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Heavy Stubber gal - "...that awful seam where the face joins the rest of the head.

She's looking great, your sculpting is as always amazing.

In regards to those Esher heads, not only are they some of the most male-looking femmes out there, but as you mentioned: the seam where the hair joins the head is just awful!

Edited by lamby
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The heavy stubber girl is coming along nicely, Brother Chaplain Kage! I also wanted to thank you for the tip on using oil to smooth greenstuff/modelling putty: I've finally tried it today and it is ridiculously better than using water. Actually, it may actually help me to get back to sculpting, because I had been leaving unfinished miniatures for months due to my lack of will to pick up the putty :laugh.:

Edited by Elzender
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I saw it a while ago but I might have to refresh it a bit, I did save it to keep it at hand :thumbsup: The oil tip came from either the video or you probably mentioned it in the thread at some point, but I had intended to try it for a good while and finally got to it. And man, am I happy with it!

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Sons of the Omnissiah, builders, my brothers!


I see in your data streams the same trepidation that would still my flesh heart!


A day may come when the strength of superglue fails!


When I pick up a brush and break free of my conversion ADD!





Now, I will have you know I finished no less than TEN Necromunda figures for the ETL and I'm not entirely sure I posted them in this thread. 




All perched on the best bases I ever did. :)

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Surely those shoulder pads are bare plastic still?

Damn crappy thing I figured out about Mechanicus Standard Grey is that it also appears to be GW Standard Sprue Grey. :lol:


It almost makes me wonder if they use the pigments in the paint as the pigments for the plastic during manufacturing or something - it's super-close color-wise.


BCK, you definitely don't do any conversions by half-measures!

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Is the fat guy based on Bobby Munson?




I did NOT see those, actually. They look great and I agree, those bases are excellent.




Haha, I saw those via ETL and started to wonder if you post painted models elsewhere?


Not really. A lot of my painted models are done for events and I post in those threads and in here (when I remember to). 


Surely those shoulder pads are bare plastic still?


The picture suffered for trying to get the whole unit into the shot and a lot of the shading didn't show up. I'll have to do some individual pics of the individual minis sometime. 



BCK, you definitely don't do any conversions by half-measures!


Go big or go home, right?


Here's the first sketch of the figure, shamelessly stealing the pose from Lelith Hesperax. 




And before anyone asks, no, the legs are not finished, and yes, they will get more work. This is a foundation layer of GS only. One interesting thing about this chop job is that the gang leader's jacket still fits on the figure. 

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And before anyone asks, no, the legs are not finished, and yes, they will get more work. This is a foundation layer of GS only. One interesting thing about this chop job is that the gang leader's jacket still fits on the figure. 


So, I'm guessing that means we'll see this lady with the jacket then? :lol:


In any case, she's looking good thus far! :tu:

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Thanks, Custom Hero. :)


Now that putty has cured, you lot can get a better look at what I was picturing in my head. 




Probably going to cut the bangs off of that head because it's hitting the shoulder and collar and preventing me getting it into the position I want. 

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