based on that art for reference on the boots. 




His elbow pads are done and curing so that just leaves the badge to do. 

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Thanks, brothers! Here's ogre about 99% done:




Just a little clean up on the back of his boots, the chain for the badge, and if Grot wants anything else taken care of. 

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The Ogryn Judge is looking fantastic! Such a clean execution of a really fun idea.


I will admit that the size of the boots throws me off as well, in that they look perfect when seen from the side, but the fact that they are so similar to the kneepads in width and texture actually makes the feet look less clearly like feet...does that make sense? Anyway, if all else fails, it's something that can definitely be worked out during the painting stage -- different colours is probably all that it takes.

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The Ogryn Judge is looking fantastic! Such a clean execution of a really fun idea.


I will admit that the size of the boots throws me off as well, in that they look perfect when seen from the side, but the fact that they are so similar to the kneepads in width and texture actually makes the feet look less clearly like feet...does that make sense? Anyway, if all else fails, it's something that can definitely be worked out during the painting stage -- different colours is probably all that it takes.


This is the model being used as reference, which the boots match,

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Here's where I got my first set of mini shapers a number of years ago. The ones I use these days are the flat chisel and taper point that are Extra Firm type (black colored tips, not grey or ivory) in size 0 and 2. Since you're in Austin, check Jerry's Artarma 'cause that's where I got my current size 2s a few years ago. 


Just pledged this guy for the Dorn event. 



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No problem!


Lysander with zenithal primer coat. 




Been thinking on how I wanted to paint this guy since I started working on him again and couldn't get the Deathwatch pad off the arm and had 3 ideas. 




1) Black is the new yellow

2) I'm the Chapter Master, I do what I want. 

3) Meet in the middle. 


I think I'll do 3 for the most contrast and visually interesting of the options. 

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Lysander is looking great! As for your colour options, I'd suggest either option 1) or 2): 2) would basically be the classic Deathwatch veteran approach and probably serve as the most solid, bread and butter approach. Using a slightly more templar-y angle (1) seems really promising! As for 3), I'd be wary of the two differently coloured arms (which are, in turn, in a different colour from the body) might look as though they were not actually a natural part of the model -- or as though you were still during the mockup stage.

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