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I picked up two more washes today - Desert Dust and Oiled Earth, but I was little unhappy to find that they have no idea when they'll be getting the black wash re-stocked. 


In other news, I'm working on this old conversion again for my Necromunda Conversion Contest:




Feels so good to be making some progress on him again. 



Excellent choice! Seeing that model finished should be quite a treat. Looking forward to this!


Edit: Quote added due to page break.

Edited by KrautScientist
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Thanks, Kraut! I'm hoping to get a few conversions done for the contest and this guy was always going to be first on the list. 


A quick reminder of the art that inspired it:



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Done for now, but I'm not happy with the boots at all. 




I got carried away with the cloak before I realized how difficult I was going to make it on myself when trying to sculpt the boots. I attempted some clean up and shaping today with a file and hobby blade, but I'll either try to fix them at a later point, re-sculpt them, or maybe steal some off of an extra Orlock body I have. 


Speaking of those extra Orlock bodies... 



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Wouldn't worry too much about the boots, they look fine to me... OK, the shoes from the original artwork are a bit sleeker... But then again the Orlock are not particulary slim either (from what I can tell anyway...). Edited by ranulf the revenant
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I'm going to put the Orlock on hold for the time being because inspiration struck for a new figure when I was digging around for some bits inspiration earlier and found some I hadn't planned on (with a hefty dose of nostalgia). 




I'm sure some people will recognize the source of the inspiration for this figure, but here's a hint for those who may not. 




The crossbow is from an old Mordheim sprue and is just a stand-in while I try to make my own. If I fail, it will stay. :smile.:

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I'm going to put the Orlock on hold for the time being because inspiration struck for a new figure when I was digging around for some bits inspiration earlier and found some I hadn't planned on (with a hefty dose of nostalgia).




I'm sure some people will recognize the source of the inspiration for this figure, but here's a hint for those who may not.




The crossbow is from an old Mordheim sprue and is just a stand-in while I try to make my own. If I fail, it will stay. :smile.:

Oh, now that is absolutely inspired kitbashing and converting.

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Thanks, Kraut! I'm hoping to get a few conversions done for the contest and this guy was always going to be first on the list. 


A quick reminder of the art that inspired it:



Your interpretation of this work is amazing. I miss when warhammer art was like this. The new clean art is nice, but it lacks... the grim-ness and bleak dystopian feeling. 

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The blue color of the BB human figures is just so awful to photograph. I ended up going with B&W after messing with it for 10 minutes and not getting a good result in Photoshop. 




You can still see the weird outline all around the original parts from the neon blue color. Anyway, this is stage one of the greenstuff on the legs and it will get some more work done to clean it up and blend it in with the surrounding areas. 

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While working on the eventual move, I've been going through my model stuff, sorting it as best I can, and happened across this LR I had forgotten about that I got for a song. I've been itching to do another tank lately and this might scratch it... but then I forgot how much I hate assembling these damn things. 




There are six separate pieces you have to keep lined up between the two track halves when putting the main body sections together (five, if you omit the engine piece as I did, since I glued the front doors shut) and it really is something of a pain in the ass. I was thinking of painting it as Astral Claws, but I think the older I get the less I like the idea of, say, a giant troop transport painted silver. I was reading about a chapter that made a little more sense to me in their view of the Codex and the color of their armor (in both meanings of the word) and I might have to go with that paint scheme. 



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Ahhhhhh Raptors. My old army. I have such fond memories of losing games with them (not that they are bad- I just lose games a lot, but usually dispense heavy casualties.)  What I loved about them was camoflage is always an option and that drab/dark green is a great color to do "field applied" camo from.

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Hell yes, the Raptors’ color scheme is so sweet.


Ahhhhhh Raptors. My old army. I have such fond memories of losing games with them (not that they are bad- I just lose games a lot, but usually dispense heavy casualties.)  What I loved about them was camoflage is always an option and that drab/dark green is a great color to do "field applied" camo from.


Yeah, I've liked the look of them for a while, and the idea of doing a Land Raider in their scheme was really appealing. I mean, it would have to be to get me to build one of the goddamn things. Their reasonable approach to warfare and how they will use unusual tactics or weapon load outs (compared to their brother chapters) gave me a good fluff reason to do something I've wanted to do for a long time: put autocannons on a Land Raider.  For some reason, the idea of the sponsons spraying out large caliber AC rounds at high velocity vs lasers appeals to me a lot more. :)




I picked up an Aegis Defense Line on clearance from an LGS that was going out of business a number of years back and finally put the autocannon gun emplacement parts to good use. They mate up remarkably well to the LR Crusader sponson mounts with very little work. 

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If you're mounting twin autocannons in the Land Raider's sponsons, you might as well replace its hull-mounted twin heavy bolter with a twin lascannon, so it can deal with enemy tanks. Your custom Raider may have to reduce its transport capacity to six, to account for the twin lascannon's generator; but the resulting versatility should be worth it.


What name will you give the Raider? "Allslayer"? "Foehammer"?

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Looks great! I never liked the lascannon on the LR kit, mounting them vertically like that looks way better.


The LR kit in general could use an update, nothing really fits and some details are a bit crude. Not likely to happen though.

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If you're mounting twin autocannons in the Land Raider's sponsons, you might as well replace its hull-mounted twin heavy bolter with a twin lascannon, so it can deal with enemy tanks. Your custom Raider may have to reduce its transport capacity to six, to account for the twin lascannon's generator; but the resulting versatility should be worth it.


What name will you give the Raider? "Allslayer"? "Foehammer"?


The idea is that it's a transport that will use the autocannons and the hull twin-linked assault cannons as an infantry support vehicle for both its passengers and other marines or friendlies that may be in the areas. 


Looks great! I never liked the lascannon on the LR kit, mounting them vertically like that looks way better.


The LR kit in general could use an update, nothing really fits and some details are a bit crude. Not likely to happen though.


I like how the ACs in that position give the feel of the Mk IIb land raider. I agree that the kit is in need of an update and the major reason why I dislike building them so much is how poorly engineered it is. 

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Yeah I've always had a soft spot for the Raptors myself, even if it was just because they were seemingly the only Chapter (well, besides the RT-era Executioners and Mantis Warriors) sensible enough to realise Camouflage can still be useful even to 8-foot tall superhumans in Power Armour, I mean, Tanks are huge lumbering, noisy things and they still get camo, why should the human-shaped tanks that are Astartes be any different?


That said, while the Raptors' olive drab is good what I'd really love to see is a Raptors force in full, proper camo scheme like the Ultramarine Reivers in the latest WD, well, that or Mantis Warriors in classic Tranquillity Campaign camo...

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I'm planning on doing a two tone camo so the paint scheme is more visually interesting.


What month for the WD? Or got a link to a pic of the reivers?

It's the July 2019 White Dwarf, they have a section about theming your models on a Jungle planet theme, and it shows the ETB Reivers from the Ultramarines Chapter in a full-on jungle/forest camo paintjob.

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The LR kit in general could use an update, nothing really fits and some details are a bit crude. Not likely to happen though.

The Land Raider Kit should get a downdate. LR MkIIB and Proteus FTW, especially if they get the crusader/redeemer weapons.

Edited by Quixus
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The LR kit in general could use an update, nothing really fits and some details are a bit crude. Not likely to happen though.

The Land Raider Kit should get a downdate. LR MkIIB and Proteus FTW, especially if they get the crusader/redeemer weapons.

Personally, I'd like to add the unofficial Ares pattern to that list... :)

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