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Thanks, Jasp. :smile.:


The AoV termie looks awful to me now, but that was before I got rid of the old, crappy greystuff and bought the new clay shapers. That right there is part of my modeling ADD of late, since the new tools allowed me to do much better sculpting and now all these new ideas and old ones that were never realized are pushing and shoving their way to the front of my mind, fighting to get out.


Loving the new stuff man, but this came to mind lol.



LOL! Harsh, but true. >_<

Edited by Brother Chaplain Kage
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I need to be getting some clay shaping stuff as well...and some stuff to shape with...I am in the same boat only still on dock..all those ideas...no where to put them...used up that green stuff I got awhile back...


I have quick steal but that is about out and used for fast making of pads...which is not done right either...I make the whole pad...shoulder and all...cut the arm and glue to the quick steel...and glue that to the torso...boom

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I need to be getting some clay shaping stuff as well...and some stuff to shape with...I am in the same boat only still on dock..all those ideas...no where to put them...used up that green stuff I got awhile back...


I have quick steal but that is about out and used for fast making of pads...which is not done right either...I make the whole pad...shoulder and all...cut the arm and glue to the quick steel...and glue that to the torso...boom


For me, it was like I had been trying to drive nails with a shoe for years and it was very frustrating, and then all of the sudden I get a hammer in my hand and everything sort of clicked into place. I harp on about the clay shapers and for other people, they might not do anything for them at all. But if you practice, read/watch tutorials, ask people for help and critiques, you WILL get better. Greenstuff has a sharp learning curve, but once you get over that hump, it opens up so many possibilities for your hobby enjoyment.

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Oh, I have admitted my illness many, many times, good sir. :biggrin.:


Hoping to scrub that last templar idea from my head, I've been rooting around the web for some brain bleach and new inspiration. Here's some of what I found, beginning with some nice historical figures:


http://i.imgur.com/LrePoNo.jpg?2  http://i.imgur.com/Y5Mz4JH.png?2  http://i.imgur.com/DMMq29I.jpg?2


A little art, both 40k and non:


http://i.imgur.com/1LsukgY.jpg?1  http://i.imgur.com/WX2UzM9.jpg?1


And screen caps from the Ironclad and Kingdom of Heaven movies:


http://i.imgur.com/cyaer3O.jpg?1  http://i.imgur.com/3C6TERv.jpg?1





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Make it happen for your 30k I Legion. :biggrin.:

I've been considering it for the past few days now.  The BT upgrade sprue has the torsos that would work and any HH legs could go with them.  I'm not sure about the chain mail parts though.  Leave it or try to sculpt it on the arms and torso?  That's the main dilemma I'm facing with it really.

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Thanks fella.


Happy to help.



Make it happen for your 30k I Legion. :biggrin.:

I've been considering it for the past few days now.  The BT upgrade sprue has the torsos that would work and any HH legs could go with them.  I'm not sure about the chain mail parts though.  Leave it or try to sculpt it on the arms and torso?  That's the main dilemma I'm facing with it really.


Did you want the chainmail covering the arms and everything?

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Thanks fella.


Happy to help.


Make it happen for your 30k I Legion. :biggrin.:

I've been considering it for the past few days now.  The BT upgrade sprue has the torsos that would work and any HH legs could go with them.  I'm not sure about the chain mail parts though.  Leave it or try to sculpt it on the arms and torso?  That's the main dilemma I'm facing with it really.


Did you want the chainmail covering the arms and everything?


I'm not sure about the chainmail to be honest.  I'm a big fan of the look of it but I'm just not sure how well it fits in with space marines in general.  It looks really cool on the MK I "Thunder Armor" and I've been meaning to convert a set of that specific MK since 1000 Heathens first posted a Marines Malevolent wearing a suit of it a while back.  I think it would be more fitting in the 30K setting so I may just give it a try, I just need to figure out how to pull it off convincingly.  I definitely think that a chainmail tabard would look great under a cloth one just like the photos.

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Agree with Mikhail, chainmail works better in [under]kilts or short mantles. Looking forward, Kage, loves me a good knight.


I agree about the chainmail. I think the knightly thing works really well with the marines in the right amount. I didn't feel that my first idea and mock up did it justice, so I'm hoping for some new ideas.


And uh, *ahem* if you're ever inspired enough by some of my work to draw one of them, I wouldn't be too upset to see that. :D

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you know BCKI actually have that first model, the Hospitaller. it's beautiful, now I need to paint it. oh, and Ironclad, possible the best "Knightly" movie.....ever. and I don't know man, when the IF's come out and they do s Sigidmund model, I just might return to my Black templar roots!


and here is a shirt that EVERY Imperial Fist should own!


That is what the Dark Angels should look like in my opinion.  Especially the pic in the upper right hand corner.  Proper tabards instead of monastic robes. Dreamy good looks like Orlando Bloom, and expressions of smug superiority like that last knight.

well funny you should say that:wink:



Make it happen for your 30k I Legion. :biggrin.:

I've been considering it for the past few days now.  The BT upgrade sprue has the torsos that would work and any HH legs could go with them.  I'm not sure about the chain mail parts though.  Leave it or try to sculpt it on the arms and torso?  That's the main dilemma I'm facing with it really.

Oh, there will be chainmail! all my Black templar had chain mail!

here is a knock up of one of my crusaders.http://i1093.photobucket.com/albums/i438/furioso-prime/100_2793.jpg


sorry BCK, don't mean to hi-jack!

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Oh, there will be chainmail! all my Black templar had chain mail!

here is a knock up of one of my crusaders.

sorry BCK, don't mean to hi-jack!


No worries. :) The chainmail is really well done on that guy, but that tabard looks a bit large.





That Liberian is awesome. What parts did you use?

 Thanks! Funny you should ask that...

Is that a Templar?


A Templar librarian? lol, no. He's an Angel of Vengeance, successor chapter to the Dark Angels.

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So I was watching Kingdom of Heaven again today (damn do I love that movie) and I'd get a little twinge of something in the back of my idea maker every time King Baldwin was on screen, and I'm thinking I might really shift gears on this Templar idea to incorporate a mask like his:




Now, his fancy-schmancy battle mask in the last pic is quite a bit beyond my abilities at this scale, but what do you think, brothers?

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